package uc.protocols.hub; import; import; import java.util.Map; import uc.IUser; import uc.user.User; /** * EMSG DCBA 7KJB \n..\s\s\s\s\s\shellos\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\ * * @author Quicksilver * */ public class MSG extends AbstractADCHubCommand { public MSG() { setPattern(getHeader()+" ("+ADCTEXT+") ?(.*)",true); } public void handle(Hub hub,String command) throws ProtocolException, IOException { User other = getOther(hub); String text = revReplaces(; Map<Flag,String> attr = getFlagMap(; boolean me = attr.containsKey(Flag.ME); if (attr.containsKey(Flag.PM)) { //TODO may be ME in pm should also be possible User originator = hub.getUserBySID(SIDToInt(attr.get(Flag.PM))); if (originator != null && originator != hub.getSelf()) { //ignore messages without originator and ignore messages from ourself hub.pmReceived(new PrivateMessage(originator,other , text,me)); } } else {// else if(attr.containsKey(Flag.ME)) { hub.mcMessageReceived(other, text,me); } } public static void sendPM(Hub hub,IUser target,String message,boolean me) { User self = hub.getSelf(); String send = "EMSG "+SIDToStr(self.getSid())+" "+SIDToStr(target.getSid())+ " "+doReplaces(message)+" PM"+SIDToStr(self.getSid())+(me? " ME1" : "" ); hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw(send+"\n"); } public static void sendMM(Hub hub,String message,boolean me) { //BMSG ownSID msg User self = hub.getSelf(); String send = "BMSG "+SIDToStr(self.getSid())+" "+doReplaces(message)+ (me? " ME1" : "" ); hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw(send+"\n"); } }