package org.litesoft.p2pchat; import*; // Copyright Status: // // All Software available from (including this file) is // hereby released into the public domain. // // It is free! As in, you may use it freely in both commercial and // non-commercial applications, bundle it with your software // distribution, include it on a CD-ROM, list the source code in a book, // mirror the documentation at your own web site, or use it in any other // way you see fit. // // NO Warranty! // // All software is provided "as is". // // There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND: not for the design, fitness // (for a particular purpose), level of errors (or lack thereof), or // applicability of this software. The entire risk as to the quality // and performance of this software is with you. Should this software // prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair // or correction. // // In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing // will any party who created or may modify and/or redistribute this // software, be liable to you for damages, including any general, // special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or // inability to use this software (including but not limited to loss of // data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or // third parties or a failure of this software to operate with any // other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised // of the possibility of such damages. // // NOTE: Should you discover a bug, have a recogmendation for a change, wish // to submit modifications, or wish to add new classes/functionality, // please email them to: // // // /** * @author Devin Smith and George Smith * @version 0.3 02/02/02 Added IllegalArgument.ifNull for all public params that may not be null * @version 0.2 01/28/02 Refactored and Added Licence * @version 0.1 12/27/01 Initial Version */ public class UserDialogConsole extends Thread implements UserDialog { private MyInfo zMyInfo; private ActivePeerManager zActivePeerManager = null; private BufferedReader zReader; public UserDialogConsole(String pTitle, MyInfo pMyInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("Title", pTitle); IllegalArgument.ifNull("MyInfo", zMyInfo = pMyInfo); System.out.println(pTitle); zReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; start(); } public void setActivePeerManager(ActivePeerManager pActivePeerManager) { if (pActivePeerManager != null) zActivePeerManager = pActivePeerManager; } public void setPendingPeerManager(PendingPeerManager pPendingPeerManager) { if (pPendingPeerManager != null) { } } public void run() { System.out.println("Listening At: " + zMyInfo.getAddresses() + ":" + zMyInfo.getPort()); try { while (true) processCommand(zReader.readLine()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } private void processCommand(String pLine) { pLine = pLine.trim(); if (pLine.length() == 0) return; if (pLine.equalsIgnoreCase("WHO")) { showWho(); return; } // 01234 if (pLine.toUpperCase().startsWith("I AM ") && pLine.length() > 5) { handleNAMEchange(pLine.substring(5).trim()); send("Name Change from (" + zMyInfo.getPrevChatName() + ") to: " + zMyInfo.getChatName()); return; } // 0123 if (pLine.toUpperCase().startsWith("MSG ") && pLine.length() > 4) { String lineRest = pLine.substring(4).trim(); int spaceAt = lineRest.indexOf(' '); if (spaceAt != -1) { handlePrivateMessage(lineRest.substring(0, spaceAt), lineRest.substring(spaceAt + 1).trim()); return; } } // Chat message handleCHAT(pLine); } private void send(String pMessage) { System.out.println(pMessage); } private void showWho() { send("Currently Connected:"); send(" " + zMyInfo.toString()); PeerInfo[] peers = getPeerInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < peers.length; i++) send(" " + peers[i].toString()); } public void showUnrecognized(PeerInfo pPeerInfo, String pBadMessage) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); IllegalArgument.ifNull("BadMessage", pBadMessage); send("Unrecognized Command from (" + pPeerInfo.getID() + " " + pPeerInfo.getChatName() + "): " + pBadMessage); } public void showStreamsFailed(PeerInfo pPeerInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); send("Unable to Set up I/O Streams with: " + pPeerInfo.toString()); } public void showConnectFailed(PeerInfo pPeerInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); send("Unable to Connect to: " + pPeerInfo.toString()); } public void showConnect(PeerInfo pPeerInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); send("Connection From: " + pPeerInfo.toString()); } public void showDisconnect(PeerInfo pPeerInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); send("Disconnect: " + pPeerInfo.getID() + " " + pPeerInfo.getChatName()); } public void showCHAT(PeerInfo pPeerInfo, String pMessage) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); IllegalArgument.ifNull("Message", pMessage); send(pPeerInfo.getID() + " " + pPeerInfo.getChatName() + ": " + pMessage); } public void showPMSG(PeerInfo pPeerInfo, String pMessage) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); IllegalArgument.ifNull("Message", pMessage); send("Private Message From (" + pPeerInfo.getID() + " " + pPeerInfo.getChatName() + "): " + pMessage); } public void showNAME(PeerInfo pPeerInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); send("Name Change: " + pPeerInfo.toString()); } public void showHELO(PeerInfo pPeerInfo) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("PeerInfo", pPeerInfo); send("HELO From: " + pPeerInfo.toString()); } private void handleCHAT(String pLine) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("Line", pLine); if (zActivePeerManager == null) // builder pattern send("No Peer Manager!"); else { zActivePeerManager.sendToAllCHAT(pLine); send(zMyInfo.getChatName() + ": " + pLine); } } private void handleNAMEchange(String pNewName) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("NewName", pNewName); if (zActivePeerManager == null) // builder pattern send("No Peer Manager!"); else { zMyInfo.setChatName(pNewName); zActivePeerManager.sendToAllNAME(); } } private PeerInfo[] getPeerInfos() { return (zActivePeerManager != null) ? zActivePeerManager.getPeerInfos() : new PeerInfo[0]; // builder pattern } private void handlePrivateMessage(String id, String msg) { if (zActivePeerManager == null) // builder pattern send("No Peer Manager!"); else { ActivePeer other = zActivePeerManager.getPeerListenerByID(id); if (other == null) send("Unrecognized Peer ID: " + id); else { other.sendPMSG(msg); send("Private Message sent to: " + other.getPeerInfo().toString()); } } } }