package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.xmss; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * WOTS+. * */ public final class WOTSPlus { /** * WOTS+ parameters. */ private final WOTSPlusParameters params; /** * Randomization functions. */ private final KeyedHashFunctions khf; /** * WOTS+ secret key seed. */ private byte[] secretKeySeed; /** * WOTS+ public seed. */ private byte[] publicSeed; /** * Constructs a new WOTS+ one-time signature system based on the given WOTS+ * parameters. * * @param params * Parameters for WOTSPlus object. */ protected WOTSPlus(WOTSPlusParameters params) { super(); if (params == null) { throw new NullPointerException("params == null"); } this.params = params; int n = params.getDigestSize(); khf = new KeyedHashFunctions(params.getDigest(), n); secretKeySeed = new byte[n]; publicSeed = new byte[n]; } /** * Import keys to WOTS+ instance. * * @param secretKeySeed * Secret key seed. * @param publicSeed * Public seed. */ protected void importKeys(byte[] secretKeySeed, byte[] publicSeed) { if (secretKeySeed == null) { throw new NullPointerException("secretKeySeed == null"); } if (secretKeySeed.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of secretKeySeed needs to be equal to size of digest"); } if (publicSeed == null) { throw new NullPointerException("publicSeed == null"); } if (publicSeed.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of publicSeed needs to be equal to size of digest"); } this.secretKeySeed = secretKeySeed; this.publicSeed = publicSeed; } /** * Creates a signature for the n-byte messageDigest. * * @param messageDigest * Digest to sign. * @param otsHashAddress * OTS hash address for randomization. * @return WOTS+ signature. */ protected WOTSPlusSignature sign(byte[] messageDigest, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (messageDigest == null) { throw new NullPointerException("messageDigest == null"); } if (messageDigest.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of messageDigest needs to be equal to size of digest"); } if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } List<Integer> baseWMessage = convertToBaseW(messageDigest, params.getWinternitzParameter(), params.getLen1()); /* create checksum */ int checksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < params.getLen1(); i++) { checksum += params.getWinternitzParameter() - 1 - baseWMessage.get(i); } checksum <<= (8 - ((params.getLen2() * XMSSUtil.log2(params.getWinternitzParameter())) % 8)); int len2Bytes = (int) Math .ceil((double) (params.getLen2() * XMSSUtil.log2(params.getWinternitzParameter())) / 8); List<Integer> baseWChecksum = convertToBaseW(XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(checksum, len2Bytes), params.getWinternitzParameter(), params.getLen2()); /* msg || checksum */ baseWMessage.addAll(baseWChecksum); /* create signature */ byte[][] signature = new byte[params.getLen()][]; for (int i = 0; i < params.getLen(); i++) { otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).withChainAddress(i) .withHashAddress(otsHashAddress.getHashAddress()).withKeyAndMask(otsHashAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); signature[i] = chain(expandSecretKeySeed(i), 0, baseWMessage.get(i), otsHashAddress); } return new WOTSPlusSignature(params, signature); } /** * Verifies signature on message. * * @param messageDigest * The digest that was signed. * @param signature * Signature on digest. * @param otsHashAddress * OTS hash address for randomization. * @return true if signature was correct false else. */ protected boolean verifySignature(byte[] messageDigest, WOTSPlusSignature signature, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (messageDigest == null) { throw new NullPointerException("messageDigest == null"); } if (messageDigest.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of messageDigest needs to be equal to size of digest"); } if (signature == null) { throw new NullPointerException("signature == null"); } if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } byte[][] tmpPublicKey = getPublicKeyFromSignature(messageDigest, signature, otsHashAddress).toByteArray(); /* compare values */ return XMSSUtil.compareByteArray(tmpPublicKey, getPublicKey(otsHashAddress).toByteArray()) ? true : false; } /** * Calculates a public key based on digest and signature. * * @param messageDigest * The digest that was signed. * @param signature * Signarure on digest. * @param otsHashAddress * OTS hash address for randomization. * @return WOTS+ public key derived from digest and signature. */ protected WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters getPublicKeyFromSignature(byte[] messageDigest, WOTSPlusSignature signature, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (messageDigest == null) { throw new NullPointerException("messageDigest == null"); } if (messageDigest.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of messageDigest needs to be equal to size of digest"); } if (signature == null) { throw new NullPointerException("signature == null"); } if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } List<Integer> baseWMessage = convertToBaseW(messageDigest, params.getWinternitzParameter(), params.getLen1()); /* create checksum */ int checksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < params.getLen1(); i++) { checksum += params.getWinternitzParameter() - 1 - baseWMessage.get(i); } checksum <<= (8 - ((params.getLen2() * XMSSUtil.log2(params.getWinternitzParameter())) % 8)); int len2Bytes = (int) Math .ceil((double) (params.getLen2() * XMSSUtil.log2(params.getWinternitzParameter())) / 8); List<Integer> baseWChecksum = convertToBaseW(XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(checksum, len2Bytes), params.getWinternitzParameter(), params.getLen2()); /* msg || checksum */ baseWMessage.addAll(baseWChecksum); byte[][] publicKey = new byte[params.getLen()][]; for (int i = 0; i < params.getLen(); i++) { otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).withChainAddress(i) .withHashAddress(otsHashAddress.getHashAddress()).withKeyAndMask(otsHashAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); publicKey[i] = chain(signature.toByteArray()[i], baseWMessage.get(i), params.getWinternitzParameter() - 1 - baseWMessage.get(i), otsHashAddress); } return new WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters(params, publicKey); } /** * Computes an iteration of F on an n-byte input using outputs of PRF. * * @param startHash * Starting point. * @param startIndex * Start index. * @param steps * Steps to take. * @param otsHashAddress * OTS hash address for randomization. * @return Value obtained by iterating F for steps times on input startHash, * using the outputs of PRF. */ private byte[] chain(byte[] startHash, int startIndex, int steps, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { int n = params.getDigestSize(); if (startHash == null) { throw new NullPointerException("startHash == null"); } if (startHash.length != n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("startHash needs to be " + n + "bytes"); } if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } if (otsHashAddress.toByteArray() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress byte array == null"); } if ((startIndex + steps) > params.getWinternitzParameter() - 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("max chain length must not be greater than w"); } if (steps == 0) { return startHash; } byte[] tmp = chain(startHash, startIndex, steps - 1, otsHashAddress); otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).withChainAddress(otsHashAddress.getChainAddress()) .withHashAddress(startIndex + steps - 1).withKeyAndMask(0).build(); byte[] key = khf.PRF(publicSeed, otsHashAddress.toByteArray()); otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).withChainAddress(otsHashAddress.getChainAddress()) .withHashAddress(otsHashAddress.getHashAddress()).withKeyAndMask(1).build(); byte[] bitmask = khf.PRF(publicSeed, otsHashAddress.toByteArray()); byte[] tmpMasked = new byte[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tmpMasked[i] = (byte) (tmp[i] ^ bitmask[i]); } tmp = khf.F(key, tmpMasked); return tmp; } /** * Obtain base w values from Input. * * @param messageDigest * Input data. * @param w * Base. * @param outLength * Length of output. * @return outLength-length list of base w integers. */ private List<Integer> convertToBaseW(byte[] messageDigest, int w, int outLength) { if (messageDigest == null) { throw new NullPointerException("msg == null"); } if (w != 4 && w != 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("w needs to be 4 or 16"); } int logW = XMSSUtil.log2(w); if (outLength > ((8 * messageDigest.length) / logW)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outLength too big"); } ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < messageDigest.length; i++) { for (int j = 8 - logW; j >= 0; j -= logW) { res.add((messageDigest[i] >> j) & (w - 1)); if (res.size() == outLength) { return res; } } } return res; } /** * Derive private key at index from secret key seed. * * @param index * Index. * @return Private key at index. */ private byte[] expandSecretKeySeed(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= params.getLen()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index out of bounds"); } return khf.PRF(secretKeySeed, XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(index, 32)); } /** * Getter parameters. * * @return params. */ protected WOTSPlusParameters getParams() { return params; } /** * Getter keyed hash functions. * * @return keyed hash functions. */ protected KeyedHashFunctions getKhf() { return khf; } /** * Getter secret key seed. * * @return secret key seed. */ protected byte[] getSecretKeySeed() { return XMSSUtil.cloneArray(getSecretKeySeed()); } /** * Getter public seed. * * @return public seed. */ protected byte[] getPublicSeed() { return XMSSUtil.cloneArray(publicSeed); } /** * Getter private key. * * @return WOTS+ private key. */ protected WOTSPlusPrivateKeyParameters getPrivateKey() { byte[][] privateKey = new byte[params.getLen()][]; for (int i = 0; i < privateKey.length; i++) { privateKey[i] = expandSecretKeySeed(i); } return new WOTSPlusPrivateKeyParameters(params, privateKey); } /** * Calculates a new public key based on the state of secretKeySeed, * publicSeed and otsHashAddress. * * @param otsHashAddress * OTS hash address for randomization. * @return WOTS+ public key. */ protected WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters getPublicKey(OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } byte[][] publicKey = new byte[params.getLen()][]; /* derive public key from secretKeySeed */ for (int i = 0; i < params.getLen(); i++) { otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).withChainAddress(i) .withHashAddress(otsHashAddress.getHashAddress()).withKeyAndMask(otsHashAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); publicKey[i] = chain(expandSecretKeySeed(i), 0, params.getWinternitzParameter() - 1, otsHashAddress); } return new WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters(params, publicKey); } }