/* * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mediaframeworktest.stress; import com.android.ex.camera2.blocking.BlockingSessionCallback; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.Camera2SurfaceViewTestCase; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.StaticMetadata; import android.graphics.ImageFormat; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureFailure; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult; import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult; import android.hardware.camera2.params.InputConfiguration; import android.media.Image; import android.media.ImageReader; import android.media.ImageWriter; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Size; import android.view.Surface; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.EXIF_TEST_DATA; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.SESSION_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_MS; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.SimpleCaptureCallback; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.SimpleImageReaderListener; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.SimpleImageWriterListener; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.configureReprocessableCameraSession; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.dumpFile; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.getAscendingOrderSizes; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.getDataFromImage; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.makeImageReader; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.setJpegKeys; import static com.android.mediaframeworktest.helpers.CameraTestUtils.verifyJpegKeys; /** * <p>Tests for Reprocess API.</p> * * adb shell am instrument \ * -e class \ * com.android.mediaframeworktest.stress.Camera2StillCaptureTest#Camera2ReprocessCaptureTest \ * -e iterations 1 \ * -e waitIntervalMs 1000 \ * -e resultToFile false \ * -r -w com.android.mediaframeworktest/.Camera2InstrumentationTestRunner */ public class Camera2ReprocessCaptureTest extends Camera2SurfaceViewTestCase { private static final String TAG = "ReprocessCaptureTest"; private static final boolean VERBOSE = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE); private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG); private static final int CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES = 100; private static final int CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000; private static final int WAIT_FOR_SURFACE_CHANGE_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; private static final int CAPTURE_TEMPLATE = CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG; private static final int ZSL_TEMPLATE = CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG; private static final int NUM_REPROCESS_TEST_LOOP = 3; private static final int NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES = 3; private static final int NUM_REPROCESS_BURST = 3; private int mDumpFrameCount = 0; // The image reader for the first regular capture private ImageReader mFirstImageReader; // The image reader for the reprocess capture private ImageReader mSecondImageReader; // A flag indicating whether the regular capture and the reprocess capture share the same image // reader. If it's true, mFirstImageReader should be used for regular and reprocess outputs. private boolean mShareOneImageReader; private SimpleImageReaderListener mFirstImageReaderListener; private SimpleImageReaderListener mSecondImageReaderListener; private Surface mInputSurface; private ImageWriter mImageWriter; private SimpleImageWriterListener mImageWriterListener; private enum CaptureTestCase { SINGLE_SHOT, BURST, MIXED_BURST, ABORT_CAPTURE, TIMESTAMPS, JPEG_EXIF, REQUEST_KEYS, } /** * Test YUV_420_888 -> JPEG with maximal supported sizes */ public void testBasicYuvToJpegReprocessing() throws Exception { for (String id : mCameraIds) { if (!isYuvReprocessSupported(id)) { continue; } // Test iteration starts... for (int iteration = 0; iteration < getIterationCount(); ++iteration) { Log.v(TAG, String.format("Reprocessing YUV to JPEG: %d/%d", iteration + 1, getIterationCount())); // YUV_420_888 -> JPEG must be supported. testBasicReprocessing(id, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, ImageFormat.JPEG); getResultPrinter().printStatus(getIterationCount(), iteration + 1, id); Thread.sleep(getTestWaitIntervalMs()); } } } /** * Test OPAQUE -> JPEG with maximal supported sizes */ public void testBasicOpaqueToJpegReprocessing() throws Exception { for (String id : mCameraIds) { if (!isOpaqueReprocessSupported(id)) { continue; } // Test iteration starts... for (int iteration = 0; iteration < getIterationCount(); ++iteration) { Log.v(TAG, String.format("Reprocessing OPAQUE to JPEG: %d/%d", iteration + 1, getIterationCount())); // OPAQUE -> JPEG must be supported. testBasicReprocessing(id, ImageFormat.PRIVATE, ImageFormat.JPEG); getResultPrinter().printStatus(getIterationCount(), iteration + 1, id); Thread.sleep(getTestWaitIntervalMs()); } } } /** * Test all supported size and format combinations with preview. */ public void testReprocessingSizeFormatWithPreview() throws Exception { for (String id : mCameraIds) { if (!isYuvReprocessSupported(id) && !isOpaqueReprocessSupported(id)) { continue; } try { // open Camera device openDevice(id); // Test iteration starts... for (int iteration = 0; iteration < getIterationCount(); ++iteration) { Log.v(TAG, String.format("Reprocessing size format with preview: %d/%d", iteration + 1, getIterationCount())); testReprocessingAllCombinations(id, mOrderedPreviewSizes.get(0), CaptureTestCase.SINGLE_SHOT); getResultPrinter().printStatus(getIterationCount(), iteration + 1, id); Thread.sleep(getTestWaitIntervalMs()); } } finally { closeDevice(); } } } /** * Test burst captures mixed with regular and reprocess captures with and without preview. */ public void testMixedBurstReprocessing() throws Exception { for (String id : mCameraIds) { if (!isYuvReprocessSupported(id) && !isOpaqueReprocessSupported(id)) { continue; } try { // open Camera device openDevice(id); // Test iteration starts... for (int iteration = 0; iteration < getIterationCount(); ++iteration) { Log.v(TAG, String.format("Reprocessing mixed burst with or without preview: " + "%d/%d", iteration + 1, getIterationCount())); // no preview testReprocessingAllCombinations(id, /*previewSize*/null, CaptureTestCase.MIXED_BURST); // with preview testReprocessingAllCombinations(id, mOrderedPreviewSizes.get(0), CaptureTestCase.MIXED_BURST); getResultPrinter().printStatus(getIterationCount(), iteration + 1, id); Thread.sleep(getTestWaitIntervalMs()); } } finally { closeDevice(); } } } /** * Test the input format and output format with the largest input and output sizes. */ private void testBasicReprocessing(String cameraId, int inputFormat, int reprocessOutputFormat) throws Exception { try { openDevice(cameraId); testReprocessingMaxSizes(cameraId, inputFormat, reprocessOutputFormat, /* previewSize */null, CaptureTestCase.SINGLE_SHOT); } finally { closeDevice(); } } /** * Test the input format and output format with the largest input and output sizes for a * certain test case. */ private void testReprocessingMaxSizes(String cameraId, int inputFormat, int reprocessOutputFormat, Size previewSize, CaptureTestCase captureTestCase) throws Exception { Size maxInputSize = getMaxSize(inputFormat, StaticMetadata.StreamDirection.Input); Size maxReprocessOutputSize = getMaxSize(reprocessOutputFormat, StaticMetadata.StreamDirection.Output); switch (captureTestCase) { case SINGLE_SHOT: testReprocess(cameraId, maxInputSize, inputFormat, maxReprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, previewSize, NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); break; case ABORT_CAPTURE: testReprocessAbort(cameraId, maxInputSize, inputFormat, maxReprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat); break; case TIMESTAMPS: testReprocessTimestamps(cameraId, maxInputSize, inputFormat, maxReprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat); break; case JPEG_EXIF: testReprocessJpegExif(cameraId, maxInputSize, inputFormat, maxReprocessOutputSize); break; case REQUEST_KEYS: testReprocessRequestKeys(cameraId, maxInputSize, inputFormat, maxReprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid test case"); } } /** * Test all input format, input size, output format, and output size combinations. */ private void testReprocessingAllCombinations(String cameraId, Size previewSize, CaptureTestCase captureTestCase) throws Exception { int[] supportedInputFormats = mStaticInfo.getAvailableFormats(StaticMetadata.StreamDirection.Input); for (int inputFormat : supportedInputFormats) { Size[] supportedInputSizes = mStaticInfo.getAvailableSizesForFormatChecked(inputFormat, StaticMetadata.StreamDirection.Input); for (Size inputSize : supportedInputSizes) { int[] supportedReprocessOutputFormats = mStaticInfo.getValidOutputFormatsForInput(inputFormat); for (int reprocessOutputFormat : supportedReprocessOutputFormats) { Size[] supportedReprocessOutputSizes = mStaticInfo.getAvailableSizesForFormatChecked(reprocessOutputFormat, StaticMetadata.StreamDirection.Output); for (Size reprocessOutputSize : supportedReprocessOutputSizes) { switch (captureTestCase) { case SINGLE_SHOT: testReprocess(cameraId, inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, previewSize, NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); break; case BURST: testReprocessBurst(cameraId, inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, previewSize, NUM_REPROCESS_BURST); break; case MIXED_BURST: testReprocessMixedBurst(cameraId, inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, previewSize, NUM_REPROCESS_BURST); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid test case"); } } } } } } /** * Test burst that is mixed with regular and reprocess capture requests. */ private void testReprocessMixedBurst(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat, Size previewSize, int numBurst) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocessMixedBurst: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize + " reprocessOutputFormat: " + reprocessOutputFormat + " previewSize: " + previewSize + " numBurst: " + numBurst); } boolean enablePreview = (previewSize != null); ImageResultHolder[] imageResultHolders = new ImageResultHolder[0]; try { // totalNumBurst = number of regular burst + number of reprocess burst. int totalNumBurst = numBurst * 2; if (enablePreview) { updatePreviewSurface(previewSize); } else { mPreviewSurface = null; } setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, totalNumBurst); setupReprocessableSession(mPreviewSurface, /*numImageWriterImages*/numBurst); if (enablePreview) { startPreview(mPreviewSurface); } // Prepare an array of booleans indicating each capture's type (regular or reprocess) boolean[] isReprocessCaptures = new boolean[totalNumBurst]; for (int i = 0; i < totalNumBurst; i++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { isReprocessCaptures[i] = true; } else { isReprocessCaptures[i] = false; } } imageResultHolders = doMixedReprocessBurstCapture(isReprocessCaptures); for (ImageResultHolder holder : imageResultHolders) { Image reprocessedImage = holder.getImage(); TotalCaptureResult result = holder.getTotalCaptureResult(); mCollector.expectImageProperties("testReprocessMixedBurst", reprocessedImage, reprocessOutputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP)); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("camera %s in %dx%d %d out %dx%d %d", cameraId, inputSize.getWidth(), inputSize.getHeight(), inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize.getWidth(), reprocessOutputSize.getHeight(), reprocessOutputFormat)); dumpImage(reprocessedImage, "/testReprocessMixedBurst_camera" + cameraId + "_" + mDumpFrameCount); mDumpFrameCount++; } } } finally { for (ImageResultHolder holder : imageResultHolders) { holder.getImage().close(); } closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Test burst of reprocess capture requests. */ private void testReprocessBurst(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat, Size previewSize, int numBurst) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocessBurst: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize + " reprocessOutputFormat: " + reprocessOutputFormat + " previewSize: " + previewSize + " numBurst: " + numBurst); } boolean enablePreview = (previewSize != null); ImageResultHolder[] imageResultHolders = new ImageResultHolder[0]; try { if (enablePreview) { updatePreviewSurface(previewSize); } else { mPreviewSurface = null; } setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, numBurst); setupReprocessableSession(mPreviewSurface, numBurst); if (enablePreview) { startPreview(mPreviewSurface); } imageResultHolders = doReprocessBurstCapture(numBurst); for (ImageResultHolder holder : imageResultHolders) { Image reprocessedImage = holder.getImage(); TotalCaptureResult result = holder.getTotalCaptureResult(); mCollector.expectImageProperties("testReprocessBurst", reprocessedImage, reprocessOutputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP)); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("camera %s in %dx%d %d out %dx%d %d", cameraId, inputSize.getWidth(), inputSize.getHeight(), inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize.getWidth(), reprocessOutputSize.getHeight(), reprocessOutputFormat)); dumpImage(reprocessedImage, "/testReprocessBurst_camera" + cameraId + "_" + mDumpFrameCount); mDumpFrameCount++; } } } finally { for (ImageResultHolder holder : imageResultHolders) { holder.getImage().close(); } closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Test a sequences of reprocess capture requests. */ private void testReprocess(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat, Size previewSize, int numReprocessCaptures) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocess: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize + " reprocessOutputFormat: " + reprocessOutputFormat + " previewSize: " + previewSize); } boolean enablePreview = (previewSize != null); try { if (enablePreview) { updatePreviewSurface(previewSize); } else { mPreviewSurface = null; } setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, /*maxImages*/1); setupReprocessableSession(mPreviewSurface, /*numImageWriterImages*/1); if (enablePreview) { startPreview(mPreviewSurface); } for (int i = 0; i < numReprocessCaptures; i++) { ImageResultHolder imageResultHolder = null; try { imageResultHolder = doReprocessCapture(); Image reprocessedImage = imageResultHolder.getImage(); TotalCaptureResult result = imageResultHolder.getTotalCaptureResult(); mCollector.expectImageProperties("testReprocess", reprocessedImage, reprocessOutputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP)); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("camera %s in %dx%d %d out %dx%d %d", cameraId, inputSize.getWidth(), inputSize.getHeight(), inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize.getWidth(), reprocessOutputSize.getHeight(), reprocessOutputFormat)); dumpImage(reprocessedImage, "/testReprocess_camera" + cameraId + "_" + mDumpFrameCount); mDumpFrameCount++; } } finally { if (imageResultHolder != null) { imageResultHolder.getImage().close(); } } } } finally { closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Test aborting a burst reprocess capture and multiple single reprocess captures. */ private void testReprocessAbort(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocessAbort: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize + " reprocessOutputFormat: " + reprocessOutputFormat); } try { setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); setupReprocessableSession(/*previewSurface*/null, NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); // Test two cases: submitting reprocess requests one by one and in a burst. boolean submitInBursts[] = {false, true}; for (boolean submitInBurst : submitInBursts) { // Prepare reprocess capture requests. ArrayList<CaptureRequest> reprocessRequests = new ArrayList<>(NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES; i++) { TotalCaptureResult result = submitCaptureRequest(mFirstImageReader.getSurface(), /*inputResult*/null); mImageWriter.queueInputImage( mFirstImageReaderListener.getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS)); CaptureRequest.Builder builder = mCamera.createReprocessCaptureRequest(result); builder.addTarget(getReprocessOutputImageReader().getSurface()); reprocessRequests.add(builder.build()); } SimpleCaptureCallback captureCallback = new SimpleCaptureCallback(); // Submit reprocess capture requests. if (submitInBurst) { mSession.captureBurst(reprocessRequests, captureCallback, mHandler); } else { for (CaptureRequest request : reprocessRequests) { mSession.capture(request, captureCallback, mHandler); } } // Abort after getting the first result TotalCaptureResult reprocessResult = captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultForRequest(reprocessRequests.get(0), CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); mSession.abortCaptures(); // Wait until the session is ready again. mSessionListener.getStateWaiter().waitForState( BlockingSessionCallback.SESSION_READY, SESSION_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_MS); // Gather all failed requests. ArrayList<CaptureFailure> failures = captureCallback.getCaptureFailures(NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES - 1); ArrayList<CaptureRequest> failedRequests = new ArrayList<>(); for (CaptureFailure failure : failures) { failedRequests.add(failure.getRequest()); } // For each request that didn't fail must have a valid result. for (int i = 1; i < reprocessRequests.size(); i++) { CaptureRequest request = reprocessRequests.get(i); if (!failedRequests.contains(request)) { captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultForRequest(request, CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); } } // Drain the image reader listeners. mFirstImageReaderListener.drain(); if (!mShareOneImageReader) { mSecondImageReaderListener.drain(); } // Make sure all input surfaces are released. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES; i++) { mImageWriterListener.waitForImageReleased(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS); } } } finally { closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Test timestamps for reprocess requests. Reprocess request's shutter timestamp, result's * sensor timestamp, and output image's timestamp should match the reprocess input's timestamp. */ private void testReprocessTimestamps(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocessTimestamps: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize + " reprocessOutputFormat: " + reprocessOutputFormat); } try { setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); setupReprocessableSession(/*previewSurface*/null, NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); // Prepare reprocess capture requests. ArrayList<CaptureRequest> reprocessRequests = new ArrayList<>(NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); ArrayList<Long> expectedTimestamps = new ArrayList<>(NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES; i++) { TotalCaptureResult result = submitCaptureRequest(mFirstImageReader.getSurface(), /*inputResult*/null); mImageWriter.queueInputImage( mFirstImageReaderListener.getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS)); CaptureRequest.Builder builder = mCamera.createReprocessCaptureRequest(result); builder.addTarget(getReprocessOutputImageReader().getSurface()); reprocessRequests.add(builder.build()); // Reprocess result's timestamp should match input image's timestamp. expectedTimestamps.add(result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP)); } // Submit reprocess requests. SimpleCaptureCallback captureCallback = new SimpleCaptureCallback(); mSession.captureBurst(reprocessRequests, captureCallback, mHandler); // Verify we get the expected timestamps. for (int i = 0; i < reprocessRequests.size(); i++) { captureCallback.waitForCaptureStart(reprocessRequests.get(i), expectedTimestamps.get(i), CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); } TotalCaptureResult[] reprocessResults = captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultsForRequests(reprocessRequests, CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); for (int i = 0; i < expectedTimestamps.size(); i++) { // Verify the result timestamps match the input image's timestamps. long expected = expectedTimestamps.get(i); long timestamp = reprocessResults[i].get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP); assertEquals("Reprocess result timestamp (" + timestamp + ") doesn't match input " + "image's timestamp (" + expected + ")", expected, timestamp); // Verify the reprocess output image timestamps match the input image's timestamps. Image image = getReprocessOutputImageReaderListener().getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS); timestamp = image.getTimestamp(); image.close(); assertEquals("Reprocess output timestamp (" + timestamp + ") doesn't match input " + "image's timestamp (" + expected + ")", expected, timestamp); } // Make sure all input surfaces are released. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPROCESS_CAPTURES; i++) { mImageWriterListener.waitForImageReleased(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS); } } finally { closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Test JPEG tags for reprocess requests. Reprocess result's JPEG tags and JPEG image's tags * match reprocess request's JPEG tags. */ private void testReprocessJpegExif(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocessJpegExif: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize); } Size[] thumbnailSizes = mStaticInfo.getAvailableThumbnailSizesChecked(); Size[] testThumbnailSizes = new Size[EXIF_TEST_DATA.length]; Arrays.fill(testThumbnailSizes, thumbnailSizes[thumbnailSizes.length - 1]); // Make sure thumbnail size (0, 0) is covered. testThumbnailSizes[0] = new Size(0, 0); try { setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, ImageFormat.JPEG, EXIF_TEST_DATA.length); setupReprocessableSession(/*previewSurface*/null, EXIF_TEST_DATA.length); // Prepare reprocess capture requests. ArrayList<CaptureRequest> reprocessRequests = new ArrayList<>(EXIF_TEST_DATA.length); for (int i = 0; i < EXIF_TEST_DATA.length; i++) { TotalCaptureResult result = submitCaptureRequest(mFirstImageReader.getSurface(), /*inputResult*/null); mImageWriter.queueInputImage( mFirstImageReaderListener.getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS)); CaptureRequest.Builder builder = mCamera.createReprocessCaptureRequest(result); builder.addTarget(getReprocessOutputImageReader().getSurface()); // set jpeg keys setJpegKeys(builder, EXIF_TEST_DATA[i], testThumbnailSizes[i], mCollector); reprocessRequests.add(builder.build()); } // Submit reprocess requests. SimpleCaptureCallback captureCallback = new SimpleCaptureCallback(); mSession.captureBurst(reprocessRequests, captureCallback, mHandler); TotalCaptureResult[] reprocessResults = captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultsForRequests(reprocessRequests, CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); for (int i = 0; i < EXIF_TEST_DATA.length; i++) { // Verify output image's and result's JPEG EXIF data. Image image = getReprocessOutputImageReaderListener().getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS); verifyJpegKeys(image, reprocessResults[i], reprocessOutputSize, testThumbnailSizes[i], EXIF_TEST_DATA[i], mStaticInfo, mCollector); image.close(); } } finally { closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Test the following keys in reprocess results match the keys in reprocess requests: * 1. EDGE_MODE * 2. NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE * 3. REPROCESS_EFFECTIVE_EXPOSURE_FACTOR (only for YUV reprocess) */ private void testReprocessRequestKeys(String cameraId, Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat) throws Exception { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "testReprocessRequestKeys: cameraId: " + cameraId + " inputSize: " + inputSize + " inputFormat: " + inputFormat + " reprocessOutputSize: " + reprocessOutputSize + " reprocessOutputFormat: " + reprocessOutputFormat); } final Integer[] EDGE_MODES = {CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE_FAST, CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE_HIGH_QUALITY, CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE_OFF, CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG}; final Integer[] NR_MODES = {CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_HIGH_QUALITY, CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_OFF, CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG, CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_FAST}; final Float[] EFFECTIVE_EXP_FACTORS = {null, 1.0f, 2.5f, 4.0f}; int numFrames = EDGE_MODES.length; try { setupImageReaders(inputSize, inputFormat, reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, numFrames); setupReprocessableSession(/*previewSurface*/null, numFrames); // Prepare reprocess capture requests. ArrayList<CaptureRequest> reprocessRequests = new ArrayList<>(numFrames); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { TotalCaptureResult result = submitCaptureRequest(mFirstImageReader.getSurface(), /*inputResult*/null); mImageWriter.queueInputImage( mFirstImageReaderListener.getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS)); CaptureRequest.Builder builder = mCamera.createReprocessCaptureRequest(result); builder.addTarget(getReprocessOutputImageReader().getSurface()); // Set reprocess request keys builder.set(CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE, EDGE_MODES[i]); builder.set(CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE, NR_MODES[i]); if (inputFormat == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) { builder.set(CaptureRequest.REPROCESS_EFFECTIVE_EXPOSURE_FACTOR, EFFECTIVE_EXP_FACTORS[i]); } reprocessRequests.add(builder.build()); } // Submit reprocess requests. SimpleCaptureCallback captureCallback = new SimpleCaptureCallback(); mSession.captureBurst(reprocessRequests, captureCallback, mHandler); TotalCaptureResult[] reprocessResults = captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultsForRequests(reprocessRequests, CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { // Verify result's keys Integer resultEdgeMode = reprocessResults[i].get(CaptureResult.EDGE_MODE); Integer resultNoiseReductionMode = reprocessResults[i].get(CaptureResult.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE); assertEquals("Reprocess result edge mode (" + resultEdgeMode + ") doesn't match requested edge mode (" + EDGE_MODES[i] + ")", resultEdgeMode, EDGE_MODES[i]); assertEquals("Reprocess result noise reduction mode (" + resultNoiseReductionMode + ") doesn't match requested noise reduction mode (" + NR_MODES[i] + ")", resultNoiseReductionMode, NR_MODES[i]); if (inputFormat == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) { Float resultEffectiveExposureFactor = reprocessResults[i].get( CaptureResult.REPROCESS_EFFECTIVE_EXPOSURE_FACTOR); assertEquals("Reprocess effective exposure factor (" + resultEffectiveExposureFactor + ") doesn't match requested " + "effective exposure factor (" + EFFECTIVE_EXP_FACTORS[i] + ")", resultEffectiveExposureFactor, EFFECTIVE_EXP_FACTORS[i]); } } } finally { closeReprossibleSession(); closeImageReaders(); } } /** * Set up two image readers: one for regular capture (used for reprocess input) and one for * reprocess capture. */ private void setupImageReaders(Size inputSize, int inputFormat, Size reprocessOutputSize, int reprocessOutputFormat, int maxImages) { mShareOneImageReader = false; // If the regular output and reprocess output have the same size and format, // they can share one image reader. if (inputFormat == reprocessOutputFormat && inputSize.equals(reprocessOutputSize)) { maxImages *= 2; mShareOneImageReader = true; } // create an ImageReader for the regular capture mFirstImageReaderListener = new SimpleImageReaderListener(); mFirstImageReader = makeImageReader(inputSize, inputFormat, maxImages, mFirstImageReaderListener, mHandler); if (!mShareOneImageReader) { // create an ImageReader for the reprocess capture mSecondImageReaderListener = new SimpleImageReaderListener(); mSecondImageReader = makeImageReader(reprocessOutputSize, reprocessOutputFormat, maxImages, mSecondImageReaderListener, mHandler); } } /** * Close two image readers. */ private void closeImageReaders() { CameraTestUtils.closeImageReader(mFirstImageReader); mFirstImageReader = null; CameraTestUtils.closeImageReader(mSecondImageReader); mSecondImageReader = null; } /** * Get the ImageReader for reprocess output. */ private ImageReader getReprocessOutputImageReader() { if (mShareOneImageReader) { return mFirstImageReader; } else { return mSecondImageReader; } } private SimpleImageReaderListener getReprocessOutputImageReaderListener() { if (mShareOneImageReader) { return mFirstImageReaderListener; } else { return mSecondImageReaderListener; } } /** * Set up a reprocessable session and create an ImageWriter with the sessoin's input surface. */ private void setupReprocessableSession(Surface previewSurface, int numImageWriterImages) throws Exception { // create a reprocessable capture session List<Surface> outSurfaces = new ArrayList<Surface>(); outSurfaces.add(mFirstImageReader.getSurface()); if (!mShareOneImageReader) { outSurfaces.add(mSecondImageReader.getSurface()); } if (previewSurface != null) { outSurfaces.add(previewSurface); } InputConfiguration inputConfig = new InputConfiguration(mFirstImageReader.getWidth(), mFirstImageReader.getHeight(), mFirstImageReader.getImageFormat()); String inputConfigString = inputConfig.toString(); if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "InputConfiguration: " + inputConfigString); } assertTrue(String.format("inputConfig is wrong: %dx%d format %d. Expect %dx%d format %d", inputConfig.getWidth(), inputConfig.getHeight(), inputConfig.getFormat(), mFirstImageReader.getWidth(), mFirstImageReader.getHeight(), mFirstImageReader.getImageFormat()), inputConfig.getWidth() == mFirstImageReader.getWidth() && inputConfig.getHeight() == mFirstImageReader.getHeight() && inputConfig.getFormat() == mFirstImageReader.getImageFormat()); mSessionListener = new BlockingSessionCallback(); mSession = configureReprocessableCameraSession(mCamera, inputConfig, outSurfaces, mSessionListener, mHandler); // create an ImageWriter mInputSurface = mSession.getInputSurface(); mImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(mInputSurface, numImageWriterImages); mImageWriterListener = new SimpleImageWriterListener(mImageWriter); mImageWriter.setOnImageReleasedListener(mImageWriterListener, mHandler); } /** * Close the reprocessable session and ImageWriter. */ private void closeReprossibleSession() { mInputSurface = null; if (mSession != null) { mSession.close(); mSession = null; } if (mImageWriter != null) { mImageWriter.close(); mImageWriter = null; } } /** * Do one reprocess capture. */ private ImageResultHolder doReprocessCapture() throws Exception { return doReprocessBurstCapture(/*numBurst*/1)[0]; } /** * Do a burst of reprocess captures. */ private ImageResultHolder[] doReprocessBurstCapture(int numBurst) throws Exception { boolean[] isReprocessCaptures = new boolean[numBurst]; for (int i = 0; i < numBurst; i++) { isReprocessCaptures[i] = true; } return doMixedReprocessBurstCapture(isReprocessCaptures); } /** * Do a burst of captures that are mixed with regular and reprocess captures. * * @param isReprocessCaptures An array whose elements indicate whether it's a reprocess capture * request. If the element is true, it represents a reprocess capture * request. If the element is false, it represents a regular capture * request. The size of the array is the number of capture requests * in the burst. */ private ImageResultHolder[] doMixedReprocessBurstCapture(boolean[] isReprocessCaptures) throws Exception { if (isReprocessCaptures == null || isReprocessCaptures.length <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("isReprocessCaptures must have at least 1 capture."); } boolean hasReprocessRequest = false; boolean hasRegularRequest = false; TotalCaptureResult[] results = new TotalCaptureResult[isReprocessCaptures.length]; for (int i = 0; i < isReprocessCaptures.length; i++) { // submit a capture and get the result if this entry is a reprocess capture. if (isReprocessCaptures[i]) { results[i] = submitCaptureRequest(mFirstImageReader.getSurface(), /*inputResult*/null); mImageWriter.queueInputImage( mFirstImageReaderListener.getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS)); hasReprocessRequest = true; } else { hasRegularRequest = true; } } Surface[] outputSurfaces = new Surface[isReprocessCaptures.length]; for (int i = 0; i < isReprocessCaptures.length; i++) { outputSurfaces[i] = getReprocessOutputImageReader().getSurface(); } TotalCaptureResult[] finalResults = submitMixedCaptureBurstRequest(outputSurfaces, results); ImageResultHolder[] holders = new ImageResultHolder[isReprocessCaptures.length]; for (int i = 0; i < isReprocessCaptures.length; i++) { Image image = getReprocessOutputImageReaderListener().getImage(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS); if (hasReprocessRequest && hasRegularRequest) { // If there are mixed requests, images and results may not be in the same order. for (int j = 0; j < finalResults.length; j++) { if (finalResults[j] != null && finalResults[j].get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP) == image.getTimestamp()) { holders[i] = new ImageResultHolder(image, finalResults[j]); finalResults[j] = null; break; } } assertNotNull("Cannot find a result matching output image's timestamp: " + image.getTimestamp(), holders[i]); } else { // If no mixed requests, images and results should be in the same order. holders[i] = new ImageResultHolder(image, finalResults[i]); } } return holders; } /** * Start preview without a listener. */ private void startPreview(Surface previewSurface) throws Exception { CaptureRequest.Builder builder = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(ZSL_TEMPLATE); builder.addTarget(previewSurface); mSession.setRepeatingRequest(builder.build(), null, mHandler); } /** * Issue a capture request and return the result. If inputResult is null, it's a regular * request. Otherwise, it's a reprocess request. */ private TotalCaptureResult submitCaptureRequest(Surface output, TotalCaptureResult inputResult) throws Exception { Surface[] outputs = new Surface[1]; outputs[0] = output; TotalCaptureResult[] inputResults = new TotalCaptureResult[1]; inputResults[0] = inputResult; return submitMixedCaptureBurstRequest(outputs, inputResults)[0]; } /** * Submit a burst request mixed with regular and reprocess requests. * * @param outputs An array of output surfaces. One output surface will be used in one request * so the length of the array is the number of requests in a burst request. * @param inputResults An array of input results. If it's null, all requests are regular * requests. If an element is null, that element represents a regular * request. If an element if not null, that element represents a reprocess * request. * */ private TotalCaptureResult[] submitMixedCaptureBurstRequest(Surface[] outputs, TotalCaptureResult[] inputResults) throws Exception { if (outputs == null || outputs.length <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outputs must have at least 1 surface"); } else if (inputResults != null && inputResults.length != outputs.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The lengths of outputs and inputResults " + "don't match"); } int numReprocessCaptures = 0; SimpleCaptureCallback captureCallback = new SimpleCaptureCallback(); ArrayList<CaptureRequest> captureRequests = new ArrayList<>(outputs.length); // Prepare a list of capture requests. Whether it's a regular or reprocess capture request // is based on inputResults array. for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) { CaptureRequest.Builder builder; boolean isReprocess = (inputResults != null && inputResults[i] != null); if (isReprocess) { builder = mCamera.createReprocessCaptureRequest(inputResults[i]); numReprocessCaptures++; } else { builder = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CAPTURE_TEMPLATE); } builder.addTarget(outputs[i]); CaptureRequest request = builder.build(); assertTrue("Capture request reprocess type " + request.isReprocess() + " is wrong.", request.isReprocess() == isReprocess); captureRequests.add(request); } if (captureRequests.size() == 1) { mSession.capture(captureRequests.get(0), captureCallback, mHandler); } else { mSession.captureBurst(captureRequests, captureCallback, mHandler); } TotalCaptureResult[] results; if (numReprocessCaptures == 0 || numReprocessCaptures == outputs.length) { results = new TotalCaptureResult[outputs.length]; // If the requests are not mixed, they should come in order. for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++){ results[i] = captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultForRequest( captureRequests.get(i), CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES); } } else { // If the requests are mixed, they may not come in order. results = captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResultsForRequests( captureRequests, CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_FRAMES * captureRequests.size()); } // make sure all input surfaces are released. for (int i = 0; i < numReprocessCaptures; i++) { mImageWriterListener.waitForImageReleased(CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MS); } return results; } private Size getMaxSize(int format, StaticMetadata.StreamDirection direction) { Size[] sizes = mStaticInfo.getAvailableSizesForFormatChecked(format, direction); return getAscendingOrderSizes(Arrays.asList(sizes), /*ascending*/false).get(0); } private boolean isYuvReprocessSupported(String cameraId) throws Exception { return isReprocessSupported(cameraId, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888); } private boolean isOpaqueReprocessSupported(String cameraId) throws Exception { return isReprocessSupported(cameraId, ImageFormat.PRIVATE); } private void dumpImage(Image image, String name) { String filename = DEBUG_FILE_NAME_BASE + name; switch(image.getFormat()) { case ImageFormat.JPEG: filename += ".jpg"; break; case ImageFormat.NV16: case ImageFormat.NV21: case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888: filename += ".yuv"; break; default: filename += "." + image.getFormat(); break; } Log.d(TAG, "dumping an image to " + filename); dumpFile(filename , getDataFromImage(image)); } /** * A class that holds an Image and a TotalCaptureResult. */ private static class ImageResultHolder { private final Image mImage; private final TotalCaptureResult mResult; public ImageResultHolder(Image image, TotalCaptureResult result) { mImage = image; mResult = result; } public Image getImage() { return mImage; } public TotalCaptureResult getTotalCaptureResult() { return mResult; } } }