/** * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.service.voice; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.Dialog; import android.app.Instrumentation; import android.app.VoiceInteractor; import android.app.assist.AssistContent; import android.app.assist.AssistStructure; import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Region; import android.inputmethodservice.SoftInputWindow; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.DebugUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractionManagerService; import com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractionSessionShowCallback; import com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor; import com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractorCallback; import com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractorRequest; import com.android.internal.os.HandlerCaller; import com.android.internal.os.SomeArgs; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import static android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; /** * An active voice interaction session, providing a facility for the implementation * to interact with the user in the voice interaction layer. The user interface is * initially shown by default, and can be created be overriding {@link #onCreateContentView()} * in which the UI can be built. * * <p>A voice interaction session can be self-contained, ultimately calling {@link #finish} * when done. It can also initiate voice interactions with applications by calling * {@link #startVoiceActivity}</p>. */ public class VoiceInteractionSession implements KeyEvent.Callback, ComponentCallbacks2 { static final String TAG = "VoiceInteractionSession"; static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Flag received in {@link #onShow}: originator requested that the session be started with * assist data from the currently focused activity. */ public static final int SHOW_WITH_ASSIST = 1<<0; /** * Flag received in {@link #onShow}: originator requested that the session be started with * a screen shot of the currently focused activity. */ public static final int SHOW_WITH_SCREENSHOT = 1<<1; /** * Flag for use with {@link #onShow}: indicates that the session has been started from the * system assist gesture. */ public static final int SHOW_SOURCE_ASSIST_GESTURE = 1<<2; /** * Flag for use with {@link #onShow}: indicates that the application itself has invoked * the assistant. */ public static final int SHOW_SOURCE_APPLICATION = 1<<3; /** * Flag for use with {@link #onShow}: indicates that an Activity has invoked the voice * interaction service for a local interaction using * {@link Activity#startLocalVoiceInteraction(Bundle)}. */ public static final int SHOW_SOURCE_ACTIVITY = 1<<4; // Keys for Bundle values /** @hide */ public static final String KEY_DATA = "data"; /** @hide */ public static final String KEY_STRUCTURE = "structure"; /** @hide */ public static final String KEY_CONTENT = "content"; /** @hide */ public static final String KEY_RECEIVER_EXTRAS = "receiverExtras"; final Context mContext; final HandlerCaller mHandlerCaller; final KeyEvent.DispatcherState mDispatcherState = new KeyEvent.DispatcherState(); IVoiceInteractionManagerService mSystemService; IBinder mToken; int mTheme = 0; LayoutInflater mInflater; TypedArray mThemeAttrs; View mRootView; FrameLayout mContentFrame; SoftInputWindow mWindow; boolean mInitialized; boolean mWindowAdded; boolean mWindowVisible; boolean mWindowWasVisible; boolean mInShowWindow; final ArrayMap<IBinder, Request> mActiveRequests = new ArrayMap<IBinder, Request>(); final Insets mTmpInsets = new Insets(); final WeakReference<VoiceInteractionSession> mWeakRef = new WeakReference<VoiceInteractionSession>(this); final IVoiceInteractor mInteractor = new IVoiceInteractor.Stub() { @Override public IVoiceInteractorRequest startConfirmation(String callingPackage, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt, Bundle extras) { ConfirmationRequest request = new ConfirmationRequest(callingPackage, Binder.getCallingUid(), callback, VoiceInteractionSession.this, prompt, extras); addRequest(request); mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_START_CONFIRMATION, request)); return request.mInterface; } @Override public IVoiceInteractorRequest startPickOption(String callingPackage, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt, VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] options, Bundle extras) { PickOptionRequest request = new PickOptionRequest(callingPackage, Binder.getCallingUid(), callback, VoiceInteractionSession.this, prompt, options, extras); addRequest(request); mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_START_PICK_OPTION, request)); return request.mInterface; } @Override public IVoiceInteractorRequest startCompleteVoice(String callingPackage, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractor.Prompt message, Bundle extras) { CompleteVoiceRequest request = new CompleteVoiceRequest(callingPackage, Binder.getCallingUid(), callback, VoiceInteractionSession.this, message, extras); addRequest(request); mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_START_COMPLETE_VOICE, request)); return request.mInterface; } @Override public IVoiceInteractorRequest startAbortVoice(String callingPackage, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractor.Prompt message, Bundle extras) { AbortVoiceRequest request = new AbortVoiceRequest(callingPackage, Binder.getCallingUid(), callback, VoiceInteractionSession.this, message, extras); addRequest(request); mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_START_ABORT_VOICE, request)); return request.mInterface; } @Override public IVoiceInteractorRequest startCommand(String callingPackage, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, String command, Bundle extras) { CommandRequest request = new CommandRequest(callingPackage, Binder.getCallingUid(), callback, VoiceInteractionSession.this, command, extras); addRequest(request); mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_START_COMMAND, request)); return request.mInterface; } @Override public boolean[] supportsCommands(String callingPackage, String[] commands) { Message msg = mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageIOO(MSG_SUPPORTS_COMMANDS, 0, commands, null); SomeArgs args = mHandlerCaller.sendMessageAndWait(msg); if (args != null) { boolean[] res = (boolean[])args.arg1; args.recycle(); return res; } return new boolean[commands.length]; } }; final IVoiceInteractionSession mSession = new IVoiceInteractionSession.Stub() { @Override public void show(Bundle sessionArgs, int flags, IVoiceInteractionSessionShowCallback showCallback) { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageIOO(MSG_SHOW, flags, sessionArgs, showCallback)); } @Override public void hide() { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessage(MSG_HIDE)); } @Override public void handleAssist(final Bundle data, final AssistStructure structure, final AssistContent content, final int index, final int count) { // We want to pre-warm the AssistStructure before handing it off to the main // thread. We also want to do this on a separate thread, so that if the app // is for some reason slow (due to slow filling in of async children in the // structure), we don't block other incoming IPCs (such as the screenshot) to // us (since we are a oneway interface, they get serialized). (Okay?) Thread retriever = new Thread("AssistStructure retriever") { @Override public void run() { Throwable failure = null; if (structure != null) { try { structure.ensureData(); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failure retrieving AssistStructure", e); failure = e; } } mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageOOOOII(MSG_HANDLE_ASSIST, data, failure == null ? structure : null, failure, content, index, count)); } }; retriever.start(); } @Override public void handleScreenshot(Bitmap screenshot) { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_HANDLE_SCREENSHOT, screenshot)); } @Override public void taskStarted(Intent intent, int taskId) { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageIO(MSG_TASK_STARTED, taskId, intent)); } @Override public void taskFinished(Intent intent, int taskId) { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageIO(MSG_TASK_FINISHED, taskId, intent)); } @Override public void closeSystemDialogs() { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessage(MSG_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS)); } @Override public void onLockscreenShown() { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessage(MSG_ON_LOCKSCREEN_SHOWN)); } @Override public void destroy() { mHandlerCaller.sendMessage(mHandlerCaller.obtainMessage(MSG_DESTROY)); } }; /** * Base class representing a request from a voice-driver app to perform a particular * voice operation with the user. See related subclasses for the types of requests * that are possible. */ public static class Request { final IVoiceInteractorRequest mInterface = new IVoiceInteractorRequest.Stub() { @Override public void cancel() throws RemoteException { VoiceInteractionSession session = mSession.get(); if (session != null) { session.mHandlerCaller.sendMessage( session.mHandlerCaller.obtainMessageO(MSG_CANCEL, Request.this)); } } }; final String mCallingPackage; final int mCallingUid; final IVoiceInteractorCallback mCallback; final WeakReference<VoiceInteractionSession> mSession; final Bundle mExtras; Request(String packageName, int uid, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractionSession session, Bundle extras) { mCallingPackage = packageName; mCallingUid = uid; mCallback = callback; mSession = session.mWeakRef; mExtras = extras; } /** * Return the uid of the application that initiated the request. */ public int getCallingUid() { return mCallingUid; } /** * Return the package name of the application that initiated the request. */ public String getCallingPackage() { return mCallingPackage; } /** * Return any additional extra information that was supplied as part of the request. */ public Bundle getExtras() { return mExtras; } /** * Check whether this request is currently active. A request becomes inactive after * calling {@link #cancel} or a final result method that completes the request. After * this point, further interactions with the request will result in * {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException} errors; you should not catch these errors, * but can use this method if you need to determine the state of the request. Returns * true if the request is still active. */ public boolean isActive() { VoiceInteractionSession session = mSession.get(); if (session == null) { return false; } return session.isRequestActive(mInterface.asBinder()); } void finishRequest() { VoiceInteractionSession session = mSession.get(); if (session == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("VoiceInteractionSession has been destroyed"); } Request req = session.removeRequest(mInterface.asBinder()); if (req == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Request not active: " + this); } else if (req != this) { throw new IllegalStateException("Current active request " + req + " not same as calling request " + this); } } /** * Ask the app to cancel this current request. * This also finishes the request (it is no longer active). */ public void cancel() { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sendCancelResult: req=" + mInterface); finishRequest(); mCallback.deliverCancel(mInterface); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); DebugUtils.buildShortClassTag(this, sb); sb.append(" "); sb.append(mInterface.asBinder()); sb.append(" pkg="); sb.append(mCallingPackage); sb.append(" uid="); UserHandle.formatUid(sb, mCallingUid); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mInterface="); writer.println(mInterface.asBinder()); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mCallingPackage="); writer.print(mCallingPackage); writer.print(" mCallingUid="); UserHandle.formatUid(writer, mCallingUid); writer.println(); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mCallback="); writer.println(mCallback.asBinder()); if (mExtras != null) { writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mExtras="); writer.println(mExtras); } } } /** * A request for confirmation from the user of an operation, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest * VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest}. */ public static final class ConfirmationRequest extends Request { final VoiceInteractor.Prompt mPrompt; ConfirmationRequest(String packageName, int uid, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractionSession session, VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt, Bundle extras) { super(packageName, uid, callback, session, extras); mPrompt = prompt; } /** * Return the prompt informing the user of what will happen, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest * VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest}. */ @Nullable public VoiceInteractor.Prompt getVoicePrompt() { return mPrompt; } /** * Return the prompt informing the user of what will happen, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest * VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest}. * @deprecated Prefer {@link #getVoicePrompt()} which allows multiple voice prompts. */ @Nullable public CharSequence getPrompt() { return (mPrompt != null ? mPrompt.getVoicePromptAt(0) : null); } /** * Report that the voice interactor has confirmed the operation with the user, resulting * in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest#onConfirmationResult * VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest.onConfirmationResult}. * This finishes the request (it is no longer active). */ public void sendConfirmationResult(boolean confirmed, Bundle result) { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sendConfirmationResult: req=" + mInterface + " confirmed=" + confirmed + " result=" + result); finishRequest(); mCallback.deliverConfirmationResult(mInterface, confirmed, result); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mPrompt="); writer.println(mPrompt); } } /** * A request for the user to pick from a set of option, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest}. */ public static final class PickOptionRequest extends Request { final VoiceInteractor.Prompt mPrompt; final VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] mOptions; PickOptionRequest(String packageName, int uid, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractionSession session, VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt, VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] options, Bundle extras) { super(packageName, uid, callback, session, extras); mPrompt = prompt; mOptions = options; } /** * Return the prompt informing the user of what they are picking, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest}. */ @Nullable public VoiceInteractor.Prompt getVoicePrompt() { return mPrompt; } /** * Return the prompt informing the user of what they are picking, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest}. * @deprecated Prefer {@link #getVoicePrompt()} which allows multiple voice prompts. */ @Nullable public CharSequence getPrompt() { return (mPrompt != null ? mPrompt.getVoicePromptAt(0) : null); } /** * Return the set of options the user is picking from, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest}. */ public VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] getOptions() { return mOptions; } void sendPickOptionResult(boolean finished, VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] selections, Bundle result) { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sendPickOptionResult: req=" + mInterface + " finished=" + finished + " selections=" + selections + " result=" + result); if (finished) { finishRequest(); } mCallback.deliverPickOptionResult(mInterface, finished, selections, result); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Report an intermediate option selection from the request, without completing it (the * request is still active and the app is waiting for the final option selection), * resulting in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest#onPickOptionResult * VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.onPickOptionResult} with false for finished. */ public void sendIntermediatePickOptionResult( VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] selections, Bundle result) { sendPickOptionResult(false, selections, result); } /** * Report the final option selection for the request, completing the request * and resulting in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest#onPickOptionResult * VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.onPickOptionResult} with false for finished. * This finishes the request (it is no longer active). */ public void sendPickOptionResult( VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[] selections, Bundle result) { sendPickOptionResult(true, selections, result); } void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mPrompt="); writer.println(mPrompt); if (mOptions != null) { writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Options:"); for (int i=0; i<mOptions.length; i++) { VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option op = mOptions[i]; writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" #"); writer.print(i); writer.println(":"); writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" mLabel="); writer.println(op.getLabel()); writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" mIndex="); writer.println(op.getIndex()); if (op.countSynonyms() > 0) { writer.print(prefix); writer.println(" Synonyms:"); for (int j=0; j<op.countSynonyms(); j++) { writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" #"); writer.print(j); writer.print(": "); writer.println(op.getSynonymAt(j)); } } if (op.getExtras() != null) { writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" mExtras="); writer.println(op.getExtras()); } } } } } /** * A request to simply inform the user that the voice operation has completed, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest * VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest}. */ public static final class CompleteVoiceRequest extends Request { final VoiceInteractor.Prompt mPrompt; CompleteVoiceRequest(String packageName, int uid, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractionSession session, VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt, Bundle extras) { super(packageName, uid, callback, session, extras); mPrompt = prompt; } /** * Return the message informing the user of the completion, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest * VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest}. */ @Nullable public VoiceInteractor.Prompt getVoicePrompt() { return mPrompt; } /** * Return the message informing the user of the completion, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest * VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest}. * @deprecated Prefer {@link #getVoicePrompt()} which allows a separate visual message. */ @Nullable public CharSequence getMessage() { return (mPrompt != null ? mPrompt.getVoicePromptAt(0) : null); } /** * Report that the voice interactor has finished completing the voice operation, resulting * in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest#onCompleteResult * VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest.onCompleteResult}. * This finishes the request (it is no longer active). */ public void sendCompleteResult(Bundle result) { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sendCompleteVoiceResult: req=" + mInterface + " result=" + result); finishRequest(); mCallback.deliverCompleteVoiceResult(mInterface, result); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mPrompt="); writer.println(mPrompt); } } /** * A request to report that the current user interaction can not be completed with voice, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest}. */ public static final class AbortVoiceRequest extends Request { final VoiceInteractor.Prompt mPrompt; AbortVoiceRequest(String packageName, int uid, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractionSession session, VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt, Bundle extras) { super(packageName, uid, callback, session, extras); mPrompt = prompt; } /** * Return the message informing the user of the problem, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest}. */ @Nullable public VoiceInteractor.Prompt getVoicePrompt() { return mPrompt; } /** * Return the message informing the user of the problem, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest}. * @deprecated Prefer {@link #getVoicePrompt()} which allows a separate visual message. */ @Nullable public CharSequence getMessage() { return (mPrompt != null ? mPrompt.getVoicePromptAt(0) : null); } /** * Report that the voice interactor has finished aborting the voice operation, resulting * in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest#onAbortResult * VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest.onAbortResult}. This finishes the request (it * is no longer active). */ public void sendAbortResult(Bundle result) { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sendConfirmResult: req=" + mInterface + " result=" + result); finishRequest(); mCallback.deliverAbortVoiceResult(mInterface, result); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mPrompt="); writer.println(mPrompt); } } /** * A generic vendor-specific request, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest}. */ public static final class CommandRequest extends Request { final String mCommand; CommandRequest(String packageName, int uid, IVoiceInteractorCallback callback, VoiceInteractionSession session, String command, Bundle extras) { super(packageName, uid, callback, session, extras); mCommand = command; } /** * Return the command that is being executed, as per * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest}. */ public String getCommand() { return mCommand; } void sendCommandResult(boolean finished, Bundle result) { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sendCommandResult: req=" + mInterface + " result=" + result); if (finished) { finishRequest(); } mCallback.deliverCommandResult(mInterface, finished, result); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Report an intermediate result of the request, without completing it (the request * is still active and the app is waiting for the final result), resulting in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest#onCommandResult * VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest.onCommandResult} with false for isCompleted. */ public void sendIntermediateResult(Bundle result) { sendCommandResult(false, result); } /** * Report the final result of the request, completing the request and resulting in a call to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest#onCommandResult * VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest.onCommandResult} with true for isCompleted. * This finishes the request (it is no longer active). */ public void sendResult(Bundle result) { sendCommandResult(true, result); } void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, writer, args); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mCommand="); writer.println(mCommand); } } static final int MSG_START_CONFIRMATION = 1; static final int MSG_START_PICK_OPTION = 2; static final int MSG_START_COMPLETE_VOICE = 3; static final int MSG_START_ABORT_VOICE = 4; static final int MSG_START_COMMAND = 5; static final int MSG_SUPPORTS_COMMANDS = 6; static final int MSG_CANCEL = 7; static final int MSG_TASK_STARTED = 100; static final int MSG_TASK_FINISHED = 101; static final int MSG_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS = 102; static final int MSG_DESTROY = 103; static final int MSG_HANDLE_ASSIST = 104; static final int MSG_HANDLE_SCREENSHOT = 105; static final int MSG_SHOW = 106; static final int MSG_HIDE = 107; static final int MSG_ON_LOCKSCREEN_SHOWN = 108; class MyCallbacks implements HandlerCaller.Callback, SoftInputWindow.Callback { @Override public void executeMessage(Message msg) { SomeArgs args = null; switch (msg.what) { case MSG_START_CONFIRMATION: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onConfirm: req=" + msg.obj); onRequestConfirmation((ConfirmationRequest) msg.obj); break; case MSG_START_PICK_OPTION: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPickOption: req=" + msg.obj); onRequestPickOption((PickOptionRequest) msg.obj); break; case MSG_START_COMPLETE_VOICE: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onCompleteVoice: req=" + msg.obj); onRequestCompleteVoice((CompleteVoiceRequest) msg.obj); break; case MSG_START_ABORT_VOICE: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onAbortVoice: req=" + msg.obj); onRequestAbortVoice((AbortVoiceRequest) msg.obj); break; case MSG_START_COMMAND: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onCommand: req=" + msg.obj); onRequestCommand((CommandRequest) msg.obj); break; case MSG_SUPPORTS_COMMANDS: args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onGetSupportedCommands: cmds=" + args.arg1); args.arg1 = onGetSupportedCommands((String[]) args.arg1); args.complete(); args = null; break; case MSG_CANCEL: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onCancel: req=" + ((Request)msg.obj)); onCancelRequest((Request) msg.obj); break; case MSG_TASK_STARTED: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onTaskStarted: intent=" + msg.obj + " taskId=" + msg.arg1); onTaskStarted((Intent) msg.obj, msg.arg1); break; case MSG_TASK_FINISHED: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onTaskFinished: intent=" + msg.obj + " taskId=" + msg.arg1); onTaskFinished((Intent) msg.obj, msg.arg1); break; case MSG_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onCloseSystemDialogs"); onCloseSystemDialogs(); break; case MSG_DESTROY: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doDestroy"); doDestroy(); break; case MSG_HANDLE_ASSIST: args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onHandleAssist: data=" + args.arg1 + " structure=" + args.arg2 + " content=" + args.arg3 + " activityIndex=" + args.argi5 + " activityCount=" + args.argi6); if (args.argi5 == 0) { doOnHandleAssist((Bundle) args.arg1, (AssistStructure) args.arg2, (Throwable) args.arg3, (AssistContent) args.arg4); } else { doOnHandleAssistSecondary((Bundle) args.arg1, (AssistStructure) args.arg2, (Throwable) args.arg3, (AssistContent) args.arg4, args.argi5, args.argi6); } break; case MSG_HANDLE_SCREENSHOT: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onHandleScreenshot: " + msg.obj); onHandleScreenshot((Bitmap) msg.obj); break; case MSG_SHOW: args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doShow: args=" + args.arg1 + " flags=" + msg.arg1 + " showCallback=" + args.arg2); doShow((Bundle) args.arg1, msg.arg1, (IVoiceInteractionSessionShowCallback) args.arg2); break; case MSG_HIDE: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doHide"); doHide(); break; case MSG_ON_LOCKSCREEN_SHOWN: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onLockscreenShown"); onLockscreenShown(); break; } if (args != null) { args.recycle(); } } @Override public void onBackPressed() { VoiceInteractionSession.this.onBackPressed(); } } final MyCallbacks mCallbacks = new MyCallbacks(); /** * Information about where interesting parts of the input method UI appear. */ public static final class Insets { /** * This is the part of the UI that is the main content. It is * used to determine the basic space needed, to resize/pan the * application behind. It is assumed that this inset does not * change very much, since any change will cause a full resize/pan * of the application behind. This value is relative to the top edge * of the input method window. */ public final Rect contentInsets = new Rect(); /** * This is the region of the UI that is touchable. It is used when * {@link #touchableInsets} is set to {@link #TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION}. * The region should be specified relative to the origin of the window frame. */ public final Region touchableRegion = new Region(); /** * Option for {@link #touchableInsets}: the entire window frame * can be touched. */ public static final int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME = ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME; /** * Option for {@link #touchableInsets}: the area inside of * the content insets can be touched. */ public static final int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT = ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT; /** * Option for {@link #touchableInsets}: the region specified by * {@link #touchableRegion} can be touched. */ public static final int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION = ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION; /** * Determine which area of the window is touchable by the user. May * be one of: {@link #TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME}, * {@link #TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT}, or {@link #TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION}. */ public int touchableInsets; } final ViewTreeObserver.OnComputeInternalInsetsListener mInsetsComputer = new ViewTreeObserver.OnComputeInternalInsetsListener() { public void onComputeInternalInsets(ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo info) { onComputeInsets(mTmpInsets); info.contentInsets.set(mTmpInsets.contentInsets); info.visibleInsets.set(mTmpInsets.contentInsets); info.touchableRegion.set(mTmpInsets.touchableRegion); info.setTouchableInsets(mTmpInsets.touchableInsets); } }; public VoiceInteractionSession(Context context) { this(context, new Handler()); } public VoiceInteractionSession(Context context, Handler handler) { mContext = context; mHandlerCaller = new HandlerCaller(context, handler.getLooper(), mCallbacks, true); } public Context getContext() { return mContext; } void addRequest(Request req) { synchronized (this) { mActiveRequests.put(req.mInterface.asBinder(), req); } } boolean isRequestActive(IBinder reqInterface) { synchronized (this) { return mActiveRequests.containsKey(reqInterface); } } Request removeRequest(IBinder reqInterface) { synchronized (this) { return mActiveRequests.remove(reqInterface); } } void doCreate(IVoiceInteractionManagerService service, IBinder token) { mSystemService = service; mToken = token; onCreate(); } void doShow(Bundle args, int flags, final IVoiceInteractionSessionShowCallback showCallback) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Showing window: mWindowAdded=" + mWindowAdded + " mWindowVisible=" + mWindowVisible); if (mInShowWindow) { Log.w(TAG, "Re-entrance in to showWindow"); return; } try { mInShowWindow = true; if (!mWindowVisible) { if (!mWindowAdded) { mWindowAdded = true; View v = onCreateContentView(); if (v != null) { setContentView(v); } } } onShow(args, flags); if (!mWindowVisible) { mWindowVisible = true; mWindow.show(); } if (showCallback != null) { mRootView.invalidate(); mRootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener( new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { mRootView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); try { showCallback.onShown(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error calling onShown", e); } return true; } }); } } finally { mWindowWasVisible = true; mInShowWindow = false; } } void doHide() { if (mWindowVisible) { mWindow.hide(); mWindowVisible = false; onHide(); } } void doDestroy() { onDestroy(); if (mInitialized) { mRootView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnComputeInternalInsetsListener( mInsetsComputer); if (mWindowAdded) { mWindow.dismiss(); mWindowAdded = false; } mInitialized = false; } } void initViews() { mInitialized = true; mThemeAttrs = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(android.R.styleable.VoiceInteractionSession); mRootView = mInflater.inflate( com.android.internal.R.layout.voice_interaction_session, null); mRootView.setSystemUiVisibility( View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN); mWindow.setContentView(mRootView); mRootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnComputeInternalInsetsListener(mInsetsComputer); mContentFrame = (FrameLayout)mRootView.findViewById(android.R.id.content); } /** * Equivalent to {@link VoiceInteractionService#setDisabledShowContext * VoiceInteractionService.setDisabledShowContext(int)}. */ public void setDisabledShowContext(int flags) { try { mSystemService.setDisabledShowContext(flags); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Equivalent to {@link VoiceInteractionService#getDisabledShowContext * VoiceInteractionService.getDisabledShowContext}. */ public int getDisabledShowContext() { try { return mSystemService.getDisabledShowContext(); } catch (RemoteException e) { return 0; } } /** * Return which show context flags have been disabled by the user through the system * settings UI, so the session will never get this data. Returned flags are any combination of * {@link VoiceInteractionSession#SHOW_WITH_ASSIST VoiceInteractionSession.SHOW_WITH_ASSIST} and * {@link VoiceInteractionSession#SHOW_WITH_SCREENSHOT * VoiceInteractionSession.SHOW_WITH_SCREENSHOT}. Note that this only tells you about * global user settings, not about restrictions that may be applied contextual based on * the current application the user is in or other transient states. */ public int getUserDisabledShowContext() { try { return mSystemService.getUserDisabledShowContext(); } catch (RemoteException e) { return 0; } } /** * Show the UI for this session. This asks the system to go through the process of showing * your UI, which will eventually culminate in {@link #onShow}. This is similar to calling * {@link VoiceInteractionService#showSession VoiceInteractionService.showSession}. * @param args Arbitrary arguments that will be propagated {@link #onShow}. * @param flags Indicates additional optional behavior that should be performed. May * be any combination of * {@link VoiceInteractionSession#SHOW_WITH_ASSIST VoiceInteractionSession.SHOW_WITH_ASSIST} and * {@link VoiceInteractionSession#SHOW_WITH_SCREENSHOT * VoiceInteractionSession.SHOW_WITH_SCREENSHOT} * to request that the system generate and deliver assist data on the current foreground * app as part of showing the session UI. */ public void show(Bundle args, int flags) { if (mToken == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call before onCreate()"); } try { mSystemService.showSessionFromSession(mToken, args, flags); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Hide the session's UI, if currently shown. Call this when you are done with your * user interaction. */ public void hide() { if (mToken == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call before onCreate()"); } try { mSystemService.hideSessionFromSession(mToken); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * You can call this to customize the theme used by your IME's window. * This must be set before {@link #onCreate}, so you * will typically call it in your constructor with the resource ID * of your custom theme. */ public void setTheme(int theme) { if (mWindow != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must be called before onCreate()"); } mTheme = theme; } /** * Ask that a new activity be started for voice interaction. This will create a * new dedicated task in the activity manager for this voice interaction session; * this means that {@link Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} * will be set for you to make it a new task. * * <p>The newly started activity will be displayed to the user in a special way, as * a layer under the voice interaction UI.</p> * * <p>As the voice activity runs, it can retrieve a {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor} * through which it can perform voice interactions through your session. These requests * for voice interactions will appear as callbacks on {@link #onGetSupportedCommands}, * {@link #onRequestConfirmation}, {@link #onRequestPickOption}, * {@link #onRequestCompleteVoice}, {@link #onRequestAbortVoice}, * or {@link #onRequestCommand} * * <p>You will receive a call to {@link #onTaskStarted} when the task starts up * and {@link #onTaskFinished} when the last activity has finished. * * @param intent The Intent to start this voice interaction. The given Intent will * always have {@link Intent#CATEGORY_VOICE Intent.CATEGORY_VOICE} added to it, since * this is part of a voice interaction. */ public void startVoiceActivity(Intent intent) { if (mToken == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call before onCreate()"); } try { intent.migrateExtraStreamToClipData(); intent.prepareToLeaveProcess(mContext); int res = mSystemService.startVoiceActivity(mToken, intent, intent.resolveType(mContext.getContentResolver())); Instrumentation.checkStartActivityResult(res, intent); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Set whether this session will keep the device awake while it is running a voice * activity. By default, the system holds a wake lock for it while in this state, * so that it can work even if the screen is off. Setting this to false removes that * wake lock, allowing the CPU to go to sleep. This is typically used if the * session decides it has been waiting too long for a response from the user and * doesn't want to let this continue to drain the battery. * * <p>Passing false here will release the wake lock, and you can call later with * true to re-acquire it. It will also be automatically re-acquired for you each * time you start a new voice activity task -- that is when you call * {@link #startVoiceActivity}.</p> */ public void setKeepAwake(boolean keepAwake) { if (mToken == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call before onCreate()"); } try { mSystemService.setKeepAwake(mToken, keepAwake); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Request that all system dialogs (and status bar shade etc) be closed, allowing * access to the session's UI. This will <em>not</em> cause the lock screen to be * dismissed. */ public void closeSystemDialogs() { if (mToken == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call before onCreate()"); } try { mSystemService.closeSystemDialogs(mToken); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Convenience for inflating views. */ public LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater() { return mInflater; } /** * Retrieve the window being used to show the session's UI. */ public Dialog getWindow() { return mWindow; } /** * Finish the session. This completely destroys the session -- the next time it is shown, * an entirely new one will be created. You do not normally call this function; instead, * use {@link #hide} and allow the system to destroy your session if it needs its RAM. */ public void finish() { if (mToken == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call before onCreate()"); } try { mSystemService.finish(mToken); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Initiatize a new session. At this point you don't know exactly what this * session will be used for; you will find that out in {@link #onShow}. */ public void onCreate() { doOnCreate(); } private void doOnCreate() { mTheme = mTheme != 0 ? mTheme : com.android.internal.R.style.Theme_DeviceDefault_VoiceInteractionSession; mInflater = (LayoutInflater)mContext.getSystemService( Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mWindow = new SoftInputWindow(mContext, "VoiceInteractionSession", mTheme, mCallbacks, this, mDispatcherState, WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION, Gravity.BOTTOM, true); mWindow.getWindow().addFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR); initViews(); mWindow.getWindow().setLayout(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT); mWindow.setToken(mToken); } /** * Called when the session UI is going to be shown. This is called after * {@link #onCreateContentView} (if the session's content UI needed to be created) and * immediately prior to the window being shown. This may be called while the window * is already shown, if a show request has come in while it is shown, to allow you to * update the UI to match the new show arguments. * * @param args The arguments that were supplied to * {@link VoiceInteractionService#showSession VoiceInteractionService.showSession}. * @param showFlags The show flags originally provided to * {@link VoiceInteractionService#showSession VoiceInteractionService.showSession}. */ public void onShow(Bundle args, int showFlags) { } /** * Called immediately after stopping to show the session UI. */ public void onHide() { } /** * Last callback to the session as it is being finished. */ public void onDestroy() { } /** * Hook in which to create the session's UI. */ public View onCreateContentView() { return null; } public void setContentView(View view) { mContentFrame.removeAllViews(); mContentFrame.addView(view, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); mContentFrame.requestApplyInsets(); } void doOnHandleAssist(Bundle data, AssistStructure structure, Throwable failure, AssistContent content) { if (failure != null) { onAssistStructureFailure(failure); } onHandleAssist(data, structure, content); } void doOnHandleAssistSecondary(Bundle data, AssistStructure structure, Throwable failure, AssistContent content, int index, int count) { if (failure != null) { onAssistStructureFailure(failure); } onHandleAssistSecondary(data, structure, content, index, count); } /** * Called when there has been a failure transferring the {@link AssistStructure} to * the assistant. This may happen, for example, if the data is too large and results * in an out of memory exception, or the client has provided corrupt data. This will * be called immediately before {@link #onHandleAssist} and the AssistStructure supplied * there afterwards will be null. * * @param failure The failure exception that was thrown when building the * {@link AssistStructure}. */ public void onAssistStructureFailure(Throwable failure) { } /** * Called to receive data from the application that the user was currently viewing when * an assist session is started. If the original show request did not specify * {@link #SHOW_WITH_ASSIST}, this method will not be called. * * @param data Arbitrary data supplied by the app through * {@link android.app.Activity#onProvideAssistData Activity.onProvideAssistData}. * May be null if assist data has been disabled by the user or device policy. * @param structure If available, the structure definition of all windows currently * displayed by the app. May be null if assist data has been disabled by the user * or device policy; will be an empty stub if the application has disabled assist * by marking its window as secure. * @param content Additional content data supplied by the app through * {@link android.app.Activity#onProvideAssistContent Activity.onProvideAssistContent}. * May be null if assist data has been disabled by the user or device policy; will * not be automatically filled in with data from the app if the app has marked its * window as secure. */ public void onHandleAssist(@Nullable Bundle data, @Nullable AssistStructure structure, @Nullable AssistContent content) { } /** * Called to receive data from other applications that the user was or is interacting with, * that are currently on the screen in a multi-window display environment, not including the * currently focused activity. This could be * a free-form window, a picture-in-picture window, or another window in a split-screen display. * <p> * This method is very similar to * {@link #onHandleAssist} except that it is called * for additional non-focused activities along with an index and count that indicates * which additional activity the data is for. {@code index} will be between 1 and * {@code count}-1 and this method is called once for each additional window, in no particular * order. The {@code count} indicates how many windows to expect assist data for, including the * top focused activity, which continues to be returned via {@link #onHandleAssist}. * <p> * To be responsive to assist requests, process assist data as soon as it is received, * without waiting for all queued activities to return assist data. * * @param data Arbitrary data supplied by the app through * {@link android.app.Activity#onProvideAssistData Activity.onProvideAssistData}. * May be null if assist data has been disabled by the user or device policy. * @param structure If available, the structure definition of all windows currently * displayed by the app. May be null if assist data has been disabled by the user * or device policy; will be an empty stub if the application has disabled assist * by marking its window as secure. * @param content Additional content data supplied by the app through * {@link android.app.Activity#onProvideAssistContent Activity.onProvideAssistContent}. * May be null if assist data has been disabled by the user or device policy; will * not be automatically filled in with data from the app if the app has marked its * window as secure. * @param index the index of the additional activity that this data * is for. * @param count the total number of additional activities for which the assist data is being * returned, including the focused activity that is returned via * {@link #onHandleAssist}. */ public void onHandleAssistSecondary(@Nullable Bundle data, @Nullable AssistStructure structure, @Nullable AssistContent content, int index, int count) { } /** * Called to receive a screenshot of what the user was currently viewing when an assist * session is started. May be null if screenshots are disabled by the user, policy, * or application. If the original show request did not specify * {@link #SHOW_WITH_SCREENSHOT}, this method will not be called. */ public void onHandleScreenshot(@Nullable Bitmap screenshot) { } public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; } public boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; } public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; } public boolean onKeyMultiple(int keyCode, int count, KeyEvent event) { return false; } /** * Called when the user presses the back button while focus is in the session UI. Note * that this will only happen if the session UI has requested input focus in its window; * otherwise, the back key will go to whatever window has focus and do whatever behavior * it normally has there. The default implementation simply calls {@link #hide}. */ public void onBackPressed() { hide(); } /** * Sessions automatically watch for requests that all system UI be closed (such as when * the user presses HOME), which will appear here. The default implementation always * calls {@link #hide}. */ public void onCloseSystemDialogs() { hide(); } /** * Called when the lockscreen was shown. */ public void onLockscreenShown() { hide(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { } @Override public void onLowMemory() { } @Override public void onTrimMemory(int level) { } /** * Compute the interesting insets into your UI. The default implementation * sets {@link Insets#contentInsets outInsets.contentInsets.top} to the height * of the window, meaning it should not adjust content underneath. The default touchable * insets are {@link Insets#TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME}, meaning it consumes all touch * events within its window frame. * * @param outInsets Fill in with the current UI insets. */ public void onComputeInsets(Insets outInsets) { outInsets.contentInsets.left = 0; outInsets.contentInsets.bottom = 0; outInsets.contentInsets.right = 0; View decor = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView(); outInsets.contentInsets.top = decor.getHeight(); outInsets.touchableInsets = Insets.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME; outInsets.touchableRegion.setEmpty(); } /** * Called when a task initiated by {@link #startVoiceActivity(android.content.Intent)} * has actually started. * * @param intent The original {@link Intent} supplied to * {@link #startVoiceActivity(android.content.Intent)}. * @param taskId Unique ID of the now running task. */ public void onTaskStarted(Intent intent, int taskId) { } /** * Called when the last activity of a task initiated by * {@link #startVoiceActivity(android.content.Intent)} has finished. The default * implementation calls {@link #finish()} on the assumption that this represents * the completion of a voice action. You can override the implementation if you would * like a different behavior. * * @param intent The original {@link Intent} supplied to * {@link #startVoiceActivity(android.content.Intent)}. * @param taskId Unique ID of the finished task. */ public void onTaskFinished(Intent intent, int taskId) { hide(); } /** * Request to query for what extended commands the session supports. * * @param commands An array of commands that are being queried. * @return Return an array of booleans indicating which of each entry in the * command array is supported. A true entry in the array indicates the command * is supported; false indicates it is not. The default implementation returns * an array of all false entries. */ public boolean[] onGetSupportedCommands(String[] commands) { return new boolean[commands.length]; } /** * Request to confirm with the user before proceeding with an unrecoverable operation, * corresponding to a {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest * VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest}. * * @param request The active request. */ public void onRequestConfirmation(ConfirmationRequest request) { } /** * Request for the user to pick one of N options, corresponding to a * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest}. * * @param request The active request. */ public void onRequestPickOption(PickOptionRequest request) { } /** * Request to complete the voice interaction session because the voice activity successfully * completed its interaction using voice. Corresponds to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest * VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest}. The default implementation just sends an empty * confirmation back to allow the activity to exit. * * @param request The active request. */ public void onRequestCompleteVoice(CompleteVoiceRequest request) { } /** * Request to abort the voice interaction session because the voice activity can not * complete its interaction using voice. Corresponds to * {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest * VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest}. The default implementation just sends an empty * confirmation back to allow the activity to exit. * * @param request The active request. */ public void onRequestAbortVoice(AbortVoiceRequest request) { } /** * Process an arbitrary extended command from the caller, * corresponding to a {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest * VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest}. * * @param request The active request. */ public void onRequestCommand(CommandRequest request) { } /** * Called when the {@link android.app.VoiceInteractor} has asked to cancel a {@link Request} * that was previously delivered to {@link #onRequestConfirmation}, * {@link #onRequestPickOption}, {@link #onRequestCompleteVoice}, {@link #onRequestAbortVoice}, * or {@link #onRequestCommand}. * * @param request The request that is being canceled. */ public void onCancelRequest(Request request) { } /** * Print the Service's state into the given stream. This gets invoked by * {@link VoiceInteractionSessionService} when its Service * {@link android.app.Service#dump} method is called. * * @param prefix Text to print at the front of each line. * @param fd The raw file descriptor that the dump is being sent to. * @param writer The PrintWriter to which you should dump your state. This will be * closed for you after you return. * @param args additional arguments to the dump request. */ public void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mToken="); writer.println(mToken); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mTheme=#"); writer.println(Integer.toHexString(mTheme)); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mInitialized="); writer.println(mInitialized); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mWindowAdded="); writer.print(mWindowAdded); writer.print(" mWindowVisible="); writer.println(mWindowVisible); writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mWindowWasVisible="); writer.print(mWindowWasVisible); writer.print(" mInShowWindow="); writer.println(mInShowWindow); if (mActiveRequests.size() > 0) { writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Active requests:"); String innerPrefix = prefix + " "; for (int i=0; i<mActiveRequests.size(); i++) { Request req = mActiveRequests.valueAt(i); writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" #"); writer.print(i); writer.print(": "); writer.println(req); req.dump(innerPrefix, fd, writer, args); } } } }