/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) The Minnesota Department of Health. All Rights Reserved. */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.region.daoimpl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import us.mn.state.health.lims.audittrail.dao.AuditTrailDAO; import us.mn.state.health.lims.audittrail.daoimpl.AuditTrailDAOImpl; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.action.IActionConstants; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.daoimpl.BaseDAOImpl; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.exception.LIMSDuplicateRecordException; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.exception.LIMSRuntimeException; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.StringUtil; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.SystemConfiguration; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.log.LogEvent; import us.mn.state.health.lims.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import us.mn.state.health.lims.region.dao.RegionDAO; import us.mn.state.health.lims.region.valueholder.Region; /** * @author diane benz */ public class RegionDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl implements RegionDAO { public void deleteData(List regions) throws LIMSRuntimeException { //add to audit trail try { AuditTrailDAO auditDAO = new AuditTrailDAOImpl(); for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) { Region data = (Region)regions.get(i); Region oldData = (Region)readRegion(data.getId()); Region newData = new Region(); String sysUserId = data.getSysUserId(); String event = IActionConstants.AUDIT_TRAIL_DELETE; String tableName = "REGION"; auditDAO.saveHistory(newData,oldData,sysUserId,event,tableName); } } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","AuditTrail deleteData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region AuditTrail deleteData()", e); } try { for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) { Region data = (Region) regions.get(i); //bugzilla 2206 data = (Region)readRegion(data.getId()); HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(data); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); } } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","deleteData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region deleteData()", e); } } public boolean insertData(Region region) throws LIMSRuntimeException { try { // bugzilla 1482 throw Exception if record already exists if (duplicateRegionExists(region)) { throw new LIMSDuplicateRecordException( "Duplicate record exists for " + region.getRegion()); } String id = (String)HibernateUtil.getSession().save(region); region.setId(id); //bugzilla 1824 inserts will be logged in history table AuditTrailDAO auditDAO = new AuditTrailDAOImpl(); String sysUserId = region.getSysUserId(); String tableName = "REGION"; auditDAO.saveNewHistory(region,sysUserId,tableName); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","insertData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region insertData()", e); } return true; } public void updateData(Region region) throws LIMSRuntimeException { // bugzilla 1482 throw Exception if record already exists try { if (duplicateRegionExists(region)) { throw new LIMSDuplicateRecordException( "Duplicate record exists for " + region.getRegion()); } } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","updateData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region updateData()", e); } Region oldData = (Region)readRegion(region.getId()); Region newData = region; //add to audit trail try { AuditTrailDAO auditDAO = new AuditTrailDAOImpl(); String sysUserId = region.getSysUserId(); String event = IActionConstants.AUDIT_TRAIL_UPDATE; String tableName = "REGION"; auditDAO.saveHistory(newData,oldData,sysUserId,event,tableName); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","AuditTrail updateData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region AuditTrail updateData()", e); } try { HibernateUtil.getSession().merge(region); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); HibernateUtil.getSession().evict(region); HibernateUtil.getSession().refresh(region); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","updateData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region updateData()", e); } } public void getData(Region region) throws LIMSRuntimeException { try { Region reg = (Region)HibernateUtil.getSession().get(Region.class, region.getId()); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); if (reg != null) { PropertyUtils.copyProperties(region, reg); } else { region.setId(null); } } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","getData()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region getData()", e); } } public List getAllRegions() throws LIMSRuntimeException { List list = new Vector(); try { String sql = "from Region"; org.hibernate.Query query = HibernateUtil.getSession().createQuery(sql); //query.setMaxResults(10); //query.setFirstResult(3); list = query.list(); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","getAllRegions()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region getAllRegions()", e); } return list; } public List getPageOfRegions(int startingRecNo) throws LIMSRuntimeException { List list = new Vector(); try { int endingRecNo = startingRecNo + (SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getDefaultPageSize() + 1); //bugzilla 1399 String sql = "from Region r order by r.region"; org.hibernate.Query query = HibernateUtil.getSession().createQuery(sql); query.setFirstResult(startingRecNo-1); query.setMaxResults(endingRecNo-1); list = query.list(); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","getPageOfRegions()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region getPageOfRegions()", e); } return list; } public Region readRegion(String idString) { Region region = null; try { region = (Region)HibernateUtil.getSession().get(Region.class, idString); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","readRegion()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in Region readRegion()", e); } return region; } public List getNextRegionRecord(String id) throws LIMSRuntimeException { return getNextRecord(id, "Region", Region.class); } public List getPreviousRegionRecord(String id) throws LIMSRuntimeException { return getPreviousRecord(id, "Region", Region.class); } //bugzilla 1411 public Integer getTotalRegionCount() throws LIMSRuntimeException { return getTotalCount("Region", Region.class); } //overriding BaseDAOImpl bugzilla 1427 pass in name not id public List getNextRecord(String id, String table, Class clazz) throws LIMSRuntimeException { List list = new Vector(); try { String sql = "from "+table+" t where region >= "+ enquote(id) + " order by t.region"; org.hibernate.Query query = HibernateUtil.getSession().createQuery(sql); query.setFirstResult(1); query.setMaxResults(2); list = query.list(); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","getNextRecord()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in getNextRecord() for " + table, e); } return list; } //overriding BaseDAOImpl bugzilla 1427 pass in name not id public List getPreviousRecord(String id, String table, Class clazz) throws LIMSRuntimeException { List list = new Vector(); try { String sql = "from "+table+" t order by t.region desc where region <= "+ enquote(id); org.hibernate.Query query = HibernateUtil.getSession().createQuery(sql); query.setFirstResult(1); query.setMaxResults(2); list = query.list(); } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","getPreviousRecord()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException("Error in getPreviousRecord() for " + table, e); } return list; } // bugzilla 1482 private boolean duplicateRegionExists(Region region) throws LIMSRuntimeException { try { List list = new ArrayList(); // not case sensitive hemolysis and Hemolysis are considered // duplicates String sql = "from Region t where trim(lower(t.region)) = :param and t.id != :param2"; org.hibernate.Query query = HibernateUtil.getSession().createQuery( sql); query.setParameter("param", region.getRegion().toLowerCase().trim()); // initialize with 0 (for new records where no id has been generated // yet String regionId = "0"; if (!StringUtil.isNullorNill(region.getId())) { regionId = region.getId(); } query.setParameter("param2", regionId); list = query.list(); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); HibernateUtil.getSession().clear(); if (list.size() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { //bugzilla 2154 LogEvent.logError("RegionDAOImpl","duplicateRegionExists()",e.toString()); throw new LIMSRuntimeException( "Error in duplicateRegionExists()", e); } } }