package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import; import; /** * * ShadowDice Dice Server * */ public class ShadowDiceDieServer extends DieServer { public static final String ROLL_MARKER = "VASSAL auto-generated dice roll"; public ShadowDiceDieServer() { name = "ShadowDice"; description = "ShadowDice Dice Server"; emailOnly = false; maxRolls = 0; maxEmails = 0; serverURL = ""; passwdRequired = false; canDoSeparateDice = true; } public String[] buildInternetRollString(RollSet toss) { final String CRLF = "%0D%0A"; // CRLF final String LSQUARE = "%5B"; // '[' final String RSQUARE = "%5D"; // ']' final String HASH = "%23"; // final String PLUS = "%2B"; String desc, s, pEmail = "", sEmail = ""; if (getUseEmail()) { pEmail = extractEmail(getPrimaryEmail()); sEmail = extractEmail(getSecondaryEmail()); } desc = hexify(toss.description); s = "mto=" + pEmail + "&mcc=" + sEmail + "&yem=" + pEmail; s += "&sbj=" + desc; s += "&msg=" + ROLL_MARKER + CRLF + desc + CRLF; int mLen = toss.getMaxDescLength(); DieRoll[] rolls = toss.getDieRolls(); for (int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { s += hexify(rolls[i].getDescription()); for (int j = 0; j < mLen - rolls[i].getDescription().length(); j++) { s += ' '; } s += ' ' + HASH; int nd = rolls[i].getNumDice(); int ns = rolls[i].getNumSides(); // int p = rolls[i].getPlus(); for (int j = 0; j < nd; j++) { s += LSQUARE + "1d" + ns + RSQUARE; } s += CRLF; } s += "&todo=Action%21&hid=1"; s = s.replace(' ', '+'); // No spaces allowed, use '+' instead. return new String[]{s}; } /* * The Irony server requires most of the non-alphanumerics to be * converted to a hex escape code %nn. '*-_.' excepted. * '#' characters interfere with the output parsing and are stripped out. */ public String hexify(String s) { final String hexyChars = "~!$%^&()+`={}[]|:;'<>,?/\\\""; final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '#') { b.append('.'); } else if (hexyChars.indexOf(c) >= 0) { b.append("%" + Integer.toHexString(c).toUpperCase()); } else { b.append(c); } } return b.toString(); } public void parseInternetRollString(RollSet rollSet, Vector<String> results) { Enumeration<String> e = results.elements(); // Initialise and search for start line String line = e.nextElement(); while (e.hasMoreElements() && !line.startsWith("! " + ROLL_MARKER)) line = e.nextElement(); // Skip description line line = e.nextElement(); // And process the results, 1 per roll in the multiroll DieRoll[] rolls = rollSet.getDieRolls(); for (int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { line = e.nextElement(); int firsthash = line.indexOf('#') - 1; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line.substring(firsthash), " "); for (int j = 0; j < rollSet.dieRolls[i].getNumDice(); j++) { st.nextToken(); String result = st.nextToken(); int res = Integer.parseInt(result); rollSet.dieRolls[i].setResult(j, res); } } } public void roll(RollSet mr, FormattedString format) { super.doInternetRoll(mr, format); } }