/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) The Minnesota Department of Health. All Rights Reserved. */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.test.valueholder; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.services.LocalizationService; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.services.TestService; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.DateUtil; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.StringUtil; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.SystemConfiguration; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.valueholder.EnumValueItemImpl; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.valueholder.ValueHolder; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.valueholder.ValueHolderInterface; import us.mn.state.health.lims.label.valueholder.Label; import us.mn.state.health.lims.localization.valueholder.Localization; import us.mn.state.health.lims.method.valueholder.Method; import us.mn.state.health.lims.scriptlet.valueholder.Scriptlet; import us.mn.state.health.lims.testtrailer.valueholder.TestTrailer; import us.mn.state.health.lims.unitofmeasure.valueholder.UnitOfMeasure; import java.sql.Date; /** * @author benzd1 */ public class Test extends EnumValueItemImpl { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String id; private String methodName; private ValueHolderInterface method; private String labelName; private ValueHolderInterface label; private String testTrailerName; private ValueHolderInterface testTrailer; private String testSectionName; private ValueHolderInterface testSection; private String scriptletName; private ValueHolderInterface scriptlet; private String testName; private String description; private String loinc; private String reportingDescription; private String stickerRequiredFlag; private String alternateTestDisplayValue; private Date activeBeginDate = null; private String activeBeginDateForDisplay; private Date activeEndDate = null; private String activeEndDateForDisplay; private String isReportable; private String timeHolding; private String timeWait; private String timeAverage; private String timeWarning; private String timeMax; private String labelQuantity; private UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure; private String sortOrder; private String localCode; private Boolean orderable; private ValueHolder localizedTestName; private ValueHolder localizedReportingName; private String guid; public String getSortOrder() { return sortOrder; } public void setSortOrder(String sortOrder) { this.sortOrder = sortOrder; } public Test() { super(); this.method = new ValueHolder(); this.label = new ValueHolder(); this.testTrailer = new ValueHolder(); this.testSection = new ValueHolder(); this.scriptlet = new ValueHolder(); localizedTestName = new ValueHolder( ); localizedReportingName = new ValueHolder( ); } public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; this.key = id; } public String getId() { return id; } public Date getActiveBeginDate() { return activeBeginDate; } public void setActiveBeginDate(Date activeBeginDate) { this.activeBeginDate = activeBeginDate; this.activeBeginDateForDisplay = DateUtil.convertSqlDateToStringDate(activeBeginDate); } public String getActiveBeginDateForDisplay() { return activeBeginDateForDisplay; } public void setActiveBeginDateForDisplay(String activeBeginDateForDisplay) { this.activeBeginDateForDisplay = activeBeginDateForDisplay; // also update the java.sql.Date String locale = SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getDefaultLocale() .toString(); this.activeBeginDate = DateUtil.convertStringDateToSqlDate( this.activeBeginDateForDisplay, locale); } public Date getActiveEndDate() { return activeEndDate; } public void setActiveEndDate(Date activeEndDate) { this.activeEndDate = activeEndDate; this.activeEndDateForDisplay = DateUtil.convertSqlDateToStringDate( activeEndDate); } public String getActiveEndDateForDisplay() { return activeEndDateForDisplay; } public void setActiveEndDateForDisplay(String activeEndDateForDisplay) { this.activeEndDateForDisplay = activeEndDateForDisplay; // also update the java.sql.Date String locale = SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getDefaultLocale() .toString(); this.activeEndDate = DateUtil.convertStringDateToSqlDate( this.activeEndDateForDisplay, locale); } /** * This is descriptive only and should not be displayed to the end user * @return the description */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Description of this test * @param description the description */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getIsActive() { return isActive; } public boolean isActive(){ return "Y".equals(isActive); } public void setIsActive(String isActive) { this.isActive = isActive; } public String getIsReportable() { return isReportable; } public void setIsReportable(String isReportable) { this.isReportable = isReportable; } public String getLabelQuantity() { return labelQuantity; } public void setLabelQuantity(String labelQuantity) { this.labelQuantity = labelQuantity; } public String getLoinc() { return loinc; } public void setLoinc(String loinc) { this.loinc = loinc; } /** * @deprecated reporting descriptions are now in localization table * @return do not use */ @Deprecated public String getReportingDescription() { return reportingDescription; } /** * @deprecated reporting descriptions are now in localization table * @param reportingDescription ignored */ @Deprecated public void setReportingDescription(String reportingDescription) { this.reportingDescription = reportingDescription; } public String getStickerRequiredFlag() { return stickerRequiredFlag; } public void setStickerRequiredFlag(String stickerRequiredFlag) { this.stickerRequiredFlag = stickerRequiredFlag; } public String getTimeAverage() { return timeAverage; } public void setTimeAverage(String timeAverage) { this.timeAverage = timeAverage; } public String getTimeHolding() { return timeHolding; } public void setTimeHolding(String timeHolding) { this.timeHolding = timeHolding; } public String getTimeMax() { return timeMax; } public void setTimeMax(String timeMax) { this.timeMax = timeMax; } public String getTimeWait() { return timeWait; } public void setTimeWait(String timeWait) { this.timeWait = timeWait; } public String getTimeWarning() { return timeWarning; } public void setTimeWarning(String timeWarning) { this.timeWarning = timeWarning; } /** * @deprecated names are now in localization table * @return Do not use */ @Deprecated public String getTestName() { return testName; } /** * @deprecated names are now in localization table * @param testName ignored */ @Deprecated public void setTestName(String testName) { this.testName = testName; this.name = testName; } public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } public void setMethodName(String methodName) { this.methodName = methodName; } public String getLabelName() { return labelName; } public void setLabelName(String labelName) { this.labelName = labelName; } public String getTestTrailerName() { return testTrailerName; } public void setTestTrailerName(String testTrailerName) { this.testTrailerName = testTrailerName; } public String getTestSectionName() { return testSectionName; } public void setTestSectionName(String testSectionName) { this.testSectionName = testSectionName; } public String getScriptletName() { return scriptletName; } public void setScriptletName(String scriptletName) { this.scriptletName = scriptletName; } public void setMethod(Method method) { this.method.setValue(method); } public Method getMethod() { return (Method) this.method.getValue(); } public void setLabel(Label label) { this.label.setValue(label); } public Label getLabel() { return (Label) this.label.getValue(); } public void setTestTrailer(TestTrailer testTrailer) { this.testTrailer.setValue(testTrailer); } public TestTrailer getTestTrailer() { return (TestTrailer) this.testTrailer.getValue(); } public void setTestSection(TestSection testSection) { this.testSection.setValue(testSection); } public TestSection getTestSection() { return (TestSection) this.testSection.getValue(); } public void setScriptlet(Scriptlet scriptlet) { this.scriptlet.setValue(scriptlet); } public Scriptlet getScriptlet() { return (Scriptlet) this.scriptlet.getValue(); } public UnitOfMeasure getUnitOfMeasure() { return this.unitOfMeasure; } public void setUnitOfMeasure(UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure) { this.unitOfMeasure = unitOfMeasure; } public String getTestDisplayValue() { if (!StringUtil.isNullorNill(this.testName)) { return testName + "-" + description; } else { return description; } } public String getAlternateTestDisplayValue() { if (!StringUtil.isNullorNill(this.description)) { alternateTestDisplayValue = description + "-" + testName; } else { alternateTestDisplayValue = testName; } return alternateTestDisplayValue; } public void setAlternateTestDisplayValue(String alternateTestDisplayValue) { this.alternateTestDisplayValue = alternateTestDisplayValue; } @Override protected String getDefaultLocalizedName() { return TestService.getUserLocalizedTestName(this); } public void setLocalCode( String localCode ) { this.localCode = localCode; } public String getLocalCode() { return localCode; } public Boolean getOrderable() { return orderable; } public void setOrderable(Boolean orderable) { this.orderable = orderable; } public Localization getLocalizedTestName(){ return (Localization)localizedTestName.getValue(); } public void setLocalizedTestName( Localization localizedName ){ this.localizedTestName.setValue( localizedName ); } public Localization getLocalizedReportingName(){ return (Localization)localizedReportingName.getValue(); } public void setLocalizedReportingName( Localization localizedReportingName ){ this.localizedReportingName.setValue( localizedReportingName ); } public String getGuid() { return guid; } public void setGuid(String guid) { this.guid = guid; } }