/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under * the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * Copyright (C) The Minnesota Department of Health. All Rights Reserved. */ package us.mn.state.health.lims.samplenewborn.valueholder; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.util.DateUtil; import us.mn.state.health.lims.common.valueholder.BaseObject; import java.sql.Timestamp; public class SampleNewborn extends BaseObject { private String id; private String weight; private String multiBirth; private String birthOrder; private double gestationalWeek; private Timestamp dateFirstFeeding; private String dateFirstFeedingForDisplay; private String breast; private String tpn; private String formula; private String milk; private String soy; private String jaundice; private String antibiotic; private String transfused; private Timestamp dateTransfution; private String dateTransfutionForDisplay; private String medicalRecordNumber; private String nicu; private String birthDefect; private String pregnancyComplication; private String deceasedSibling; private String causeOfDeath; private String familyHistory; private String other; private String yNumber; private String yellowCard; public SampleNewborn() { super(); } public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(String weight) { this.weight = weight; } public String getMultiBirth() { return multiBirth; } public void setMultiBirth(String multiBirth) { this.multiBirth = multiBirth; } public String getBirthOrder() { return birthOrder; } public void setBirthOrder(String birthOrder) { this.birthOrder = birthOrder; } public double getGestationalWeek() { return gestationalWeek; } public void setGestationalWeek(double gestationalWeek) { this.gestationalWeek = gestationalWeek; } public Timestamp getDateFirstFeeding() { return dateFirstFeeding; } public void setDateFirstFeeding(Timestamp dateFirstFeeding) { this.dateFirstFeeding = dateFirstFeeding; this.dateFirstFeedingForDisplay = DateUtil.convertTimestampToStringDate(dateFirstFeeding); } public String getDateFirstFeedingForDisplay() { return this.dateFirstFeedingForDisplay; } public void setDateFirstFeedingForDisplay(String dateFirstFeedingForDisplay) { this.dateFirstFeedingForDisplay = dateFirstFeedingForDisplay; } public void setBreast(String breast) { this.breast = breast; } public String getBreast() { return breast; } public void setTpn(String tpn) { this.tpn = tpn; } public String getTpn() { return tpn; } public void setFormula(String formula) { this.formula = formula; } public String getFormula() { return formula; } public void setMilk(String milk) { this.milk = milk; } public String getMilk() { return milk; } public void setSoy(String soy) { this.soy = soy; } public String getSoy() { return soy; } public void setJaundice(String jaundice) { this.jaundice = jaundice; } public String getJaundice() { return jaundice; } public void setAntibiotic(String antibiotic) { this.antibiotic = antibiotic; } public String getAntibiotic() { return antibiotic; } public void setTransfused(String transfused) { this.transfused = transfused; } public String getTransfused() { return transfused; } public Timestamp getDateTransfution() { return dateTransfution; } public void setDateTransfution(Timestamp dateTransfution) { this.dateTransfution = dateTransfution; this.dateTransfutionForDisplay = DateUtil.convertTimestampToStringDate(dateTransfution); } public String getDateTransfutionForDisplay() { return this.dateTransfutionForDisplay; } public void setDateTransfutionForDisplay(String dateTransfutionForDisplay) { this.dateTransfutionForDisplay = dateTransfutionForDisplay; } public String getMedicalRecordNumber() { return medicalRecordNumber; } public void setMedicalRecordNumber(String medicalRecordNumber) { this.medicalRecordNumber = medicalRecordNumber; } public String getNicu() { return nicu; } public void setNicu(String nicu) { this.nicu = nicu; } public String getBirthDefect() { return birthDefect; } public void setBirthDefect(String birthDefect) { this.birthDefect = birthDefect; } public String getPregnancyComplication() { return pregnancyComplication; } public void setPregnancyComplication(String pregnancyComplication) { this.pregnancyComplication = pregnancyComplication; } public String getDeceasedSibling() { return deceasedSibling; } public void setDeceasedSibling(String deceasedSibling) { this.deceasedSibling = deceasedSibling; } public String getCauseOfDeath() { return causeOfDeath; } public void setCauseOfDeath(String causeOfDeath) { this.causeOfDeath = causeOfDeath; } public String getFamilyHistory() { return familyHistory; } public void setFamilyHistory(String familyHistory) { this.familyHistory = familyHistory; } public String getOther() { return other; } public void setOther(String other) { this.other = other; } public String getYnumber() { return yNumber; } public void setYnumber(String yNumber) { this.yNumber = yNumber; } public String getYellowCard() { return yellowCard; } public void setYellowCard(String yellowCard) { this.yellowCard = yellowCard; } }