/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) The Minnesota Department of Health. All Rights Reserved. */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.valueholder.resultsreport; import java.util.List; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.valueholder.BaseObject; import us.mn.state.health.lims.reports.valueholder.common.JRHibernateDataSource; import us.mn.state.health.lims.sample.valueholder.Sample; import us.mn.state.health.lims.sampleitem.valueholder.SampleItem; /** * @author benzd1 bugzilla 2264 * */ /** * @author benzd1 * */ public class ResultsReportSample extends BaseObject { private String accessionNumber; private Sample sample; private SampleItem sampleItem; private String organizationId; private String organizationName; private String organizationStreetAddress; private String organizationCityStateZip; private String sampleCollectionDate; private String sampleReceivedDate; private String sampleClientReferenceNumber; private String sampleHasTestRevisions; //bugzilla 1900 private String sampleIsForPreview; private String clinicianName; private JRHibernateDataSource resultsReportTests; private List tests; private JRHibernateDataSource resultsReportProjects; //patient stuff private String patientName; private String patientStreetAddress; //bugzilla 1852 private String patientCity; private String patientState; private String patientZip; private String patientCountry; private String patientExternalId; private String patientGender; private String patientDateOfBirth; //source type, source of sample private String typeOfSample; private String sourceOfSample; public List getTests() { return tests; } public void setTests(List tests) { this.tests = tests; } public Sample getSample() { return sample; } public void setSample(Sample sample) { this.sample = sample; } public String getOrganizationName() { return organizationName; } public void setOrganizationName(String organizationName) { this.organizationName = organizationName; } public SampleItem getSampleItem() { return sampleItem; } public void setSampleItem(SampleItem sampleItem) { this.sampleItem = sampleItem; } public String getAccessionNumber() { return accessionNumber; } public void setAccessionNumber(String accessionNumber) { this.accessionNumber = accessionNumber; } public String getOrganizationStreetAddress() { return organizationStreetAddress; } public void setOrganizationStreetAddress(String organizationStreetAddress) { this.organizationStreetAddress = organizationStreetAddress; } public String getOrganizationCityStateZip() { return organizationCityStateZip; } public void setOrganizationCityStateZip(String organizationCityStateZip) { this.organizationCityStateZip = organizationCityStateZip; } public String getSampleCollectionDate() { return sampleCollectionDate; } public void setSampleCollectionDate(String sampleCollectionDate) { this.sampleCollectionDate = sampleCollectionDate; } public String getSampleReceivedDate() { return sampleReceivedDate; } public void setSampleReceivedDate(String sampleReceivedDate) { this.sampleReceivedDate = sampleReceivedDate; } public String getSampleClientReferenceNumber() { return sampleClientReferenceNumber; } public void setSampleClientReferenceNumber(String sampleClientReferenceNumber) { this.sampleClientReferenceNumber = sampleClientReferenceNumber; } public String getSampleHasTestRevisions() { return sampleHasTestRevisions; } public void setSampleHasTestRevisions(String sampleHasTestRevisions) { this.sampleHasTestRevisions = sampleHasTestRevisions; } public String getClinicianName() { return clinicianName; } public void setClinicianName(String clinicianName) { this.clinicianName = clinicianName; } public JRHibernateDataSource getResultsReportProjects() { return resultsReportProjects; } public void setResultsReportProjects(JRHibernateDataSource resultsReportProjects) { this.resultsReportProjects = resultsReportProjects; } public JRHibernateDataSource getResultsReportTests() { return resultsReportTests; } public void setResultsReportTests(JRHibernateDataSource resultsReportTests) { this.resultsReportTests = resultsReportTests; } public String getPatientCity() { return patientCity; } public void setPatientCity(String patientCity) { this.patientCity = patientCity; } public String getPatientCountry() { return patientCountry; } public void setPatientCountry(String patientCountry) { this.patientCountry = patientCountry; } public String getPatientState() { return patientState; } public void setPatientState(String patientState) { this.patientState = patientState; } public String getPatientZip() { return patientZip; } public void setPatientZip(String patientZip) { this.patientZip = patientZip; } public String getPatientDateOfBirth() { return patientDateOfBirth; } public void setPatientDateOfBirth(String patientDateOfBirth) { this.patientDateOfBirth = patientDateOfBirth; } public String getPatientExternalId() { return patientExternalId; } public void setPatientExternalId(String patientExternalId) { this.patientExternalId = patientExternalId; } public String getPatientGender() { return patientGender; } public void setPatientGender(String patientGender) { this.patientGender = patientGender; } public String getPatientName() { return patientName; } public void setPatientName(String patientName) { this.patientName = patientName; } public String getPatientStreetAddress() { return patientStreetAddress; } public void setPatientStreetAddress(String patientStreetAddress) { this.patientStreetAddress = patientStreetAddress; } public String getSourceOfSample() { return sourceOfSample; } public void setSourceOfSample(String sourceOfSample) { this.sourceOfSample = sourceOfSample; } public String getTypeOfSample() { return typeOfSample; } public void setTypeOfSample(String typeOfSample) { this.typeOfSample = typeOfSample; } public String getOrganizationId() { return organizationId; } public void setOrganizationId(String organizationId) { this.organizationId = organizationId; } public String getSampleIsForPreview() { return sampleIsForPreview; } public void setSampleIsForPreview(String sampleIsForPreview) { this.sampleIsForPreview = sampleIsForPreview; } }