/* * Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telecom; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import com.android.internal.telecom.IVideoProvider; /** * Information about a call that is used between InCallService and Telecom. * @hide */ public final class ParcelableCall implements Parcelable { private final String mId; private final int mState; private final DisconnectCause mDisconnectCause; private final List<String> mCannedSmsResponses; private final int mCapabilities; private final int mProperties; private final long mCreateTimeMillis; private final long mConnectTimeMillis; private final Uri mHandle; private final int mHandlePresentation; private final String mCallerDisplayName; private final int mCallerDisplayNamePresentation; private final GatewayInfo mGatewayInfo; private final PhoneAccountHandle mAccountHandle; private final boolean mIsVideoCallProviderChanged; private final IVideoProvider mVideoCallProvider; private VideoCallImpl mVideoCall; private final String mParentCallId; private final List<String> mChildCallIds; private final StatusHints mStatusHints; private final int mVideoState; private final List<String> mConferenceableCallIds; private final Bundle mIntentExtras; private final Bundle mExtras; public ParcelableCall( String id, int state, DisconnectCause disconnectCause, List<String> cannedSmsResponses, int capabilities, int properties, long createTimeMillis, long connectTimeMillis, Uri handle, int handlePresentation, String callerDisplayName, int callerDisplayNamePresentation, GatewayInfo gatewayInfo, PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle, boolean isVideoCallProviderChanged, IVideoProvider videoCallProvider, String parentCallId, List<String> childCallIds, StatusHints statusHints, int videoState, List<String> conferenceableCallIds, Bundle intentExtras, Bundle extras) { mId = id; mState = state; mDisconnectCause = disconnectCause; mCannedSmsResponses = cannedSmsResponses; mCapabilities = capabilities; mProperties = properties; mCreateTimeMillis = createTimeMillis; mConnectTimeMillis = connectTimeMillis; mHandle = handle; mHandlePresentation = handlePresentation; mCallerDisplayName = callerDisplayName; mCallerDisplayNamePresentation = callerDisplayNamePresentation; mGatewayInfo = gatewayInfo; mAccountHandle = accountHandle; mIsVideoCallProviderChanged = isVideoCallProviderChanged; mVideoCallProvider = videoCallProvider; mParentCallId = parentCallId; mChildCallIds = childCallIds; mStatusHints = statusHints; mVideoState = videoState; mConferenceableCallIds = Collections.unmodifiableList(conferenceableCallIds); mIntentExtras = intentExtras; mExtras = extras; } /** The unique ID of the call. */ public String getId() { return mId; } /** The current state of the call. */ public int getState() { return mState; } /** * Reason for disconnection, as described by {@link android.telecomm.DisconnectCause}. Valid * when call state is {@link CallState#DISCONNECTED}. */ public DisconnectCause getDisconnectCause() { return mDisconnectCause; } /** * The set of possible text message responses when this call is incoming. */ public List<String> getCannedSmsResponses() { return mCannedSmsResponses; } // Bit mask of actions a call supports, values are defined in {@link CallCapabilities}. public int getCapabilities() { return mCapabilities; } /** Bitmask of properties of the call. */ public int getProperties() { return mProperties; } /** The time that the call object was created */ public long getCreateTimeMillis() { return mCreateTimeMillis; } /** The time that the call switched to the active state. */ public long getConnectTimeMillis() { return mConnectTimeMillis; } /** The endpoint to which the call is connected. */ public Uri getHandle() { return mHandle; } /** * The presentation requirements for the handle. See {@link TelecomManager} for valid values. */ public int getHandlePresentation() { return mHandlePresentation; } /** The endpoint to which the call is connected. */ public String getCallerDisplayName() { return mCallerDisplayName; } /** * The presentation requirements for the caller display name. * See {@link TelecomManager} for valid values. */ public int getCallerDisplayNamePresentation() { return mCallerDisplayNamePresentation; } /** Gateway information for the call. */ public GatewayInfo getGatewayInfo() { return mGatewayInfo; } /** PhoneAccountHandle information for the call. */ public PhoneAccountHandle getAccountHandle() { return mAccountHandle; } /** * Returns an object for remotely communicating through the video call provider's binder. * @return The video call. */ public VideoCallImpl getVideoCallImpl() { if (mVideoCall == null && mVideoCallProvider != null) { try { mVideoCall = new VideoCallImpl(mVideoCallProvider); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { // Ignore RemoteException. } } return mVideoCall; } /** * The conference call to which this call is conferenced. Null if not conferenced. */ public String getParentCallId() { return mParentCallId; } /** * The child call-IDs if this call is a conference call. Returns an empty list if this is not * a conference call or if the conference call contains no children. */ public List<String> getChildCallIds() { return mChildCallIds; } public List<String> getConferenceableCallIds() { return mConferenceableCallIds; } /** * The status label and icon. * * @return Status hints. */ public StatusHints getStatusHints() { return mStatusHints; } /** * The video state. * @return The video state of the call. */ public int getVideoState() { return mVideoState; } /** * Any extras associated with this call. * * @return a bundle of extras */ public Bundle getExtras() { return mExtras; } /** * Extras passed in as part of the original call intent. * * @return The intent extras. */ public Bundle getIntentExtras() { return mIntentExtras; } /** * Indicates to the receiver of the {@link ParcelableCall} whether a change has occurred in the * {@link android.telecom.InCallService.VideoCall} associated with this call. Since * {@link #getVideoCall()} creates a new {@link VideoCallImpl}, it is useful to know whether * the provider has changed (which can influence whether it is accessed). * * @return {@code true} if the video call changed, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isVideoCallProviderChanged() { return mIsVideoCallProviderChanged; } /** Responsible for creating ParcelableCall objects for deserialized Parcels. */ public static final Parcelable.Creator<ParcelableCall> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<ParcelableCall> () { @Override public ParcelableCall createFromParcel(Parcel source) { ClassLoader classLoader = ParcelableCall.class.getClassLoader(); String id = source.readString(); int state = source.readInt(); DisconnectCause disconnectCause = source.readParcelable(classLoader); List<String> cannedSmsResponses = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(cannedSmsResponses, classLoader); int capabilities = source.readInt(); int properties = source.readInt(); long createTimeMillis = source.readLong(); long connectTimeMillis = source.readLong(); Uri handle = source.readParcelable(classLoader); int handlePresentation = source.readInt(); String callerDisplayName = source.readString(); int callerDisplayNamePresentation = source.readInt(); GatewayInfo gatewayInfo = source.readParcelable(classLoader); PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle = source.readParcelable(classLoader); boolean isVideoCallProviderChanged = source.readByte() == 1; IVideoProvider videoCallProvider = IVideoProvider.Stub.asInterface(source.readStrongBinder()); String parentCallId = source.readString(); List<String> childCallIds = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(childCallIds, classLoader); StatusHints statusHints = source.readParcelable(classLoader); int videoState = source.readInt(); List<String> conferenceableCallIds = new ArrayList<>(); source.readList(conferenceableCallIds, classLoader); Bundle intentExtras = source.readBundle(classLoader); Bundle extras = source.readBundle(classLoader); return new ParcelableCall( id, state, disconnectCause, cannedSmsResponses, capabilities, properties, createTimeMillis, connectTimeMillis, handle, handlePresentation, callerDisplayName, callerDisplayNamePresentation, gatewayInfo, accountHandle, isVideoCallProviderChanged, videoCallProvider, parentCallId, childCallIds, statusHints, videoState, conferenceableCallIds, intentExtras, extras); } @Override public ParcelableCall[] newArray(int size) { return new ParcelableCall[size]; } }; /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** Writes ParcelableCall object into a Parcel. */ @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel destination, int flags) { destination.writeString(mId); destination.writeInt(mState); destination.writeParcelable(mDisconnectCause, 0); destination.writeList(mCannedSmsResponses); destination.writeInt(mCapabilities); destination.writeInt(mProperties); destination.writeLong(mCreateTimeMillis); destination.writeLong(mConnectTimeMillis); destination.writeParcelable(mHandle, 0); destination.writeInt(mHandlePresentation); destination.writeString(mCallerDisplayName); destination.writeInt(mCallerDisplayNamePresentation); destination.writeParcelable(mGatewayInfo, 0); destination.writeParcelable(mAccountHandle, 0); destination.writeByte((byte) (mIsVideoCallProviderChanged ? 1 : 0)); destination.writeStrongBinder( mVideoCallProvider != null ? mVideoCallProvider.asBinder() : null); destination.writeString(mParentCallId); destination.writeList(mChildCallIds); destination.writeParcelable(mStatusHints, 0); destination.writeInt(mVideoState); destination.writeList(mConferenceableCallIds); destination.writeBundle(mIntentExtras); destination.writeBundle(mExtras); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[%s, parent:%s, children:%s]", mId, mParentCallId, mChildCallIds); } }