/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.printservice.recommendation.plugin.mdnsFilter; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.StringRes; import android.content.Context; import android.net.nsd.NsdManager; import android.net.nsd.NsdServiceInfo; import android.util.Log; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions; import com.android.printservice.recommendation.PrintServicePlugin; import com.android.printservice.recommendation.util.DiscoveryListenerMultiplexer; import com.android.printservice.recommendation.util.NsdResolveQueue; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; /** * A plugin listening for mDNS results and only adding the ones that {@link * MDNSUtils#isVendorPrinter match} configured list */ public class MDNSFilterPlugin implements PrintServicePlugin, NsdManager.DiscoveryListener { private static final String LOG_TAG = "MDNSFilterPlugin"; private static final String PRINTER_SERVICE_TYPE = "_ipp._tcp"; /** Name of the print service this plugin is for */ private final @StringRes int mName; /** Package name of the print service this plugin is for */ private final @NonNull CharSequence mPackageName; /** mDNS names handled by the print service this plugin is for */ private final @NonNull HashSet<String> mMDNSNames; /** Printer identifiers of the mPrinters found. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private final @NonNull HashSet<String> mPrinters; /** Context of the user of this plugin */ private final @NonNull Context mContext; /** * Call back to report the number of mPrinters found. * * We assume that {@link #start} and {@link #stop} are never called in parallel, hence it is * safe to not synchronize access to this field. */ private @Nullable PrinterDiscoveryCallback mCallback; /** Queue used to resolve nsd infos */ private final @NonNull NsdResolveQueue mResolveQueue; /** * Create new stub that assumes that a print service can be used to print on all mPrinters * matching some mDNS names. * * @param context The context the plugin runs in * @param name The user friendly name of the print service * @param packageName The package name of the print service * @param mDNSNames The mDNS names of the printer. */ public MDNSFilterPlugin(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String name, @NonNull CharSequence packageName, @NonNull List<String> mDNSNames) { mContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(context, "context"); mName = mContext.getResources().getIdentifier(Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(name, "name"), null, "com.android.printservice.recommendation"); mPackageName = Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(packageName); mMDNSNames = new HashSet<>(Preconditions .checkCollectionNotEmpty(Preconditions.checkCollectionElementsNotNull(mDNSNames, "mDNSNames"), "mDNSNames")); mResolveQueue = NsdResolveQueue.getInstance(); mPrinters = new HashSet<>(); } @Override public @NonNull CharSequence getPackageName() { return mPackageName; } /** * @return The NDS manager */ private NsdManager getNDSManager() { return (NsdManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NSD_SERVICE); } @Override public void start(@NonNull PrinterDiscoveryCallback callback) throws Exception { mCallback = callback; DiscoveryListenerMultiplexer.addListener(getNDSManager(), PRINTER_SERVICE_TYPE, this); } @Override public @StringRes int getName() { return mName; } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { mCallback.onChanged(0); mCallback = null; DiscoveryListenerMultiplexer.removeListener(getNDSManager(), this); } @Override public void onStartDiscoveryFailed(String serviceType, int errorCode) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to start network discovery for type " + serviceType + ": " + errorCode); } @Override public void onStopDiscoveryFailed(String serviceType, int errorCode) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to stop network discovery for type " + serviceType + ": " + errorCode); } @Override public void onDiscoveryStarted(String serviceType) { // empty } @Override public void onDiscoveryStopped(String serviceType) { mPrinters.clear(); } @Override public void onServiceFound(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo) { mResolveQueue.resolve(getNDSManager(), serviceInfo, new NsdManager.ResolveListener() { @Override public void onResolveFailed(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo, int errorCode) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Service found: could not resolve " + serviceInfo + ": " + errorCode); } @Override public void onServiceResolved(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo) { if (MDNSUtils.isVendorPrinter(serviceInfo, mMDNSNames)) { if (mCallback != null) { boolean added = mPrinters.add(serviceInfo.getHost().getHostAddress()); if (added) { mCallback.onChanged(mPrinters.size()); } } } } }); } @Override public void onServiceLost(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo) { mResolveQueue.resolve(getNDSManager(), serviceInfo, new NsdManager.ResolveListener() { @Override public void onResolveFailed(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo, int errorCode) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Service lost: Could not resolve " + serviceInfo + ": " + errorCode); } @Override public void onServiceResolved(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo) { if (MDNSUtils.isVendorPrinter(serviceInfo, mMDNSNames)) { if (mCallback != null) { boolean removed = mPrinters .remove(serviceInfo.getHost().getHostAddress()); if (removed) { mCallback.onChanged(mPrinters.size()); } } } } }); } }