package uc.protocols.hub; import helpers.GH; import; import; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import logger.LoggerFactory; import uc.crypto.BloomFilter; import uc.protocols.ADCStatusMessage; import uc.protocols.Compression; import uc.protocols.DCProtocol; public class GET extends AbstractADCHubCommand { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(Level.DEBUG); public GET() { setPattern(prefix +" blom / 0 ("+FILESIZE+")("+COMPRESSION+") ?(.*)",true); } public void handle(Hub hub,String command) throws ProtocolException, IOException { //"BK" and h in the flag "BH". int m = Integer.parseInt( *8; Compression comp = Compression.parseProtocolString(; Map<Flag,String> flags = getFlagMap(; if (flags.containsKey(Flag.BH) && flags.containsKey(Flag.BK)) { int h = Integer.parseInt(flags.get(Flag.BH)); int k = Integer.parseInt(flags.get(Flag.BK)); if (m > 5*1024*1024) { //sanity check STA.sendSTAtoHub(hub, new ADCStatusMessage("Too large Bloom filter requested. m= "+m, ADCStatusMessage.FATAL, ADCStatusMessage.TransferGeneric)); throw new IOException("invalid length requested by hub: "+m); } long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); BloomFilter blom = null; try { blom = BloomFilter.create(hub.getSelf().getFilelistDescriptor().getFilelist(), m, h, k); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { STA.sendSTAtoHub(hub, new ADCStatusMessage("bad value provided: "+iae.getMessage(), ADCStatusMessage.FATAL, ADCStatusMessage.TransferGeneric)); throw new IOException(iae); } byte[] bloomBytes = comp.compress(blom.getBytes()); byte[] snd = ("HSND blom / 0 "+(m/8)+comp.toString()+" BK"+k+" BH"+h+"\n").getBytes(DCProtocol.ADC_CHARENCODING); byte[] complete = GH.concatenate(snd,bloomBytes); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; logger.debug("Sending Bloomfilter: lenght: "+complete.length+" h:"+h+" k:"+k+" m:"+m+" duration: "+duration+" ms"); hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw(complete); } } }