package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator; import; import; import; import; public class PatientIdentityTypeMap { private static PatientIdentityTypeMap s_instance = null; private final Map<String, String> m_map; public static PatientIdentityTypeMap getInstance(){ if( s_instance == null){ s_instance = new PatientIdentityTypeMap(); } return s_instance; } /* * Will force the a new fetch of the map and any new PatientIdentityTypes in the DB will be picked up * * Expected user will be the code which inserts new types into the DB */ public static void reset(){ s_instance = null; } private PatientIdentityTypeMap(){ m_map = new HashMap<String, String>(); PatientIdentityTypeDAO patientIdentityTypeDAO = new PatientIdentityTypeDAOImpl(); List<PatientIdentityType> identityList = patientIdentityTypeDAO.getAllPatientIdenityTypes(); for( PatientIdentityType patientIdentityType : identityList){ m_map.put(patientIdentityType.getIdentityType(), patientIdentityType.getId()); } } public String getIDForType( String type){ if( GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(type)){ return null; } String upperType = type.toUpperCase(); String id = m_map.get(upperType); if( id == null){ id = insertNewIdentityType(upperType); } return id; } private String insertNewIdentityType(String type) { String id; PatientIdentityType patientIdentityType = new PatientIdentityType(); patientIdentityType.setIdentityType(type); PatientIdentityTypeDAO patientIdentityTypeDAO = new PatientIdentityTypeDAOImpl(); patientIdentityTypeDAO.insertData(patientIdentityType); id = patientIdentityType.getId(); if( !GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(id)){ m_map.put(type, id); } return id; } public String getIdentityValue(List<PatientIdentity> identityList, String type) { String id = getIDForType(type); if (!GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(id)) { for (PatientIdentity identity : identityList) { if (id.equals(identity.getIdentityTypeId())) { return identity.getIdentityData(); } } } return ""; } }