/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) ITECH, University of Washington, Seattle WA. All Rights Reserved. * */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.action.implementation.reportBeans; import static us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.action.implementation.reportBeans.CSVColumnBuilder.Strategy.BLANK; import static us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.action.implementation.reportBeans.CSVColumnBuilder.Strategy.DICT_RAW; import static us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.action.implementation.reportBeans.CSVColumnBuilder.Strategy.NONE; import us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.action.implementation.Report.DateRange; public class ARVFollowupColumnBuilder extends ARVColumnBuilder { public ARVFollowupColumnBuilder(DateRange dateRange, String projectStr) { super(dateRange, projectStr); } @Override protected void defineAllReportColumns() { defineBasicColumns(); add("educationLevel", "SESNIVET", BLANK ); add("maritalStatus", "SESETCV1", BLANK ); add("nationality", "NATIONAL", BLANK ); // nationality "other" is NOT stored in some other observation, but in the same observ, so we have to let actual strings pass through. add("legalResidence", "RESIDE", BLANK ); add("hivStatus" , "STATVIH", DICT_RAW ); add("hivStatus" , "VIH", new ARVFollowupInitalHIVStrategy() ); add("nameOfDoctor" , "NOMMED", NONE ); add("anyPriorDiseases" , "HISATCD", BLANK ); add("anyCurrentDiseases" , "IODERSVIS"); add("arvProphylaxisBenefit", "HISPRARV", BLANK ); add("arvProphylaxis" , "HISPRTYP", BLANK ); add("currentARVTreatment" , "HISTXARV", BLANK ); add("priorARVTreatment" , "HISTRARV", BLANK ); add( "cd4Count" ,"NBCD4" ,NONE ); add( "cd4Percent" ,"PRECCD4" ,NONE ); add( "priorCd4Date" ,"DATECD4" ,NONE ); add( "antiTbTreatment" ,"ATCDTB" ); add( "interruptedARVTreatment" ,"INTARV" ); add( "priorARVTreatment" ,"ATCDARV" ); add( "arvTreatmentAnyAdverseEffects" ,"EIARV" ); add( "arvTreatmentChange" ,"CHANGETTT" ); add( "arvTreatmentNew" ,"ARVPRESC" ); add( "arvTreatmentRegime" ,"ARVREG" ); add( "cotrimoxazoleTreatAnyAdvEff" ,"EFTINDE" ); add( "anySecondaryTreatment" ,"AUTRPRO" ); add( "secondaryTreatment" ,"PREAUTRE" ); add( "clinicVisits" ,"CONTACTS" ,NONE ); add("priorARVTreatmentINNs1", "DERXARV1",NONE ); add("priorARVTreatmentINNs2", "DERXARV2",NONE ); add("priorARVTreatmentINNs3", "DERXARV3",NONE ); add("priorARVTreatmentINNs4", "DERXARV4",NONE ); add("futureARVTreatmentINNs1", "COMBIARV1",NONE ); add("futureARVTreatmentINNs2", "COMBIARV2",NONE ); add("futureARVTreatmentINNs3", "COMBIARV3",NONE ); add("futureARVTreatmentINNs4", "COMBIARV4",NONE ); add("CTBPul" ,"CTBPUL"); add("CTBExpul" ,"CTBEXPUL"); add("CCrblToxo" ,"CTOXOCER"); add("CCryptoMen" ,"CMENCRY"); add("CGenPrurigo" ,"CPRURIGEN"); add("CIST" ,"CIST"); add("CCervCancer" ,"CCANCOL"); add("COpharCand" ,"CCANDOROP"); add("CKaposiSarc" ,"CSARCOMK"); add("CShingles" ,"CZONA"); // add("currentDisease", "CAUTRIO", NONE); add("currentDiseaseOther", "CAUTRIO", NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffType1" , "EIARV1" , NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffGrd1" , "GEIARV1", NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffType2" , "EIARV2" , NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffGrd2" , "GEIARV2", NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffType3" , "EIARV3" , NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffGrd3" , "GEIARV3", NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffType4" , "EIARV4" , NONE); add("arvTreatmentAdvEffGrd4" , "GEIARV4", NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatment" , "COTRIMO"); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffType1" , "EICOTR1" , NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffGrd1" , "GEICOTR1", NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffType2" , "EICOTR2" , NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffGrd2" , "GEICOTR2", NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffType3" , "EICOTR3" , NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffGrd3" , "GEICOTR3", NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffType4" , "EICOTR4" , NONE); add("cotrimoxazoleTreatAdvEffGrd4" , "GEICOTR4", NONE); add("PTBPul" ,"PTBPUL", BLANK); add("PTBExpul" ,"PTBEXPUL", BLANK); add("PCrblToxo" ,"PTOXOCER", BLANK); add("PCryptoMen" ,"PMENCRY", BLANK); add("PGenPrurigo" ,"PPRURIGEN", BLANK); add("PIST" ,"PIST", BLANK); add("PCervCancer" ,"PCANCOL", BLANK); add("POpharCand" ,"PCANDOROP", BLANK); add("PKaposiSarc" ,"PSARCOMK", BLANK); add("PShingles" ,"PZONA", BLANK); // add("priorDisease", "PAUTRIO", NONE); add("priorDiseaseOther", "PAUTRIO", BLANK); add("aidsStage" , "STAVOL", BLANK ); add("patientWeight" , "PHYOIDS", NONE ); add("karnofskyScore" , "PHYKARN", NONE ); add("currentOITreatment" , "TRAITIO", BLANK ); addAllResultsColumns(); } }