/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) The Minnesota Department of Health. All Rights Reserved. */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.result.valueholder; import java.util.List; import us.mn.state.health.lims.analysis.valueholder.Analysis; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.valueholder.BaseObject; import us.mn.state.health.lims.patient.valueholder.Patient; import us.mn.state.health.lims.person.valueholder.Person; import us.mn.state.health.lims.sample.valueholder.Sample; /** * @author benzd1 bugzilla 1992 - cleanup (for batchresultsverification: view * all) - one instance of Sample_TestAnalyte per Analysis - one instance * of Test_TestAnalyte per Sample_TestAnalyte * */ public class Sample_TestAnalyte extends BaseObject { private List testAnalytes; private List sampleTestResultIds; private List sampleTestResults; private List resultLastupdatedList; // bugzilla 1942 this is a list of boolean flags on whether the result on this sample have notes attached //this is used for readonly in batch results entry to determine whether a result is eligible to be deleted or not (if note attached - don't delete result) private List resultHasNotesList; private Sample sample; // bugzilla #1346 add ability to hover over accession number and // view patient/person information (first and last name and external id) private Person person; private Patient patient; private Analysis analysis; // AIS - bugzilla 1872 // bugzilla 1992: this object should be 1:1 with Sample_TestAnalyte private Test_TestAnalyte testTestAnalyte; // AIS - bugzilla 1863 private List testResultValues; private List resultIds; //bugzilla 2227 private String sampleHasTestRevisions; //bugzilla 1856 (is this analysis parent of other analyses?) private List children; //bugzilla 1856 this is used for sorting: //parent tests are loaded into the list of tests to sort in order to //maintain the original sorting order //phantom tests are removed before displaying/reporting private boolean isPhantom; public List getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(List children) { this.children = children; } public String getSampleHasTestRevisions() { return sampleHasTestRevisions; } public void setSampleHasTestRevisions(String sampleHasTestRevisions) { this.sampleHasTestRevisions = sampleHasTestRevisions; } public Analysis getAnalysis() { return analysis; } public void setAnalysis(Analysis analysis) { this.analysis = analysis; } public Sample_TestAnalyte() { super(); } public List getTestAnalytes() { return testAnalytes; } public void setTestAnalytes(List testAnalytes) { this.testAnalytes = testAnalytes; } public List getSampleTestResultIds() { return sampleTestResultIds; } public void setSampleTestResultIds(List sampleTestResultIds) { this.sampleTestResultIds = sampleTestResultIds; } public Sample getSample() { return sample; } public void setSample(Sample sample) { this.sample = sample; } public Patient getPatient() { return patient; } public void setPatient(Patient patient) { this.patient = patient; } public Person getPerson() { return person; } public void setPerson(Person person) { this.person = person; } public List getSampleTestResults() { return sampleTestResults; } public void setSampleTestResults(List sampleTestResults) { this.sampleTestResults = sampleTestResults; } public List getResultLastupdatedList() { return resultLastupdatedList; } public void setResultLastupdatedList(List resultLastupdatedList) { this.resultLastupdatedList = resultLastupdatedList; } public Test_TestAnalyte getTestTestAnalyte() { return testTestAnalyte; } public void setTestTestAnalyte(Test_TestAnalyte testTestAnalyte) { this.testTestAnalyte = testTestAnalyte; } public List getTestResultValues() { return testResultValues; } public void setTestResultValues(List testResultValues) { this.testResultValues = testResultValues; } public List getResultIds() { return resultIds; } public void setResultIds(List resultIds) { this.resultIds = resultIds; } public List getResultHasNotesList() { return resultHasNotesList; } public void setResultHasNotesList(List resultHasNotesList) { this.resultHasNotesList = resultHasNotesList; } public boolean isPhantom() { return isPhantom; } public void setPhantom(boolean isPhantom) { this.isPhantom = isPhantom; } }