package org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmc; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; /** * Object Identifiers from RFC 5272 */ public interface CMCObjectIdentifiers { // id_pkix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) identified_organization(3) // dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) } ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_pkix = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc = id_pkix.branch("7"); // CMC controls ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cct = id_pkix.branch("12"); // CMC content types // The following controls have the type OCTET STRING ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_identityProof = id_cmc.branch("3"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_dataReturn = id_cmc.branch("4"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_regInfo = id_cmc.branch("18"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_responseInfo = id_cmc.branch("19"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_queryPending = id_cmc.branch("21"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_popLinkRandom = id_cmc.branch("22"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_popLinkWitness = id_cmc.branch("23"); // The following controls have the type UTF8String ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_identification = id_cmc.branch("2"); // The following controls have the type INTEGER ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_transactionId = id_cmc.branch("5"); // The following controls have the type OCTET STRING ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_senderNonce = id_cmc.branch("6"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_recipientNonce = id_cmc.branch("7"); // This is the content type used for a request message in the protocol ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cct_PKIData = id_cct.branch("2"); // This defines the response message in the protocol ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cct_PKIResponse = id_cct.branch("3"); // Used to return status state in a response ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_statusInfo = id_cmc.branch("1"); // Used for RAs to add extensions to certification requests ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_addExtensions = id_cmc.branch("8"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_encryptedPOP = id_cmc.branch("9"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_decryptedPOP = id_cmc.branch("10"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_lraPOPWitness = id_cmc.branch("11"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_getCert = id_cmc.branch("15"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_getCRL = id_cmc.branch("16"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_revokeRequest = id_cmc.branch("17"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_confirmCertAcceptance = id_cmc.branch("24"); // Replaces CMC Status Info // ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_statusInfoV2 = id_cmc.branch("25"); // Allow for distribution of trust anchors // ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_trustedAnchors = id_cmc.branch("26"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_authData = id_cmc.branch("27"); // These two items use BodyPartList ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_batchRequests = id_cmc.branch("28"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_batchResponses = id_cmc.branch("29"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_publishCert = id_cmc.branch("30"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_modCertTemplate = id_cmc.branch("31"); // Inform follow on servers that one or more controls have already been // processed ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_controlProcessed = id_cmc.branch("32"); // Identity Proof control w/ algorithm agility ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_identityProofV2 = id_cmc.branch("34"); ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_cmc_popLinkWitnessV2 = id_cmc.branch("33"); }