package uc.files.transfer; import helpers.GH; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import uc.DCClient; import uc.ISlotManager; import uc.IUser; import uc.InfoChange; import uc.PI; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFile; import uc.protocols.TransferType; public class SlotManager implements ISlotManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(); private static final long RemoveAfterSeconds = 1000 * 60 *10 ; //10 Minutes private static final long OnlineAndInterestedTime = 1000 * 60 *3; // at least every 3 minutes the user must request a slot to be seen as interested private static final long MinislotSize = 64 * 1024; private static final int MaxTransfers = 100; private final DCClient dcc; private final Object slotsSynch = new Object(); private final Set<Slot> currentSlots = new HashSet<Slot>(); private final Set<Slot> currentExtraSlots = new HashSet<Slot>(); private final Map<IUser,WaitingUser> usersThatReceivedSlot = new HashMap<IUser,WaitingUser>(); private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<WaitingUser> waitingQueue = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<WaitingUser>(); public SlotManager(DCClient client) { this.dcc = client; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.ISlotManager#init() */ public void init() { dcc.getSchedulerDir().schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeUsersNotRecentlyOnlineAndInterested(); } }, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.ISlotManager#getSlot(uc.User, uc.protocols.TransferType, */ public Slot getSlot(IUser usr ,TransferType type,FileListFile f) { if (usr == null || (type == TransferType.FILE && f == null )) { if (Platform.inDevelopmentMode()) { logger.error("user "+(usr==null? "null":usr)+" file:"+(f==null?"null":f)); } return null; } synchronized(slotsSynch) { if (usersThatReceivedSlot.containsKey(usr)) { logger.debug(usr.getNick()+" tried getting upload even if he already had an upload running"); return null; //no slot for that user } if (currentExtraSlots.size() >= MaxTransfers && !usr.isOp()) { //Too many uploads running.. no slots anymore. To prevent DoS return null; } updateUserOnlineAndInterested(usr); Slot s = getSlotPriv(usr,type,f); WaitingUser wu = getWU(usr); if (s == null) { waitingQueue.addIfAbsent(wu); //logger.debug("User in Queu: "+usr.getNick()+" Position: "+getPositionInQueue(usr)); } else { waitingQueue.remove(wu); usersThatReceivedSlot.put(usr, wu); } return s; } } private Slot getSlotPriv(IUser usr ,TransferType type,FileListFile f) { switch(type) { case TTHL: case FILELIST: Slot extra = new Slot(false); currentExtraSlots.add(extra); return extra; case FILE: int slotsAvailable = getTotalSlots() - currentSlots.size(); boolean eligibleForSlotByQueue = isOneofThFirstXUsers(slotsAvailable,usr); if (slotsAvailable > 0 && eligibleForSlotByQueue) { //"User "+usr.getNick()+" got Slot over Queue: "+usr); Slot normal = new Slot(true); currentSlots.add(normal); dcc.notifyChangedInfo(InfoChange.CurrentSlots); return normal; } else if (usr.hasCurrentlyAutogrant() || f.getSize() <= MinislotSize || f.automaticExtraSlot()) { Slot autogrant = new Slot(false); currentSlots.add(autogrant); currentExtraSlots.add(autogrant); dcc.notifyChangedInfo(InfoChange.CurrentSlots); return autogrant; } else { //"No Slot for: "+usr.getNick()); return null; } } throw new IllegalStateException("no known TransferType was set"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.ISlotManager#returnSlot(uc.files.transfer.Slot, uc.IUser) */ public void returnSlot(Slot slot,IUser usr) { if (usr == null && Platform.inDevelopmentMode()) { logger.error("user was null"); } synchronized(slotsSynch) { currentSlots.remove(slot); currentExtraSlots.remove(slot); dcc.notifyChangedInfo(InfoChange.CurrentSlots); WaitingUser wu = usersThatReceivedSlot.remove(usr); if (wu != null) { waitingQueue.add(wu); //"Readding user: "+wu.usr.getNick()); } ArrayList<WaitingUser> wus = new ArrayList<WaitingUser>(waitingQueue); Collections.sort(wus,WaitingUserComp); waitingQueue.clear(); waitingQueue.addAll(wus); // if (slot != null) { //"Return slot: "+usr.getNick()+" pos: "+waitingQueue.indexOf(wu)); // } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.ISlotManager#getCurrentSlots() */ public int getCurrentSlots() { synchronized (slotsSynch) { return Math.max(0,getTotalSlots() - currentSlots.size()); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.ISlotManager#getTotalSlots() */ public int getTotalSlots() { return PI.getInt(PI.slots); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.ISlotManager#getPositionInQueue(uc.IUser) */ public int getPositionInQueue(IUser usr) { int x = -1; synchronized (slotsSynch) { for (WaitingUser wu:waitingQueue) { if (wu.isOnlineAndInterested()) { x++; } if (wu.usr.equals(usr)) { return x; } } } return -1; } private boolean isOneofThFirstXUsers(int x,IUser usr) { for (WaitingUser wu:waitingQueue) { if (wu.isOnlineAndInterested()) { if (wu.usr.equals(usr)) { return true; } else if ( --x <= 0) { return false; } } } return true; //not in Queue -> well give him a slot then.. } private void updateUserOnlineAndInterested(IUser user) { for (WaitingUser wu:waitingQueue) { if (wu.usr.equals(user)) { wu.stillInterestedReceived(); break; } } } /** * * @param usr - for which usr... * @return a waiting user object for the given username */ private WaitingUser getWU(IUser usr) { synchronized (slotsSynch) { for (WaitingUser wu:waitingQueue) { if (wu.usr.equals(usr)) { return wu; } } } //"Creating waiting user: "+usr); return new WaitingUser(usr); } public void printQueue() { dcc.logEvent(waitingQueue.toString()); } private void removeUsersNotRecentlyOnlineAndInterested() { for (WaitingUser wu:waitingQueue) { if (wu.checkLastTimeInterestedAndOnline()) { waitingQueue.remove(wu); } } } private static class WaitingUser implements Comparable<WaitingUser> { private final IUser usr; private final long waitingSince; private long lastInterestedReceived; public WaitingUser(IUser usr) { if (usr == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User null"); } this.usr = usr; waitingSince = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastInterestedReceived = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * * @return if the users has been offline for such a long time that he should be removed.. * true if should be removed.. */ private void stillInterestedReceived() { // if (usr.isOnline()) { lastInterestedReceived = System.currentTimeMillis(); //} else { //} } private boolean isOnlineAndInterested() { return usr.isOnline() && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInterestedReceived < OnlineAndInterestedTime; } private boolean checkLastTimeInterestedAndOnline() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInterestedReceived > RemoveAfterSeconds ; } @Override public int hashCode() { return usr.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; return usr.equals(((WaitingUser)obj).usr); } public int compareTo(WaitingUser o) { if (o == null) { return Long.valueOf(waitingSince).compareTo(Long.MAX_VALUE); } int comp = Long.valueOf(waitingSince).compareTo(o.waitingSince); if (comp == 0) { //if several users wait for the same duration this preserves from problems! return GH.compareTo(hashCode(), o.hashCode()); } return comp; } public String toString() { return usr.getNick()+" Wait: "+((System.currentTimeMillis()-waitingSince)/1000) +" LIR: "+((System.currentTimeMillis()-lastInterestedReceived)/1000); } } private static final Comparator<WaitingUser> WaitingUserComp = new Comparator<WaitingUser>() { public int compare(WaitingUser o1, WaitingUser o2) { long a = /*o1 == null? Long.MAX_VALUE : */o1.waitingSince; long b = /*o2 == null? Long.MAX_VALUE : */ o2.waitingSince; return Long.valueOf(a).compareTo(b); } }; /* * [ * Hedayat Wait: 27656 LIR: 25028, * nick-try-16-16 Wait: 27656 LIR: 9432, * Ara Wait: 27656 LIR: 183, * GrillBill2 Wait: 27656 LIR: 48, * YODA-41 Wait: 27656 LIR: 47, * Powolniak Wait: 27656 LIR: 39, * Kaptain_Komfy Wait: 27656 LIR: 28, * °^Kumba^° Wait: 27656 LIR: 18, * GrillBill Wait: 27656 LIR: 5, * buffy Wait: 27342 LIR: 0, * °^hAliGalLiE@works^° Wait: 26678 LIR: 13829, * stroncium12800 Wait: 23384 LIR: 17, * [RO][BUC][ISP]eruho Wait: 20820 LIR: 20820, * kolina Wait: 11502 LIR: 2, * tempestuous Wait: 11426 LIR: 11 * ] * */ }