package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.xmss; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; /** * XMSS. * */ public class XMSS { /** * XMSS parameters. */ private XMSSParameters params; /** * WOTS+ instance. */ private WOTSPlus wotsPlus; /** * PRNG. */ private SecureRandom prng; /** * Randomization functions. */ private KeyedHashFunctions khf; /** * XMSS private key. */ private XMSSPrivateKeyParameters privateKey; /** * XMSS public key. */ private XMSSPublicKeyParameters publicKey; /** * XMSS constructor... * * @param params * XMSSParameters. */ public XMSS(XMSSParameters params) { super(); if (params == null) { throw new NullPointerException("params == null"); } this.params = params; wotsPlus = params.getWOTSPlus(); prng = params.getPRNG(); khf = wotsPlus.getKhf(); try { privateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withBDSState(new BDS(this)).build(); publicKey = new XMSSPublicKeyParameters.Builder(params).build(); } catch (ParseException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Generate a new XMSS private key / public key pair. * */ public void generateKeys() { /* generate private key */ privateKey = generatePrivateKey(); XMSSNode root = getBDSState().initialize((OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder().build()); try { privateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withIndex(privateKey.getIndex()) .withSecretKeySeed(privateKey.getSecretKeySeed()).withSecretKeyPRF(privateKey.getSecretKeyPRF()) .withPublicSeed(privateKey.getPublicSeed()).withRoot(root.getValue()) .withBDSState(privateKey.getBDSState()).build(); publicKey = new XMSSPublicKeyParameters.Builder(params).withRoot(root.getValue()) .withPublicSeed(getPublicSeed()).build(); } catch (ParseException ex) { /* should not be possible */ ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Generate an XMSS private key. * * @return XMSS private key. */ private XMSSPrivateKeyParameters generatePrivateKey() { int n = params.getDigestSize(); byte[] secretKeySeed = new byte[n]; prng.nextBytes(secretKeySeed); byte[] secretKeyPRF = new byte[n]; prng.nextBytes(secretKeyPRF); byte[] publicSeed = new byte[n]; prng.nextBytes(publicSeed); XMSSPrivateKeyParameters privateKey = null; try { privateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withSecretKeySeed(secretKeySeed) .withSecretKeyPRF(secretKeyPRF).withPublicSeed(publicSeed) .withBDSState(this.privateKey.getBDSState()).build(); } catch (ParseException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } return privateKey; } /** * Import XMSS private key / public key pair. * * @param privateKey * XMSS private key. * @param publicKey * XMSS public key. * @throws ParseException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public void importState(byte[] privateKey, byte[] publicKey) throws ParseException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { if (privateKey == null) { throw new NullPointerException("privateKey == null"); } if (publicKey == null) { throw new NullPointerException("publicKey == null"); } /* import keys */ XMSSPrivateKeyParameters tmpPrivateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params) .withPrivateKey(privateKey, this).build(); XMSSPublicKeyParameters tmpPublicKey = new XMSSPublicKeyParameters.Builder(params).withPublicKey(publicKey) .build(); if (!XMSSUtil.compareByteArray(tmpPrivateKey.getRoot(), tmpPublicKey.getRoot())) { throw new IllegalStateException("root of private key and public key do not match"); } if (!XMSSUtil.compareByteArray(tmpPrivateKey.getPublicSeed(), tmpPublicKey.getPublicSeed())) { throw new IllegalStateException("public seed of private key and public key do not match"); } /* import */ this.privateKey = tmpPrivateKey; this.publicKey = tmpPublicKey; wotsPlus.importKeys(new byte[params.getDigestSize()], this.privateKey.getPublicSeed()); } /** * Sign message. * * @param message * Message to sign. * @return XMSS signature on digest of message. */ public byte[] sign(byte[] message) { if (message == null) { throw new NullPointerException("message == null"); } if (getBDSState().getAuthenticationPath().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("not initialized"); } int index = privateKey.getIndex(); if (!XMSSUtil.isIndexValid(getParams().getHeight(), index)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index out of bounds"); } /* create (randomized keyed) messageDigest of message */ byte[] random = khf.PRF(privateKey.getSecretKeyPRF(), XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(index, 32)); byte[] concatenated = XMSSUtil.concat(random, privateKey.getRoot(), XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(index, params.getDigestSize())); byte[] messageDigest = khf.HMsg(concatenated, message); /* create signature for messageDigest */ OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder().withOTSAddress(index).build(); WOTSPlusSignature wotsPlusSignature = wotsSign(messageDigest, otsHashAddress); XMSSSignature signature = null; try { signature = (XMSSSignature) new XMSSSignature.Builder(params).withIndex(index).withRandom(random) .withWOTSPlusSignature(wotsPlusSignature).withAuthPath(getBDSState().getAuthenticationPath()) .build(); } catch (ParseException ex) { /* should not happen */ ex.printStackTrace(); } /* prepare authentication path for next leaf */ int treeHeight = this.getParams().getHeight(); if (index < ((1 << treeHeight) - 1)) { getBDSState().nextAuthenticationPath((OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder().build()); } /* update index */ setIndex(index + 1); return signature.toByteArray(); } /** * Verify an XMSS signature. * * @param message * Message. * @param signature * XMSS signature. * @param publicKey * XMSS public key. * @return true if signature is valid false else. * @throws ParseException */ public boolean verifySignature(byte[] message, byte[] signature, byte[] publicKey) throws ParseException { if (message == null) { throw new NullPointerException("message == null"); } if (signature == null) { throw new NullPointerException("signature == null"); } if (publicKey == null) { throw new NullPointerException("publicKey == null"); } /* parse signature and public key */ XMSSSignature sig = new XMSSSignature.Builder(params).withSignature(signature).build(); /* generate public key */ XMSSPublicKeyParameters pubKey = new XMSSPublicKeyParameters.Builder(params).withPublicKey(publicKey).build(); /* save state */ int savedIndex = privateKey.getIndex(); byte[] savedPublicSeed = privateKey.getPublicSeed(); /* set index / public seed */ int index = sig.getIndex(); setIndex(index); setPublicSeed(pubKey.getPublicSeed()); /* reinitialize WOTS+ object */ wotsPlus.importKeys(new byte[params.getDigestSize()], getPublicSeed()); /* create message digest */ byte[] concatenated = XMSSUtil.concat(sig.getRandom(), pubKey.getRoot(), XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(index, params.getDigestSize())); byte[] messageDigest = khf.HMsg(concatenated, message); /* get root from signature */ OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder().withOTSAddress(index).build(); XMSSNode rootNodeFromSignature = getRootNodeFromSignature(messageDigest, sig, otsHashAddress); /* reset state */ setIndex(savedIndex); setPublicSeed(savedPublicSeed); return XMSSUtil.compareByteArray(rootNodeFromSignature.getValue(), pubKey.getRoot()); } /** * Export XMSS private key. * * @return XMSS private key. */ public byte[] exportPrivateKey() { return privateKey.toByteArray(); } /** * Export XMSS public key. * * @return XMSS public key. */ public byte[] exportPublicKey() { return publicKey.toByteArray(); } /** * Randomization of nodes in binary tree. * * @param left * Left node. * @param right * Right node. * @param address * Address. * @return Randomized hash of parent of left / right node. */ protected XMSSNode randomizeHash(XMSSNode left, XMSSNode right, XMSSAddress address) { if (left == null) { throw new NullPointerException("left == null"); } if (right == null) { throw new NullPointerException("right == null"); } if (left.getHeight() != right.getHeight()) { throw new IllegalStateException("height of both nodes must be equal"); } if (address == null) { throw new NullPointerException("address == null"); } byte[] publicSeed = getPublicSeed(); if (address instanceof LTreeAddress) { LTreeAddress tmpAddress = (LTreeAddress) address; address = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(tmpAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getLTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(tmpAddress.getTreeHeight()).withTreeIndex(tmpAddress.getTreeIndex()) .withKeyAndMask(0).build(); } else if (address instanceof HashTreeAddress) { HashTreeAddress tmpAddress = (HashTreeAddress) address; address = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(tmpAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getTreeAddress()).withTreeHeight(tmpAddress.getTreeHeight()) .withTreeIndex(tmpAddress.getTreeIndex()).withKeyAndMask(0).build(); } byte[] key = khf.PRF(publicSeed, address.toByteArray()); if (address instanceof LTreeAddress) { LTreeAddress tmpAddress = (LTreeAddress) address; address = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(tmpAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getLTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(tmpAddress.getTreeHeight()).withTreeIndex(tmpAddress.getTreeIndex()) .withKeyAndMask(1).build(); } else if (address instanceof HashTreeAddress) { HashTreeAddress tmpAddress = (HashTreeAddress) address; address = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(tmpAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getTreeAddress()).withTreeHeight(tmpAddress.getTreeHeight()) .withTreeIndex(tmpAddress.getTreeIndex()).withKeyAndMask(1).build(); } byte[] bitmask0 = khf.PRF(publicSeed, address.toByteArray()); if (address instanceof LTreeAddress) { LTreeAddress tmpAddress = (LTreeAddress) address; address = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(tmpAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getLTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(tmpAddress.getTreeHeight()).withTreeIndex(tmpAddress.getTreeIndex()) .withKeyAndMask(2).build(); } else if (address instanceof HashTreeAddress) { HashTreeAddress tmpAddress = (HashTreeAddress) address; address = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(tmpAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(tmpAddress.getTreeAddress()).withTreeHeight(tmpAddress.getTreeHeight()) .withTreeIndex(tmpAddress.getTreeIndex()).withKeyAndMask(2).build(); } byte[] bitmask1 = khf.PRF(publicSeed, address.toByteArray()); int n = params.getDigestSize(); byte[] tmpMask = new byte[2 * n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tmpMask[i] = (byte) (left.getValue()[i] ^ bitmask0[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tmpMask[i + n] = (byte) (right.getValue()[i] ^ bitmask1[i]); } byte[] out = khf.H(key, tmpMask); return new XMSSNode(left.getHeight(), out); } /** * Compresses a WOTS+ public key to a single n-byte string. * * @param publicKey * WOTS+ public key to compress. * @param address * Address. * @return Compressed n-byte string of public key. */ protected XMSSNode lTree(WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters publicKey, LTreeAddress address) { if (publicKey == null) { throw new NullPointerException("publicKey == null"); } if (address == null) { throw new NullPointerException("address == null"); } int len = wotsPlus.getParams().getLen(); /* duplicate public key to XMSSNode Array */ byte[][] publicKeyBytes = publicKey.toByteArray(); XMSSNode[] publicKeyNodes = new XMSSNode[publicKeyBytes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < publicKeyBytes.length; i++) { publicKeyNodes[i] = new XMSSNode(0, publicKeyBytes[i]); } address = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(address.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(address.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(address.getLTreeAddress()).withTreeHeight(0) .withTreeIndex(address.getTreeIndex()).withKeyAndMask(address.getKeyAndMask()).build(); while (len > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) Math.floor(len / 2); i++) { address = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(address.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(address.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(address.getLTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(address.getTreeHeight()).withTreeIndex(i) .withKeyAndMask(address.getKeyAndMask()).build(); publicKeyNodes[i] = randomizeHash(publicKeyNodes[2 * i], publicKeyNodes[(2 * i) + 1], address); } if (len % 2 == 1) { publicKeyNodes[(int) Math.floor(len / 2)] = publicKeyNodes[len - 1]; } len = (int) Math.ceil((double) len / 2); address = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(address.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(address.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(address.getLTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(address.getTreeHeight() + 1).withTreeIndex(address.getTreeIndex()) .withKeyAndMask(address.getKeyAndMask()).build(); } return publicKeyNodes[0]; } /** * Generate a WOTS+ signature on a message without the corresponding * authentication path * * @param messageDigest * Message digest of length n. * @param otsHashAddress * OTS hash address. * @return XMSS signature. */ protected WOTSPlusSignature wotsSign(byte[] messageDigest, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (messageDigest.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of messageDigest needs to be equal to size of digest"); } if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } /* (re)initialize WOTS+ instance */ wotsPlus.importKeys(getWOTSPlusSecretKey(otsHashAddress), getPublicSeed()); /* create WOTS+ signature */ return wotsPlus.sign(messageDigest, otsHashAddress); } /** * Compute a root node from a tree signature. * * @param messageDigest * Message digest. * @param signature * XMSS signature. * @return Root node calculated from signature. */ protected XMSSNode getRootNodeFromSignature(byte[] messageDigest, XMSSReducedSignature signature, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (messageDigest.length != params.getDigestSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of messageDigest needs to be equal to size of digest"); } if (signature == null) { throw new NullPointerException("signature == null"); } if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } /* prepare adresses */ LTreeAddress lTreeAddress = (LTreeAddress) new LTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withLTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).build(); HashTreeAddress hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withTreeIndex(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).build(); /* * calculate WOTS+ public key and compress to obtain original leaf hash */ WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters wotsPlusPK = wotsPlus.getPublicKeyFromSignature(messageDigest, signature.getWOTSPlusSignature(), otsHashAddress); XMSSNode[] node = new XMSSNode[2]; node[0] = lTree(wotsPlusPK, lTreeAddress); for (int k = 0; k < params.getHeight(); k++) { hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()).withTreeHeight(k) .withTreeIndex(hashTreeAddress.getTreeIndex()).withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); if (Math.floor(privateKey.getIndex() / (1 << k)) % 2 == 0) { hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(hashTreeAddress.getTreeHeight()) .withTreeIndex(hashTreeAddress.getTreeIndex() / 2) .withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); node[1] = randomizeHash(node[0], signature.getAuthPath().get(k), hashTreeAddress); node[1] = new XMSSNode(node[1].getHeight() + 1, node[1].getValue()); } else { hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress) new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(hashTreeAddress.getTreeHeight()) .withTreeIndex((hashTreeAddress.getTreeIndex() - 1) / 2) .withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); node[1] = randomizeHash(signature.getAuthPath().get(k), node[0], hashTreeAddress); node[1] = new XMSSNode(node[1].getHeight() + 1, node[1].getValue()); } node[0] = node[1]; } return node[0]; } /** * Derive WOTS+ secret key for specific index as in XMSS ref impl Andreas * Huelsing. * * @param otsHashAddress * @return WOTS+ secret key at index. */ protected byte[] getWOTSPlusSecretKey(OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress) new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(otsHashAddress.getOTSAddress()).build(); return khf.PRF(privateKey.getSecretKeySeed(), otsHashAddress.toByteArray()); } /** * Getter XMSS params. * * @return XMSS params. */ public XMSSParameters getParams() { return params; } /** * Getter WOTS+. * * @return WOTS+ instance. */ protected WOTSPlus getWOTSPlus() { return wotsPlus; } protected KeyedHashFunctions getKhf() { return khf; } /** * Getter XMSS root. * * @return Root of binary tree. */ public byte[] getRoot() { return privateKey.getRoot(); } protected void setRoot(byte[] root) { try { privateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withIndex(privateKey.getIndex()) .withSecretKeySeed(privateKey.getSecretKeySeed()).withSecretKeyPRF(privateKey.getSecretKeyPRF()) .withPublicSeed(getPublicSeed()).withRoot(root).withBDSState(privateKey.getBDSState()).build(); publicKey = new XMSSPublicKeyParameters.Builder(params).withRoot(root).withPublicSeed(getPublicSeed()) .build(); } catch (ParseException ex) { /* should not be possible */ ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Getter XMSS index. * * @return Index. */ public int getIndex() { return privateKey.getIndex(); } protected void setIndex(int index) { try { privateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withIndex(index) .withSecretKeySeed(privateKey.getSecretKeySeed()).withSecretKeyPRF(privateKey.getSecretKeyPRF()) .withPublicSeed(privateKey.getPublicSeed()).withRoot(privateKey.getRoot()) .withBDSState(privateKey.getBDSState()).build(); } catch (ParseException ex) { /* should not happen */ ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Getter XMSS public seed. * * @return Public seed. */ public byte[] getPublicSeed() { return privateKey.getPublicSeed(); } protected void setPublicSeed(byte[] publicSeed) { try { privateKey = new XMSSPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withIndex(privateKey.getIndex()) .withSecretKeySeed(privateKey.getSecretKeySeed()).withSecretKeyPRF(privateKey.getSecretKeyPRF()) .withPublicSeed(publicSeed).withRoot(getRoot()).withBDSState(privateKey.getBDSState()).build(); publicKey = new XMSSPublicKeyParameters.Builder(params).withRoot(getRoot()).withPublicSeed(publicSeed) .build(); } catch (ParseException ex) { /* should not happen */ ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { /* should not be possible */ e.printStackTrace(); } wotsPlus.importKeys(new byte[params.getDigestSize()], publicSeed); } protected BDS getBDSState() { return privateKey.getBDSState(); } }