package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.xmss; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * WOTS+ OID class. * */ public final class WOTSPlusOid implements XMSSOid { /** * XMSS OID lookup table. */ private static final Map<String, WOTSPlusOid> oidLookupTable; static { Map<String, WOTSPlusOid> map = new HashMap<String, WOTSPlusOid>(); map.put(createKey("SHA-256", 32, 16, 67), new WOTSPlusOid(0x01000001, "WOTSP_SHA2-256_W16")); map.put(createKey("SHA-512", 64, 16, 131), new WOTSPlusOid(0x02000002, "WOTSP_SHA2-512_W16")); map.put(createKey("SHAKE128", 32, 16, 67), new WOTSPlusOid(0x03000003, "WOTSP_SHAKE128_W16")); map.put(createKey("SHAKE256", 64, 16, 131), new WOTSPlusOid(0x04000004, "WOTSP_SHAKE256_W16")); oidLookupTable = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } /** * OID. */ private final int oid; /** * String representation of OID. */ private final String stringRepresentation; /** * Constructor... * * @param oid * OID. * @param stringRepresentation * String representation of OID. */ private WOTSPlusOid(int oid, String stringRepresentation) { super(); this.oid = oid; this.stringRepresentation = stringRepresentation; } /** * Lookup OID. * * @param algorithmName * Algorithm name. * @param winternitzParameter * Winternitz parameter. * @return WOTS+ OID if parameters were found, null else. */ protected static WOTSPlusOid lookup(String algorithmName, int digestSize, int winternitzParameter, int len) { if (algorithmName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("algorithmName == null"); } return oidLookupTable.get(createKey(algorithmName, digestSize, winternitzParameter, len)); } /** * Create a key based on parameters. * * @param algorithmName * Algorithm name. * @param winternitzParameter * Winternitz Parameter. * @return String representation of parameters for lookup table. */ private static String createKey(String algorithmName, int digestSize, int winternitzParameter, int len) { if (algorithmName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("algorithmName == null"); } return algorithmName + "-" + digestSize + "-" + winternitzParameter + "-" + len; } /** * Getter OID. * * @return OID. */ public int getOid() { return oid; } public String toString() { return stringRepresentation; } }