package sink.scene3d.actions; /** Repeats an action a number of times or forever. * @author Nathan Sweet */ public class RepeatAction extends DelegateAction { static public final int FOREVER = -1; private int repeatCount, executedCount; private boolean finished; protected boolean delegate (float delta) { if (executedCount == repeatCount) return true; if (action.act(delta)) { if (finished) return true; if (repeatCount > 0) executedCount++; if (executedCount == repeatCount) return true; if (action != null) action.restart(); } return false; } /** Causes the action to not repeat again. */ public void finish () { finished = true; } public void restart () { super.restart(); executedCount = 0; finished = false; } /** Sets the number of times to repeat. Can be set to {@link #FOREVER}. */ public void setCount (int count) { this.repeatCount = count; } public int getCount () { return repeatCount; } }