/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) CIRG, University of Washington, Seattle WA. All Rights Reserved. * */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.action.implementation.reportBeans; import us.mn.state.health.lims.panel.valueholder.Panel; import us.mn.state.health.lims.result.valueholder.Result; public class ClinicalPatientData{ private String patientName = ""; private String nationalId; private String gender; private String dob; private String age; private String stNumber; private String subjectNumber; private String contactInfo; private String siteInfo; private String testName; private String testRefRange; private String result; private String note; private String conclusion; private String finishDate; private String accessionNumber; private String receivedDate; private String testDate; private String referralSentDate; private String referralTestName; private String referralResult; private String referralResultReportDate; private String referralReason; private String referralRefRange; private String referralNote; private String firstName = ""; private String lastName = "" ; private String testSection; private String dept; private String commune; private String healthDistrict = ""; private String healthRegion = ""; private int sectionSortOrder = 0; private int testSortOrder = 0; private boolean hasRangeAndUOM = false; private String labOrderType = ""; private String uom; private String alerts; private String completeFlag; private String orderFinishDate; private String panelName; private Boolean separator = false; private Panel panel; private String orderDate; private String patientSiteNumber; private Boolean abnormalResult = Boolean.FALSE; private String collectionDateTime; private boolean correctedResult = false; private Result parentResult; private boolean parentMarker = false; private String billingNumber; private String sampleType; private String sampleId; private String sampleSortOrder; private String analysisStatus; public ClinicalPatientData(){} public ClinicalPatientData( ClinicalPatientData data){ patientName = data.getPatientName(); nationalId = data.getNationalId(); gender = data.getGender(); dob = data.getDob(); age = data.getAge(); stNumber = data.getStNumber(); subjectNumber = data.getSubjectNumber(); contactInfo = data.getContactInfo(); siteInfo = data.getSiteInfo(); testName = data.getTestName(); testRefRange = data.getTestRefRange(); result = data.getResult(); note = data.getNote(); conclusion = data.getConclusion(); finishDate = data.getFinishDate(); accessionNumber = data.getAccessionNumber(); receivedDate = data.getReceivedDate(); testDate = data.getTestDate(); referralSentDate = data.getReferralSentDate(); referralTestName = data.getReferralTestName(); referralResult = data.getReferralResult(); referralResultReportDate = data.getReferralResultReportDate(); referralReason = data.getReferralReason(); referralRefRange = data.getReferralRefRange(); referralNote = data.getReferralNote(); firstName = data.getFirstName(); lastName = data.getLastName(); testSection = data.getTestSection(); dept = data.getDept(); commune = data.getCommune(); healthDistrict = data.getHealthDistrict(); healthRegion = data.getHealthRegion(); sectionSortOrder = data.getSectionSortOrder(); testSortOrder = data.getTestSortOrder(); hasRangeAndUOM = data.getAbnormalResult(); labOrderType = data.getLabOrderType(); uom = data.getUom(); alerts = data.getAlerts(); completeFlag = data.getCompleteFlag(); orderFinishDate = data.getOrderFinishDate(); panelName = data.getPanelName(); separator = data.getSeparator(); panel = data.getPanel(); orderDate = data.getOrderDate(); patientSiteNumber = data.getPatientSiteNumber(); abnormalResult = data.getAbnormalResult(); collectionDateTime = data.getCollectionDateTime(); correctedResult = data.isCorrectedResult(); parentResult = data.getParentResult(); parentMarker = data.getParentMarker(); billingNumber = data.getBillingNumber(); sampleType = data.getSampleType(); sampleId = data.getSampleId(); sampleSortOrder = data.getSampleSortOrder(); analysisStatus = data.getAnalysisStatus(); } public String getReferralRefRange() { return referralRefRange; } public void setReferralRefRange(String referralRefRange) { this.referralRefRange = referralRefRange; } public String getTestRefRange() { return testRefRange; } public void setTestRefRange(String testRefRange) { this.testRefRange = testRefRange; } public String getResult() { return result; } public void setResult(String result) { this.result = result; } public String getFinishDate() { return finishDate; } public void setFinishDate(String finishDate) { this.finishDate = finishDate; } public String getAccessionNumber() { return accessionNumber; } public void setAccessionNumber(String accessionNumber) { this.accessionNumber = accessionNumber; } public String getPatientName() { return patientName; } public void setPatientName(String patientName) { this.patientName = patientName; } public String getNationalId() { return nationalId; } public void setNationalId(String nationalId) { this.nationalId = nationalId; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } public String getDob() { return dob; } public void setDob(String dob) { this.dob = dob; } public String getStNumber() { return stNumber; } public void setStNumber(String stNumber) { this.stNumber = stNumber; } public void setTestName(String testName) { this.testName = testName; } public String getTestName() { return testName; } public void setReceivedDate(String recievedDate) { this.receivedDate = recievedDate; } // in case of typo public String getRecievedDate() { return getReceivedDate(); } public String getReceivedDate() { return receivedDate; } public void setConclusion(String conclusioned) { conclusion = conclusioned; } public String getConclusion() { return conclusion; } public void setContactInfo(String contactInfo) { this.contactInfo = contactInfo; } public String getContactInfo() { return contactInfo; } public void setSiteInfo(String siteInfo) { this.siteInfo = siteInfo; } public String getSiteInfo() { return siteInfo; } public void setTestDate(String testDate) { this.testDate = testDate; } public String getTestDate() { return testDate; } public String getReferralSentDate() { return referralSentDate; } public void setReferralSentDate(String referralSentDate) { this.referralSentDate = referralSentDate; } public String getReferralTestName() { return referralTestName; } public void setReferralTestName(String referralTestName) { this.referralTestName = referralTestName; } public String getReferralResult() { return referralResult; } public void setReferralResult(String referralResult) { this.referralResult = referralResult; } public void setReferralResultReportDate(String referralResultReportDate) { this.referralResultReportDate = referralResultReportDate; } public String getReferralResultReportDate() { return referralResultReportDate; } public void setReferralReason(String referralReason) { this.referralReason = referralReason; } public String getReferralReason() { return referralReason; } public void setUom(String uom) { this.uom = uom; } public String getUom() { return uom; } public String getNote() { return note; } public void setNote(String note) { this.note = note; } public String getReferralNote() { return referralNote; } public void setReferralNote(String referralNote) { this.referralNote = referralNote; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public String getTestSection() { return testSection; } public void setTestSection(String testSection) { this.testSection = testSection; } public boolean isHasRangeAndUOM() { return hasRangeAndUOM; } public void setHasRangeAndUOM(boolean hasRangeAndUOM) { this.hasRangeAndUOM = hasRangeAndUOM; } public String getSampleSortOrder() { return sampleSortOrder; } public void setSampleSortOrder(String sampleSortOrder) { this.sampleSortOrder = sampleSortOrder; } public String getDept() { return dept; } public void setDept(String dept) { this.dept = dept; } public String getCommune() { return commune; } public void setCommune(String commune) { this.commune = commune; } public int getTestSortOrder() { return testSortOrder; } public void setTestSortOrder(int testSortOrder) { this.testSortOrder = testSortOrder; } public int getSectionSortOrder() { return sectionSortOrder; } public void setSectionSortOrder(int sectionSortOrder) { this.sectionSortOrder = sectionSortOrder; } public String getSubjectNumber() { return subjectNumber; } public void setSubjectNumber(String subjectNumber) { this.subjectNumber = subjectNumber; } public String getHealthDistrict() { return healthDistrict; } public void setHealthDistrict(String healthDistrict) { this.healthDistrict = healthDistrict; } public String getHealthRegion() { return healthRegion; } public void setHealthRegion(String healthRegion) { this.healthRegion = healthRegion; } public String getLabOrderType() { return labOrderType; } public void setLabOrderType(String labOrderType) { this.labOrderType = labOrderType; } public String getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(String age) { this.age = age; } public String getCompleteFlag() { return completeFlag; } public void setCompleteFlag(String completeFlag) { this.completeFlag = completeFlag; } public String getAlerts() { return alerts; } public void setAlerts(String alerts) { this.alerts = alerts; } public String getPanelName() { return panelName; } public void setPanelName(String panelName) { this.panelName = panelName; } public Boolean getSeparator() { return separator; } public void setSeparator(Boolean separator) { this.separator = separator; } public Panel getPanel() { return panel; } public void setPanel(Panel panel) { this.panel = panel; } public String getOrderFinishDate() { return orderFinishDate; } public void setOrderFinishDate(String orderFinishDate) { this.orderFinishDate = orderFinishDate; } public String getOrderDate() { return orderDate; } public void setOrderDate(String orderDate) { this.orderDate = orderDate; } public String getPatientSiteNumber() { return patientSiteNumber; } public void setPatientSiteNumber(String patientSiteNumber) { this.patientSiteNumber = patientSiteNumber; } public Boolean getAbnormalResult(){ return abnormalResult; } public void setAbnormalResult(Boolean abnormalResult){ this.abnormalResult = abnormalResult; } public String getCollectionDateTime(){ return collectionDateTime; } public void setCollectionDateTime(String collectionDateTime){ this.collectionDateTime = collectionDateTime; } public boolean isCorrectedResult(){ return correctedResult; } public void setCorrectedResult( boolean correctedResult ){ this.correctedResult = correctedResult; } public Result getParentResult(){ return parentResult; } public void setParentResult( Result parentResult ){ this.parentResult = parentResult; } public boolean getParentMarker(){ return parentMarker; } public void setParentMarker( boolean isParentMarker ){ this.parentMarker = isParentMarker; } public String getBillingNumber(){ return billingNumber; } public void setBillingNumber( String billingNumber ){ this.billingNumber = billingNumber; } public String getSampleType(){ return sampleType; } public void setSampleType( String sampleType ){ this.sampleType = sampleType; } public String getSampleId(){ return sampleId; } public void setSampleId( String sampleId ){ this.sampleId = sampleId; } public String getAnalysisStatus(){ return analysisStatus; } public void setAnalysisStatus( String analysisStatus ){ this.analysisStatus = analysisStatus; } }