package org.bouncycastle.bcpg; /** * Basic tags for symmetric key algorithms */ public interface SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags { public static final int NULL = 0; // Plaintext or unencrypted data public static final int IDEA = 1; // IDEA [IDEA] public static final int TRIPLE_DES = 2; // Triple-DES (DES-EDE, as per spec -168 bit key derived from 192) public static final int CAST5 = 3; // CAST5 (128 bit key, as per RFC 2144) public static final int BLOWFISH = 4; // Blowfish (128 bit key, 16 rounds) [BLOWFISH] public static final int SAFER = 5; // SAFER-SK128 (13 rounds) [SAFER] public static final int DES = 6; // Reserved for DES/SK public static final int AES_128 = 7; // Reserved for AES with 128-bit key public static final int AES_192 = 8; // Reserved for AES with 192-bit key public static final int AES_256 = 9; // Reserved for AES with 256-bit key public static final int TWOFISH = 10; // Reserved for Twofish public static final int CAMELLIA_128 = 11; // Reserved for Camellia with 128-bit key public static final int CAMELLIA_192 = 12; // Reserved for Camellia with 192-bit key public static final int CAMELLIA_256 = 13; // Reserved for Camellia with 256-bit key }