package org.litesoft.p2pchat; import*; import*; // Copyright Status: // // All Software available from (including this file) is // hereby released into the public domain. // // It is free! As in, you may use it freely in both commercial and // non-commercial applications, bundle it with your software // distribution, include it on a CD-ROM, list the source code in a book, // mirror the documentation at your own web site, or use it in any other // way you see fit. // // NO Warranty! // // All software is provided "as is". // // There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND: not for the design, fitness // (for a particular purpose), level of errors (or lack thereof), or // applicability of this software. The entire risk as to the quality // and performance of this software is with you. Should this software // prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair // or correction. // // In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing // will any party who created or may modify and/or redistribute this // software, be liable to you for damages, including any general, // special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or // inability to use this software (including but not limited to loss of // data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or // third parties or a failure of this software to operate with any // other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised // of the possibility of such damages. // // NOTE: Should you discover a bug, have a recogmendation for a change, wish // to submit modifications, or wish to add new classes/functionality, // please email them to: // // // /** * @author Devin Smith and George Smith * @version 0.3 02/02/02 Added IllegalArgument.ifNull for all public params that may not be null * @version 0.2 01/28/02 Refactored and Added Licence * @version 0.1 12/27/01 Initial Version */ public abstract class AbstractP2PChat { private static final String VERSION = "0.2"; private static final int DEFAULTPORT = 11581; protected static String getTitle() { return "P2PChat ver " + VERSION; } protected static void dumpHelp(String problem) { System.out.println(getTitle()); System.out.println(); System.out.println(problem); System.out.println(); System.out.println("This program takes 1-n arguments:"); System.out.println(" 1st - Chatname"); System.out.println(" nth - our Address and/or port"); System.out.println(" peer(s) Address and optional port"); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" An Address is a standard dotted address (eg"); System.out.println(" A Port is a simple integer (default: " + DEFAULTPORT + ")"); System.out.println(" A colon (':') seperates the address and port (eg"); System.out.println(" Our Address and/or port is indictaed by being surrounded by square"); System.out.println(" brackets (eg [])"); System.exit(0); } abstract protected UserDialog getUserDialog(MyInfo pMyInfo); protected void init(String[] args) { Pars parser = new Pars(); String error = parser.parse(args); if (error != null) dumpHelp(error); try { UserDialog userDialog = getUserDialog(parser.zMyInfo); PendingPeerManager ppm = new PendingPeerManager(userDialog); PeerInfo[] initialPeers = parser.zInitialPeers; if (initialPeers != null) for (int i = 0; i < initialPeers.length; i++) ppm.addNewPeer(initialPeers[i]); ServerSocket serverSocket = getServerSocket(parser.zMyInfo.getPort()); new ActivePeerManager(parser.zMyInfo, userDialog, ppm); while (true) { ppm.addNewPeer(serverSocket.accept()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } private ServerSocket getServerSocket(int pPort) { try { return new ServerSocket(pPort); } catch (IOException e) { dumpHelp("Unable to Open Socket Listener on Port number(" + pPort + "). Error: " + e.getMessage()); } return null;// Not Reachable } // An Address is a standard dotted address (eg // A Port is a simple integer // A colon (':') seperates the address and port (eg // Our's is indictaed by surrounding square brackets (eg []) private static class Pars { public MyInfo zMyInfo = null; public PeerInfo[] zInitialPeers = null; public String parse(String[] args) { if ((args == null) || (args.length == 0)) { return "Not enough parameters."; } String chatName = args[0].trim(); if (chatName.length() == 0) { return "No chatname specified."; } for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { String err , s = args[i]; if (s.startsWith("[") && s.endsWith("]")) err = parseMyInfo(chatName, s.substring(1, s.length() - 1)); else err = parsePeerInfo(s); if (err != null) return err; } if (zMyInfo == null) zMyInfo = new MyInfo(chatName, (String) null, DEFAULTPORT); return null; } private String parseMyInfo(String pChatName, String pParm) { if (zMyInfo != null) return "My Info (" + zMyInfo + ") already given."; Port ap = new Port(); String err = ap.parse(pParm); if (err != null) return err; zMyInfo = new MyInfo(pChatName, ap.zAddress, ap.zPort); return null; // No Error } private String parsePeerInfo(String pParm) { Port ap = new Port(); String err = ap.parse(pParm); if (err != null) return err; if (ap.zAddress == null) return "Peer Address not found in: " + pParm; if (zInitialPeers == null) zInitialPeers = new PeerInfo[1]; else { PeerInfo[] temp = new PeerInfo[zInitialPeers.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(zInitialPeers, 0, temp, 0, zInitialPeers.length); zInitialPeers = temp; // From , At , To , At , For } zInitialPeers[zInitialPeers.length - 1] = new PeerInfo(null, ap.zAddress, ap.zPort); return null; } // An Address is a standard dotted address (eg // A Port is a simple integer // A colon (':') seperates the address and port (eg // Our's is indictaed by surrounding square brackets (eg []) private static class Port { public String zAddress = null; public int zPort = DEFAULTPORT; public String parse(String pParm) { IllegalArgument.ifNull("Parm", pParm); String err; int colonAt = (pParm = pParm.trim()).indexOf(':'); if (colonAt != -1) { if (null != (err = parseAddress(pParm.substring(0, colonAt)))) return "Invalid Address in (" + pParm + "): " + err; if (null != (err = parsePort(pParm.substring(colonAt + 1)))) return "Invalid Port in (" + pParm + "): " + err; return null; } if (isAllDigits(pParm)) { if (null != (err = parsePort(pParm))) return "Port (" + pParm + ") Invalid: " + err; } else { if (null != (err = parseAddress(pParm))) return "Address (" + pParm + ") Invalid: " + err; } return null; } private String parsePort(String pParm) { try { zPort = Integer.parseInt(pParm.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "Not a number."; } if (zPort < 1024 || zPort >= (2 << 16)) return "Not within range. Must be a 16 bit value greater then 1024"; return null; } private String parseAddress(String pParm) { if ((pParm = pParm.trim()).length() == 0) { zAddress = MyInfo.getIPs(); return null; } for (int commaAt; -1 != (commaAt = pParm.indexOf(',')); pParm = pParm.substring(commaAt + 1).trim()) { String err = parseAnAddress(pParm.substring(0, commaAt)); if (err != null) return err; } return parseAnAddress(pParm); } private String parseAnAddress(String pParm) { int dotAt = pParm.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotAt == -1) return "No dot ('.') in: " + pParm; String lastField = pParm.substring(dotAt + 1); if (isAllDigits(lastField)) return parseDirectAddress(pParm); if (lastField.length() == 0) return "No TLD in: " + pParm; if (-1 != pParm.indexOf(' ')) return "Illegal Domain Reference in: " + pParm; String[] directAddresses = convertAddressDomainToDirects(pParm); if (directAddresses == null) return "Unresolvable Domain Reference: " + pParm; for (int i = 0; i < directAddresses.length; i++) addAddress(directAddresses[i]); return null; } private void addAddress(String pAddress) { if (zAddress == null) zAddress = pAddress; else zAddress += "," + pAddress; } private boolean isAllDigits(String pParm) { if (pParm.length() == 0) return false; for (int i = pParm.length(); i-- > 0;) if (!Character.isDigit(pParm.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } private String[] convertAddressDomainToDirects(String pParm) { InetAddress[] addresses; try { addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(pParm); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return null; } if ((addresses == null) || (addresses.length == 0)) return null; String[] retval = new String[addresses.length]; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) retval[i] = addresses[i].toString(); return retval; } private String parseDirectAddress(String pParm) { Dots da = new Dots(pParm); for (int i = 0; i < da.zParts.length; i++) if (!isAllDigits(da.zParts[i])) return "Non-Numeric (" + da.zParts[i] + ") Dotted Address in: " + pParm; if (da.zParts.length > 4) return "Too Many Parts in Address: " + pParm; if (da.zParts.length == 4) { addAddress(da.toString()); return null; } String s; for (int i = 0; null != (s = ThisMachine.getIPAddress(i)); i++) { Dots us = new Dots(s); us.overlayFrom(da); addAddress(us.toString()); } return null; } } private static class Dots { public String[] zParts = null; // Back to Front public Dots(String pParm) { if (pParm == null) return; zParts = new String[0]; while (pParm.startsWith(".")) pParm = pParm.substring(1); if (pParm.length() == 0) return; for (int dotAt; -1 != (dotAt = pParm.indexOf('.')); pParm = pParm.substring(dotAt + 1)) addPart(pParm.substring(0, dotAt)); addPart(pParm); } private void addPart(String pPart) { if (zParts.length == 0) zParts = new String[1]; else { String[] temp = new String[zParts.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(zParts, 0, temp, 1, zParts.length); zParts = temp; // From , At , To , At , For } zParts[0] = pPart; } public void overlayFrom(Dots pParm) { if (pParm != null) for (int i = 0; i < pParm.zParts.length; i++) this.zParts[i] = pParm.zParts[i]; } public String toString() { if (zParts.length == 0) return "No Address"; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(16); for (int i = zParts.length; i-- > 0;) { sb.append('.'); sb.append(zParts[i]); } return sb.toString().substring(1); } } } }