package uc.protocols.hub; import helpers.GH; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import uc.IUser; import uc.protocols.ADCStatusMessage; /** * ISTA 000 \n\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\ssome\stext\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\ * Severity values: 0 Success (used for confirming commands), error code must be "00", and an additional flag "FC" contains the FOURCC of the command being confirmed if applicable. 1 Recoverable (error but no disconnect) 2 Fatal (disconnect) Error codes: 00 Generic, show description x0 Same as 00, but categorized according to the rough structure set below 10 Generic hub error 11 Hub full 12 Hub disabled 20 Generic login/access error 21 Nick invalid 22 Nick taken 23 Invalid password 24 CID taken 25 Access denied, flag "FC" is the FOURCC of the offending command. Sent when a user is not allowed to execute a particular command 26 Registered users only 27 Invalid PID supplied 30 Kicks/bans/disconnects generic 31 Permanently banned 32 Temporarily banned, flag "TL" is an integer specifying the number of seconds left until it expires (This is used for kick as well…). 40 Protocol error 41 Transfer protocol unsupported, flag "TO" the token, flag "PR" the protocol string. The client receiving a CTM or RCM should send this if it doesn't support the C-C protocol. 42 Direct connection failed, flag "TO" the token, flag "PR" the protocol string. The client receiving a CTM or RCM should send this if it tried but couldn't connect. 43 Required INF field missing/bad, flag "FM" specifies missing field, "FB" specifies invalid field. 44 Invalid state, flag "FC" the FOURCC of the offending command. 45 Required feature missing, flag "FC" specifies the FOURCC of the missing feature. 46 Invalid IP supplied in INF, flag "I4" or "I6" specifies the correct IP. 47 No hash support overlap in SUP between client and hub. 50 Client-client / file transfer error 51 File not available 52 File part not available 53 Slots full 54 No hash support overlap in SUP between clients. * * @author Quicksilver * */ public class STA extends AbstractADCHubCommand { public STA() { setPattern(getHeader()+" ([012])(\\d{2}) ("+ADCTEXT+") ?(.*)",true); } public void handle(Hub hub,String command) throws ProtocolException, IOException { logger.debug("STA received: "+command); if (GH.isEmpty(getOtherSID())) { //STA from a hub int severity = Integer.valueOf(; int errorCode = Integer.valueOf(; String message = revReplaces(; Map<Flag,String> flags = getFlagMap(; if (!message.contains("SCH Invalid Context")) { //workaround: Ignore damn invalid context messages by DSHub hub.statusMessage(message,severity); } ADCStatusMessage staMessage = new ADCStatusMessage(message,severity,errorCode,flags); String sendMessage = staMessage.getTypeMessage(); switch(errorCode) { case 32: //Temp banned for some time long waitTime = Long.valueOf(flags.get(Flag.TL)); hub.reconnect((int)waitTime); break; case 41: logger.debug("other does not support protocol"); //TODO make sure to use other protocol both support.. //maybe not send message to status? break; case 46: // Invalid IP InetAddress ip = null; if (flags.containsKey(Flag.I4)) { ip = InetAddress.getByName(flags.get(Flag.I4)); } else if (flags.containsKey(Flag.I6)) { ip = InetAddress.getByName(flags.get(Flag.I6)); } if (ip != null) { hub.getSelf().setIp(ip); } break; } if (sendMessage != null) { hub.statusMessage(sendMessage,severity); } } else { //TODO handle STA from a client } } public static void sendSTAtoHub(Hub hub,ADCStatusMessage sm) { hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw("HSTA "+sm.toADCString()+"\n"); if (sm.getSeverity() == ADCStatusMessage.FATAL) { hub.reconnect(120); } } public static void sendSTAtoUser(Hub hub,IUser target,ADCStatusMessage sm) { hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw("DSTA "+SIDToStr(hub.getSelf().getSid())+" "+SIDToStr(target.getSid())+" " +sm.toADCString()+"\n"); if (Platform.inDevelopmentMode()) { logger.warn(sm.toString()+" "+target+" sev:"+sm.getSeverity(),new Throwable()); } } }