/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) CIRG, University of Washington, Seattle WA. All Rights Reserved. * */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.patient.action.bean; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.IdValuePair; public class PatientClinicalInfo implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String tbExtraPulmanary; private String tbCerebral; private String tbMenigitis; private String tbPrurigol; private String tbDiarrhae; private String stdColonCancer; private String stdCandidiasis; private String stdKaposi; private String stdZona; private String stdOther; private String arvProphyaxixReceiving; private String arvProphyaxixType; private String arvTreatmentReceiving; private String arvTreatmentRemembered; private String arvTreatment1; private String arvTreatment2; private String arvTreatment3; private String arvTreatment4; private String cotrimoxazoleReceiving; private String cotrimoxazoleType; private String infectionExtraPulmanary; private String infectionCerebral; private String infectionMeningitis; private String infectionPrurigol; private String infectionOther; private String stdInfectionColon; private String stdInfectionCandidiasis; private String stdInfectionKaposi; private String stdInfectionZona; private String infectionUnderTreatment; private String weight; private String karnofskyScore; private List<IdValuePair> prophyaxixTypes; private List<IdValuePair> arvStages; public String getTbExtraPulmanary() { return tbExtraPulmanary; } public void setTbExtraPulmanary(String tbExtraPulmanary) { this.tbExtraPulmanary = tbExtraPulmanary; } public String getTbCerebral() { return tbCerebral; } public void setTbCerebral(String tbCerebral) { this.tbCerebral = tbCerebral; } public String getTbMenigitis() { return tbMenigitis; } public void setTbMenigitis(String tbMenigitis) { this.tbMenigitis = tbMenigitis; } public String getTbPrurigol() { return tbPrurigol; } public void setTbPrurigol(String tbPrurigol) { this.tbPrurigol = tbPrurigol; } public String getTbDiarrhae() { return tbDiarrhae; } public void setTbDiarrhae(String tbDiarrhae) { this.tbDiarrhae = tbDiarrhae; } public String getStdColonCancer() { return stdColonCancer; } public void setStdColonCancer(String stdColonCancer) { this.stdColonCancer = stdColonCancer; } public String getStdCandidiasis() { return stdCandidiasis; } public void setStdCandidiasis(String stdCandidiasis) { this.stdCandidiasis = stdCandidiasis; } public String getStdKaposi() { return stdKaposi; } public void setStdKaposi(String stdKaposi) { this.stdKaposi = stdKaposi; } public String getStdZona() { return stdZona; } public void setStdZona(String stdZona) { this.stdZona = stdZona; } public String getStdOther() { return stdOther; } public void setStdOther(String stdOther) { this.stdOther = stdOther; } public String getArvProphyaxixReceiving() { return arvProphyaxixReceiving; } public void setArvProphyaxixReceiving(String arvProphyaxixReceiving) { this.arvProphyaxixReceiving = arvProphyaxixReceiving; } public String getArvProphyaxixType() { return arvProphyaxixType; } public void setArvProphyaxixType(String arvProphyaxixType) { this.arvProphyaxixType = arvProphyaxixType; } public String getArvTreatmentReceiving() { return arvTreatmentReceiving; } public void setArvTreatmentReceiving(String arvTreatmentReceiving) { this.arvTreatmentReceiving = arvTreatmentReceiving; } public String getArvTreatmentRemembered() { return arvTreatmentRemembered; } public void setArvTreatmentRemembered(String arvTreatmentRemembered) { this.arvTreatmentRemembered = arvTreatmentRemembered; } public String getArvTreatment1() { return arvTreatment1; } public void setArvTreatment1(String arvTreatment1) { this.arvTreatment1 = arvTreatment1; } public String getArvTreatment2() { return arvTreatment2; } public void setArvTreatment2(String arvTreatment2) { this.arvTreatment2 = arvTreatment2; } public String getArvTreatment3() { return arvTreatment3; } public void setArvTreatment3(String arvTreatment3) { this.arvTreatment3 = arvTreatment3; } public String getArvTreatment4() { return arvTreatment4; } public void setArvTreatment4(String arvTreatment4) { this.arvTreatment4 = arvTreatment4; } public String getCotrimoxazoleReceiving() { return cotrimoxazoleReceiving; } public void setCotrimoxazoleReceiving(String cotrimoxazoleReceiving) { this.cotrimoxazoleReceiving = cotrimoxazoleReceiving; } public String getCotrimoxazoleType() { return cotrimoxazoleType; } public void setCotrimoxazoleType(String cotrimoxazoleType) { this.cotrimoxazoleType = cotrimoxazoleType; } public String getInfectionExtraPulmanary() { return infectionExtraPulmanary; } public void setInfectionExtraPulmanary(String infectionExtraPulmanary) { this.infectionExtraPulmanary = infectionExtraPulmanary; } public String getInfectionMeningitis() { return infectionMeningitis; } public void setInfectionMeningitis(String infectionMenigitis) { this.infectionMeningitis = infectionMenigitis; } public String getInfectionPrurigol() { return infectionPrurigol; } public void setInfectionPrurigol(String infectionPrurigol) { this.infectionPrurigol = infectionPrurigol; } public String getInfectionOther() { return infectionOther; } public void setInfectionOther(String infectionOther) { this.infectionOther = infectionOther; } public String getStdInfectionColon() { return stdInfectionColon; } public void setStdInfectionColon(String stdInfectionColon) { this.stdInfectionColon = stdInfectionColon; } public String getStdInfectionCandidiasis() { return stdInfectionCandidiasis; } public void setStdInfectionCandidiasis(String stdInfectionCandidiasis) { this.stdInfectionCandidiasis = stdInfectionCandidiasis; } public String getStdInfectionKaposi() { return stdInfectionKaposi; } public void setStdInfectionKaposi(String stdInfectionKaposi) { this.stdInfectionKaposi = stdInfectionKaposi; } public String getStdInfectionZona() { return stdInfectionZona; } public void setStdInfectionZona(String stdInfectionZona) { this.stdInfectionZona = stdInfectionZona; } public String getInfectionUnderTreatment() { return infectionUnderTreatment; } public void setInfectionUnderTreatment(String infectionUnderTreatment) { this.infectionUnderTreatment = infectionUnderTreatment; } public String getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(String weight) { this.weight = weight; } public String getKarnofskyScore() { return karnofskyScore; } public void setKarnofskyScore(String karnofskyScore) { this.karnofskyScore = karnofskyScore; } public List<IdValuePair> getProphyaxixTypes() { if( prophyaxixTypes == null){ prophyaxixTypes = new ArrayList<IdValuePair>(); } return prophyaxixTypes; } public void setProphyaxixTypes(List<IdValuePair> prophyaxixTypes) { this.prophyaxixTypes = prophyaxixTypes; } public List<IdValuePair> getArvStages() { if( arvStages == null){ arvStages = new ArrayList<IdValuePair>(); } return arvStages; } public void setArvStages(List<IdValuePair> arvStages) { this.arvStages = arvStages; } public String getInfectionCerebral() { return infectionCerebral; } public void setInfectionCerebral(String infectionCerebral) { this.infectionCerebral = infectionCerebral; } }