/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.app; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.support.test.filters.MediumTest; import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; import android.util.ArrayMap; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull; import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotSame; import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertSame; @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class LoaderLifecycleTest { @Rule public ActivityTestRule<EmptyActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(EmptyActivity.class); @Test @MediumTest public void loaderIdentityTest() throws Throwable{ mActivityRule.runOnUiThread(() -> { final Handler h = new Handler(); final FragmentController fc1 = FragmentController.createController( new TestFragmentHostCallback(mActivityRule.getActivity(), h, 0)); fc1.attachHost(null); fc1.dispatchCreate(); final FragmentManager fm1 = fc1.getFragmentManager(); final Fragment f1 = new Fragment(); fm1.beginTransaction().add(f1, "one").commitNow(); // Removing and re-adding a fragment completely will destroy its LoaderManager. // Keep the first one here to confirm this later. final LoaderManager lm1 = f1.getLoaderManager(); // Remove the fragment, add a second one, and re-add the first to // force its internal index to change. The tests below should still remain consistent. final Fragment f2 = new Fragment(); fm1.beginTransaction().remove(f1).commitNow(); fm1.beginTransaction().add(f2, "two").commitNow(); fm1.beginTransaction().add(f1, "one").commitNow(); // We'll check this to see if we get the same instance back later // as passed through NonConfigurationInstance. If the keys stay consistent // across fragment remove/re-add, this will be consistent. final LoaderManager lm12 = f1.getLoaderManager(); assertNotSame("fully removed and re-added fragment got same LoaderManager", lm1, lm12); fc1.dispatchActivityCreated(); fc1.noteStateNotSaved(); fc1.execPendingActions(); fc1.doLoaderStart(); fc1.dispatchStart(); fc1.reportLoaderStart(); fc1.dispatchResume(); fc1.execPendingActions(); // Bring the state back down to destroyed, simulating an activity restart fc1.dispatchPause(); final Parcelable savedState = fc1.saveAllState(); fc1.doLoaderStop(true); fc1.dispatchStop(); final FragmentManagerNonConfig nonconf = fc1.retainNestedNonConfig(); final ArrayMap<String, LoaderManager> loaderNonConfig = fc1.retainLoaderNonConfig(); assertNotNull("loaderNonConfig was null", loaderNonConfig); fc1.dispatchDestroy(); // Create the new controller and restore state final FragmentController fc2 = FragmentController.createController( new TestFragmentHostCallback(mActivityRule.getActivity(), h, 0)); final FragmentManager fm2 = fc2.getFragmentManager(); fc2.attachHost(null); // Make sure nothing blows up on a null here fc2.restoreLoaderNonConfig(null); // for real this time fc2.restoreLoaderNonConfig(loaderNonConfig); fc2.restoreAllState(savedState, nonconf); fc2.dispatchCreate(); fc2.dispatchActivityCreated(); fc2.noteStateNotSaved(); fc2.execPendingActions(); fc2.doLoaderStart(); fc2.dispatchStart(); fc2.reportLoaderStart(); fc2.dispatchResume(); fc2.execPendingActions(); // Test that the fragments are in the configuration we expect final Fragment restoredOne = fm2.findFragmentByTag("one"); final LoaderManager lm2 = restoredOne.getLoaderManager(); assertSame("didn't get same LoaderManager instance back", lm2, lm12); // Bring the state back down to destroyed before we finish the test fc2.dispatchPause(); fc2.saveAllState(); fc2.dispatchStop(); fc2.dispatchDestroy(); }); } @Test @MediumTest public void backStackLoaderIdentityTest() throws Throwable{ mActivityRule.runOnUiThread(() -> { final Handler h = new Handler(); final FragmentHostCallback host1 = new TestFragmentHostCallback(mActivityRule.getActivity(), h, 0); final FragmentController fc1 = FragmentController.createController(host1); fc1.attachHost(null); fc1.dispatchCreate(); final FragmentManager fm1 = fc1.getFragmentManager(); final Fragment f1 = new Fragment(); fm1.beginTransaction().add(f1, "one").commitNow(); final LoaderManager lm1 = f1.getLoaderManager(); // Put the fragment on the back stack. fm1.beginTransaction().remove(f1).addToBackStack("backentry").commit(); fm1.executePendingTransactions(); fc1.dispatchActivityCreated(); fc1.noteStateNotSaved(); fc1.execPendingActions(); fc1.doLoaderStart(); fc1.dispatchStart(); fc1.reportLoaderStart(); fc1.dispatchResume(); fc1.execPendingActions(); // Bring the state back down to destroyed, simulating an activity restart fc1.dispatchPause(); final Parcelable savedState = fc1.saveAllState(); fc1.doLoaderStop(true); fc1.dispatchStop(); final FragmentManagerNonConfig nonconf = fc1.retainNestedNonConfig(); final ArrayMap<String, LoaderManager> loaderNonConfig = fc1.retainLoaderNonConfig(); assertNotNull("loaderNonConfig was null", loaderNonConfig); fc1.dispatchDestroy(); // Create the new controller and restore state final FragmentHostCallback host2 = new TestFragmentHostCallback(mActivityRule.getActivity(), h, 0); final FragmentController fc2 = FragmentController.createController(host2); final FragmentManager fm2 = fc2.getFragmentManager(); fc2.attachHost(null); fc2.restoreLoaderNonConfig(loaderNonConfig); fc2.restoreAllState(savedState, nonconf); fc2.dispatchCreate(); fc2.dispatchActivityCreated(); fc2.noteStateNotSaved(); fc2.execPendingActions(); fc2.doLoaderStart(); fc2.dispatchStart(); fc2.reportLoaderStart(); fc2.dispatchResume(); fc2.execPendingActions(); assertNotSame("LoaderManager kept reference to old FragmentHostCallback", host1, lm1.getFragmentHostCallback()); assertSame("LoaderManager did not refrence new FragmentHostCallback", host2, lm1.getFragmentHostCallback()); // Test that the fragments are in the configuration we expect final Fragment restoredOne = fm2.findFragmentByTag("one"); final LoaderManager lm2 = restoredOne.getLoaderManager(); assertSame("didn't get same LoaderManager instance back", lm2, lm1); // Bring the state back down to destroyed before we finish the test fc2.dispatchPause(); fc2.saveAllState(); fc2.dispatchStop(); fc2.dispatchDestroy(); }); } public class TestFragmentHostCallback extends FragmentHostCallback<LoaderLifecycleTest> { public TestFragmentHostCallback(Context context, Handler handler, int windowAnimations) { super(context, handler, windowAnimations); } @Override public LoaderLifecycleTest onGetHost() { return LoaderLifecycleTest.this; } } }