package org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.CramerShoupKeyParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.CramerShoupPrivateKeyParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.CramerShoupPublicKeyParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithRandom; import org.bouncycastle.util.BigIntegers; /** * Essentially the Cramer-Shoup encryption / decryption algorithms according to * "A practical public key cryptosystem provably secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack." (Crypto 1998) */ public class CramerShoupCoreEngine { private static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.valueOf(1); private CramerShoupKeyParameters key; private SecureRandom random; private boolean forEncryption; private String label = null; /** * initialise the CramerShoup engine. * * @param forEncryption whether this engine should encrypt or decrypt * @param param the necessary CramerShoup key parameters. * @param label the label for labelled CS as {@link String} */ public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters param, String label) { init(forEncryption, param); this.label = label; } /** * initialise the CramerShoup engine. * * @param forEncryption whether this engine should encrypt or decrypt * @param param the necessary CramerShoup key parameters. */ public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters param) { SecureRandom providedRandom = null; if (param instanceof ParametersWithRandom) { ParametersWithRandom rParam = (ParametersWithRandom)param; key = (CramerShoupKeyParameters)rParam.getParameters(); providedRandom = rParam.getRandom(); } else { key = (CramerShoupKeyParameters)param; } this.random = initSecureRandom(forEncryption, providedRandom); this.forEncryption = forEncryption; } /** * Return the maximum size for an input block to this engine. For Cramer * Shoup this is always one byte less than the key size on encryption, and * the same length as the key size on decryption. * TODO: correct? * @return maximum size for an input block. */ public int getInputBlockSize() { int bitSize = key.getParameters().getP().bitLength(); if (forEncryption) { return (bitSize + 7) / 8 - 1; } else { return (bitSize + 7) / 8; } } /** * Return the maximum size for an output block to this engine. For Cramer * Shoup this is always one byte less than the key size on decryption, and * the same length as the key size on encryption. * TODO: correct? * @return maximum size for an output block. */ public int getOutputBlockSize() { int bitSize = key.getParameters().getP().bitLength(); if (forEncryption) { return (bitSize + 7) / 8; } else { return (bitSize + 7) / 8 - 1; } } public BigInteger convertInput(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen) { if (inLen > (getInputBlockSize() + 1)) { throw new DataLengthException("input too large for Cramer Shoup cipher."); } else if (inLen == (getInputBlockSize() + 1) && forEncryption) { throw new DataLengthException("input too large for Cramer Shoup cipher."); } byte[] block; if (inOff != 0 || inLen != in.length) { block = new byte[inLen]; System.arraycopy(in, inOff, block, 0, inLen); } else { block = in; } BigInteger res = new BigInteger(1, block); if (res.compareTo(key.getParameters().getP()) >= 0) { throw new DataLengthException("input too large for Cramer Shoup cipher."); } return res; } public byte[] convertOutput(BigInteger result) { byte[] output = result.toByteArray(); if (!forEncryption) { if (output[0] == 0 && output.length > getOutputBlockSize()) { // have ended up with an extra zero byte, copy down. byte[] tmp = new byte[output.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(output, 1, tmp, 0, tmp.length); return tmp; } if (output.length < getOutputBlockSize()) {// have ended up with less bytes than normal, lengthen byte[] tmp = new byte[getOutputBlockSize()]; System.arraycopy(output, 0, tmp, tmp.length - output.length, output.length); return tmp; } } else { if (output[0] == 0) { // have ended up with an extra zero byte, copy down. byte[] tmp = new byte[output.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(output, 1, tmp, 0, tmp.length); return tmp; } } return output; } public CramerShoupCiphertext encryptBlock(BigInteger input) { CramerShoupCiphertext result = null; if (!key.isPrivate() && this.forEncryption && key instanceof CramerShoupPublicKeyParameters) { CramerShoupPublicKeyParameters pk = (CramerShoupPublicKeyParameters)key; BigInteger p = pk.getParameters().getP(); BigInteger g1 = pk.getParameters().getG1(); BigInteger g2 = pk.getParameters().getG2(); BigInteger h = pk.getH(); if (!isValidMessage(input, p)) { return result; } BigInteger r = generateRandomElement(p, random); BigInteger u1, u2, v, e, a; u1 = g1.modPow(r, p); u2 = g2.modPow(r, p); e = h.modPow(r, p).multiply(input).mod(p); Digest digest = pk.getParameters().getH(); byte[] u1Bytes = u1.toByteArray(); digest.update(u1Bytes, 0, u1Bytes.length); byte[] u2Bytes = u2.toByteArray(); digest.update(u2Bytes, 0, u2Bytes.length); byte[] eBytes = e.toByteArray(); digest.update(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length); if (this.label != null) { byte[] lBytes = this.label.getBytes(); digest.update(lBytes, 0, lBytes.length); } byte[] out = new byte[digest.getDigestSize()]; digest.doFinal(out, 0); a = new BigInteger(1, out); v = pk.getC().modPow(r, p).multiply(pk.getD().modPow(r.multiply(a), p)).mod(p); result = new CramerShoupCiphertext(u1, u2, e, v); } return result; } public BigInteger decryptBlock(CramerShoupCiphertext input) throws CramerShoupCiphertextException { BigInteger result = null; if (key.isPrivate() && !this.forEncryption && key instanceof CramerShoupPrivateKeyParameters) { CramerShoupPrivateKeyParameters sk = (CramerShoupPrivateKeyParameters)key; BigInteger p = sk.getParameters().getP(); Digest digest = sk.getParameters().getH(); byte[] u1Bytes = input.getU1().toByteArray(); digest.update(u1Bytes, 0, u1Bytes.length); byte[] u2Bytes = input.getU2().toByteArray(); digest.update(u2Bytes, 0, u2Bytes.length); byte[] eBytes = input.getE().toByteArray(); digest.update(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length); if (this.label != null) { byte[] lBytes = this.label.getBytes(); digest.update(lBytes, 0, lBytes.length); } byte[] out = new byte[digest.getDigestSize()]; digest.doFinal(out, 0); BigInteger a = new BigInteger(1, out); BigInteger v = input.u1.modPow(sk.getX1().add(sk.getY1().multiply(a)), p). multiply(input.u2.modPow(sk.getX2().add(sk.getY2().multiply(a)), p)).mod(p); // check correctness of ciphertext if (input.v.equals(v)) { result = input.e.multiply(input.u1.modPow(sk.getZ(), p).modInverse(p)).mod(p); } else { throw new CramerShoupCiphertextException("Sorry, that ciphertext is not correct"); } } return result; } private BigInteger generateRandomElement(BigInteger p, SecureRandom random) { return BigIntegers.createRandomInRange(ONE, p.subtract(ONE), random); } /** * just checking whether the message m is actually less than the group order p */ private boolean isValidMessage(BigInteger m, BigInteger p) { return m.compareTo(p) < 0; } protected SecureRandom initSecureRandom(boolean needed, SecureRandom provided) { return !needed ? null : (provided != null) ? provided : new SecureRandom(); } /** * CS exception for wrong cipher-texts */ public static class CramerShoupCiphertextException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6360977166495345076L; public CramerShoupCiphertextException(String msg) { super(msg); } } }