/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.documentsui.dirlist; import static com.android.documentsui.dirlist.MultiSelectManager.GridModel.NOT_SET; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView.OnScrollListener; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import com.android.documentsui.dirlist.MultiSelectManager.GridModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; @SmallTest public class MultiSelectManager_GridModelTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final int VIEW_PADDING_PX = 5; private static final int CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX = 100; private static final int VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 500; private GridModel model; private TestEnvironment env; private TestDocumentsAdapter adapter; private Set<String> lastSelection; private int viewWidth; // TLDR: Don't call model.{start|resize}Selection; use the local #startSelection and // #resizeSelection methods instead. // // The reason for this is that selection is stateful and involves operations that take the // current UI state (e.g scrolling) into account. This test maintains its own copy of the // selection bounds as control data for verifying selections. Keep this data in sync by calling // #startSelection and // #resizeSelection. private Point mSelectionOrigin; private Point mSelectionPoint; private void initData(final int numChildren, int numColumns) { env = new TestEnvironment(numChildren, numColumns); adapter = new TestDocumentsAdapter(new ArrayList<String>()) { @Override public String getModelId(int position) { return Integer.toString(position); } @Override public int getItemCount() { return numChildren; } }; viewWidth = VIEW_PADDING_PX + numColumns * (VIEW_PADDING_PX + CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX); model = new GridModel(env, adapter); model.addOnSelectionChangedListener( new GridModel.OnSelectionChangedListener() { @Override public void onSelectionChanged(Set<String> updatedSelection) { lastSelection = updatedSelection; } @Override public boolean onBeforeItemStateChange(String id, boolean nextState) { return true; } }); } @Override public void tearDown() { model = null; env = null; lastSelection = null; } public void testSelectionLeftOfItems() { initData(20, 5); startSelection(new Point(0, 10)); resizeSelection(new Point(1, 11)); assertNoSelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testSelectionRightOfItems() { initData(20, 4); startSelection(new Point(viewWidth - 1, 10)); resizeSelection(new Point(viewWidth - 2, 11)); assertNoSelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testSelectionAboveItems() { initData(20, 4); startSelection(new Point(10, 0)); resizeSelection(new Point(11, 1)); assertNoSelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testSelectionBelowItems() { initData(5, 4); startSelection(new Point(10, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - 1)); resizeSelection(new Point(11, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - 2)); assertNoSelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testVerticalSelectionBetweenItems() { initData(20, 4); startSelection(new Point(106, 0)); resizeSelection(new Point(107, 200)); assertNoSelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testHorizontalSelectionBetweenItems() { initData(20, 4); startSelection(new Point(0, 105)); resizeSelection(new Point(200, 106)); assertNoSelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testGrowingAndShrinkingSelection() { initData(20, 4); startSelection(new Point(0, 0)); resizeSelection(new Point(5, 5)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(109, 109)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(110, 109)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(110, 110)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(214, 214)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(215, 214)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(214, 214)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(110, 110)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(110, 109)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(109, 109)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(5, 5)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(0, 0)); verifySelection(); assertEquals(NOT_SET, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testSelectionMovingAroundOrigin() { initData(16, 4); startSelection(new Point(210, 210)); resizeSelection(new Point(viewWidth - 1, 0)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(0, 0)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(0, 420)); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(viewWidth - 1, 420)); verifySelection(); // This is manually figured and will need to be adjusted if the separator position is // changed. assertEquals(7, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } public void testScrollingBandSelect() { initData(40, 4); startSelection(new Point(0, 0)); resizeSelection(new Point(100, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - 1)); verifySelection(); scroll(CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(200, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - 1)); verifySelection(); scroll(CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX); verifySelection(); scroll(-2 * CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX); verifySelection(); resizeSelection(new Point(100, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - 1)); verifySelection(); assertEquals(0, model.getPositionNearestOrigin()); } /** Returns the current selection area as a Rect. */ private Rect getSelectionArea() { // Construct a rect from the two selection points. Rect selectionArea = new Rect( mSelectionOrigin.x, mSelectionOrigin.y, mSelectionOrigin.x, mSelectionOrigin.y); selectionArea.union(mSelectionPoint.x, mSelectionPoint.y); // Rect intersection tests are exclusive of bounds, while the MSM's selection code is // inclusive. Expand the rect by 1 pixel in all directions to account for this. selectionArea.inset(-1, -1); return selectionArea; } /** Asserts that the selection is currently empty. */ private void assertNoSelection() { assertEquals("Unexpected items " + lastSelection + " in selection " + getSelectionArea(), 0, lastSelection.size()); } /** Verifies the selection using actual bbox checks. */ private void verifySelection() { Rect selectionArea = getSelectionArea(); for (TestEnvironment.Item item: env.items) { if (Rect.intersects(selectionArea, item.rect)) { assertTrue("Expected item " + item + " was not in selection " + selectionArea, lastSelection.contains(item.name)); } else { assertFalse("Unexpected item " + item + " in selection" + selectionArea, lastSelection.contains(item.name)); } } } private void startSelection(Point p) { model.startSelection(p); mSelectionOrigin = env.createAbsolutePoint(p); } private void resizeSelection(Point p) { model.resizeSelection(p); mSelectionPoint = env.createAbsolutePoint(p); } private void scroll(int dy) { assertTrue(env.verticalOffset + VIEWPORT_HEIGHT + dy <= env.getTotalHeight()); env.verticalOffset += dy; // Correct the cached selection point as well. mSelectionPoint.y += dy; model.onScrolled(null, 0, dy); } private static final class TestEnvironment implements MultiSelectManager.SelectionEnvironment { private final int mNumColumns; private final int mNumRows; private final int mNumChildren; private final int mSeparatorPosition; public int horizontalOffset = 0; public int verticalOffset = 0; private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>(); public TestEnvironment(int numChildren, int numColumns) { mNumChildren = numChildren; mNumColumns = numColumns; mSeparatorPosition = mNumColumns + 1; mNumRows = setupGrid(); } private int setupGrid() { // Split the input set into folders and documents. Do this such that there is a // partially-populated row in the middle of the grid, to test corner cases in layout // code. int y = VIEW_PADDING_PX; int i = 0; int numRows = 0; while (i < mNumChildren) { int top = y; int height = CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX; int width = CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX; for (int j = 0; j < mNumColumns && i < mNumChildren; j++) { int left = VIEW_PADDING_PX + (j * (width + VIEW_PADDING_PX)); items.add(new Item( Integer.toString(i), new Rect( left, top, left + width - 1, top + height - 1))); // Create a partially populated row at the separator position. if (++i == mSeparatorPosition) { break; } } y += height + VIEW_PADDING_PX; numRows++; } return numRows; } private int getTotalHeight() { return CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX * mNumRows + VIEW_PADDING_PX * (mNumRows + 1); } private int getFirstVisibleRowIndex() { return verticalOffset / (CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX + VIEW_PADDING_PX); } private int getLastVisibleRowIndex() { int lastVisibleRowUncapped = (VIEWPORT_HEIGHT + verticalOffset - 1) / (CHILD_VIEW_EDGE_PX + VIEW_PADDING_PX); return Math.min(lastVisibleRowUncapped, mNumRows - 1); } private int getNumItemsInRow(int index) { assertTrue(index >= 0 && index < mNumRows); int mod = mSeparatorPosition % mNumColumns; if (index == (mSeparatorPosition / mNumColumns)) { // The row containing the separator may be incomplete return mod > 0 ? mod : mNumColumns; } // Account for the partial separator row in the final row tally. if (index == mNumRows - 1) { // The last row may be incomplete int finalRowCount = (mNumChildren - mod) % mNumColumns; return finalRowCount > 0 ? finalRowCount : mNumColumns; } return mNumColumns; } @Override public void addOnScrollListener(OnScrollListener listener) {} @Override public void removeOnScrollListener(OnScrollListener listener) {} @Override public Point createAbsolutePoint(Point relativePoint) { return new Point( relativePoint.x + horizontalOffset, relativePoint.y + verticalOffset); } @Override public int getVisibleChildCount() { int childCount = 0; for (int i = getFirstVisibleRowIndex(); i <= getLastVisibleRowIndex(); i++) { childCount += getNumItemsInRow(i); } return childCount; } @Override public int getAdapterPositionAt(int index) { // Account for partial rows by actually tallying up the items in hidden rows. int hiddenCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getFirstVisibleRowIndex(); i++) { hiddenCount += getNumItemsInRow(i); } return index + hiddenCount; } @Override public Rect getAbsoluteRectForChildViewAt(int index) { int adapterPosition = getAdapterPositionAt(index); return items.get(adapterPosition).rect; } @Override public int getChildCount() { return mNumChildren; } @Override public int getColumnCount() { return mNumColumns; } @Override public void showBand(Rect rect) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void hideBand() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void scrollBy(int dy) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getHeight() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void invalidateView() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void runAtNextFrame(Runnable r) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void removeCallback(Runnable r) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isLayoutItem(int adapterPosition) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasView(int adapterPosition) { return true; } public static final class Item { public String name; public Rect rect; public Item(String n, Rect r) { name = n; rect = r; } public String toString() { return name + ": " + rect; } } } }