package eu.jucy.op.fakeshare; import helpers.GH; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import uc.IUser; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import uc.crypto.TigerHashValue; import uc.files.filelist.FileList; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFile; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFolder; import uc.files.filelist.IFileListItem; public class FileListStorage { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(Level.DEBUG); private final ReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(false); private final Lock readLock = rwLock.readLock(); private final Lock writeLock = rwLock.writeLock(); private File storagePath; private String url; private Connection c; private long maxID; private static final long ROOT = 0; public void init(File storagePath) throws Exception { writeLock.lock(); try { this.storagePath = storagePath; Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); boolean allok = connect(); if (!allok) { throw new IllegalStateException("initialization not successful"); } if (!tableExists()) { createTables(); } setMaxID(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } logger.debug("FL storage initialized"); } private void setMaxID() throws SQLException { Statement maxFolderID = c.createStatement(); ResultSet maxIDrs = maxFolderID.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(ID) AS maxID FROM folders"); while ( { maxID = maxIDrs.getLong("maxID"); break; } logger.debug("found maxID: "+maxID); maxIDrs.close(); } public void shutdown() { writeLock.lock(); try { disconnect(); logger.debug("FL storage shutdown"); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private boolean connect() throws IOException { boolean allok = true; File folder = new File(storagePath, "db"); if (!folder.exists()) { allok = folder.mkdirs(); } String newPrefix = "operator_plugin_db"; File newPath = new File(folder, newPrefix); if (!newPath.isFile()) { allok &= newPath.createNewFile(); } url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + newPath; try { c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "sa", ""); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new IOException(sqle); } return allok; } private void disconnect() { if (c == null) { return; } try { Statement sd = c.createStatement(); sd.execute("SHUTDOWN"); sd.close(); c.close(); c = null; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("Disconnecting failed " + e.toString(), e); } } /** * test if we have to create the tables.. or if they already exist */ private boolean tableExists() { try { Statement s = c.createStatement(); s.execute("SELECT 1 FROM files"); } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } return true; } private void createTables() { try { Statement createFileListUsers = c.createStatement(); createFileListUsers.execute("CREATE CACHED TABLE users (" + " userID BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+") PRIMARY KEY"// CHARACTER( "+ TigerHashValue.serializedDigestLength + " ) PRIMARY KEY" + " , nick VARCHAR(1024) " + " , cid BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+ " )" + " )"); createFileListUsers.close(); Statement createFileListCheck = c.createStatement(); createFileListCheck.execute("CREATE CACHED TABLE fileListCheck (" + " userID BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+")"//CHARACTER( "+ TigerHashValue.serializedDigestLength + " )" + " , cidFL BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+")"// CHARACTER( "+ TigerHashValue.serializedDigestLength + " )" //CID in the filelist.. + " , dateChecked BIGINT" + " , size BIGINT" + " , numberFiles INT" + " , PRIMARY KEY ( userID , dateChecked )" + " , FOREIGN KEY ( userID )" + " REFERENCES users ( userID )" + " )"); createFileListCheck.close(); Statement fileListFolders = c.createStatement(); fileListFolders.execute("CREATE CACHED TABLE folders (" + " userID BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+")"// CHARACTER(" + TigerHashValue.serializedDigestLength + ")" + " , ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY " + " , name VARCHAR(1024)" + " , parentID BIGINT " + " , UNIQUE ( name, userID ,parentID)" // + " , FOREIGN KEY ( parentID )" // + " REFERENCES folders (ID) ON DELETE CASCADE " + " , FOREIGN KEY ( userID )" + " REFERENCES users ( userID ) ON DELETE CASCADE " + ")"); fileListFolders.close(); Statement index1 = c.createStatement(); index1.execute("CREATE INDEX userid_index ON folders ( userID ) "); index1.close(); insertFolder(null, ROOT,"", ROOT); //unnamed root for all user root folders.. Statement fileListFiles = c.createStatement(); fileListFiles.execute("CREATE CACHED TABLE files (" + " folderID BIGINT" //belongs to + " , tth BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+")"// CHARACTER(" + TigerHashValue.serializedDigestLength + ")" + " , name VARCHAR(1024) " + " , size BIGINT" + " , firstSeen BIGINT" + " , userID BINARY( "+TigerHashValue.digestlength+")"// CHARACTER(" + TigerHashValue.serializedDigestLength + ")" + " , FOREIGN KEY ( folderID )" + " REFERENCES folders ( ID ) ON DELETE CASCADE " + " , FOREIGN KEY ( userID )" + " REFERENCES users ( userID ) ON DELETE CASCADE " + ")"); fileListFiles.close(); Statement index2 = c.createStatement(); index2.execute("CREATE INDEX userid_files_index ON files ( userID ) "); index2.close(); Statement index3 = c.createStatement(); index3.execute("CREATE INDEX first_seen_index ON files ( firstSeen ) "); index3.close(); // Statement filesWithUserIDView = c.createStatement(); // filesWithUserIDView.execute("CREATE VIEW userfiles AS " // + " SELECT f.folderID folderID, f.tth tth, name, f.size size, f.firstSeen firstSeen, o.userID userID" // + " FROM files f , folders o WHERE f.folderID = o.ID " // ); // filesWithUserIDView.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn(e,e); } } private void addFileListCheck(FileList fl,long downloaded) throws SQLException { IUser usr = fl.getUsr(); //UPDATE table SET column = Expression [, ...] [WHERE Expression]; PreparedStatement existsCheck = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE users SET nick = ? , cid = ? WHERE userID = ? "); byte[] cid = usr.getCID() == null? null: usr.getCID().getRaw(); existsCheck.setString(1, usr.getNick()); existsCheck.setBytes(2, cid ); existsCheck.setBytes(3, usr.getUserid().getRaw()); int count = existsCheck.executeUpdate(); existsCheck.close(); if (count == 0) { PreparedStatement addUser = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO users (nick,cid,userID) VALUES(?,?,?) "); addUser.setString(1, usr.getNick()); addUser.setBytes(2, cid ); addUser.setBytes(3, usr.getUserid().getRaw()); addUser.execute(); addUser.close(); } PreparedStatement addCheck = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO fileListCheck (userID,cidFL,dateChecked,size,numberFiles) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?) "); addCheck.setBytes(1, usr.getUserid().getRaw()); addCheck.setBytes(2, fl.getCID() != null? fl.getCID().getRaw():null); addCheck.setLong(3 ,downloaded); addCheck.setLong(4, fl.getSharesize()); addCheck.setInt(5, fl.getNumberOfFiles()); addCheck.execute(); addCheck.close(); } public void insertFileList(FileList newFileList,long downloaded) { writeLock.lock(); long start= System.currentTimeMillis();; try { Map<Long,FileListFolder> folders = new TreeMap<Long,FileListFolder>(); Map<HashValue,Long> firstSeen = new HashMap<HashValue,Long>(); loadFileList(newFileList.getUsr(),folders,firstSeen); IUser user = newFileList.getUsr(); addFileListCheck(newFileList, downloaded); PreparedStatement deletePresentFolders = c .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM folders WHERE userID = ? "); deletePresentFolders.setBytes(1, user.getUserid().getRaw()); int deletedFolders= deletePresentFolders.executeUpdate(); deletePresentFolders.close();"deleted Folders: "+deletedFolders); FileListFolder root = newFileList.getRoot(); HashMap<FileListFolder,Long> foldersNew = new HashMap<FileListFolder,Long>(); HashValue userID = user.getUserid(); ++maxID; foldersNew.put(root, maxID); insertFolder(userID,maxID, root.getName(),ROOT); long count = 1; for (FileListFolder current: newFileList.getFolderIterable()) { if (current.isOriginal()) { ++maxID; foldersNew.put(current, maxID); insertFolder(userID,maxID, current.getName(), foldersNew.get(current.getParent())); count++; } } logger.debug("Inserted: "+count+" folders"); count = 0; for (FileListFile file : newFileList.getFileIterable()) { if (file.isOriginal()) { long parentID = foldersNew.get(file.getParent()); Long fs = firstSeen.get(file.getTTHRoot()); insertFile(parentID ,file.getTTHRoot() ,file.getName() ,file.getSize() ,fs == null? downloaded:fs , userID); count++; } } logger.debug("Inserted: "+count+" files"); logger.debug("after maxID: "+maxID); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e,e); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug(String.format("Time needed insert: %d ms", (end-start))); } private void insertFolder(HashValue userID,long folderid,String foldername,long parentID) throws SQLException { // logger.debug("inserting folder: foldername: "+foldername +" id: "+folderid+" parentID: "+parentID); PreparedStatement addFolders = c .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO folders (userID,ID,name,parentID) VALUES(?,?,?,?) "); addFolders.setBytes(1, userID != null ?userID.getRaw():null); addFolders.setLong(2, folderid); addFolders.setString(3, foldername); addFolders.setLong(4, parentID); try { addFolders.execute(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { logger.warn("error folder: "+foldername+" parentID "+parentID+" folderid: " +folderid+" "+sqle.toString(),sqle); } addFolders.close(); } private void insertFile(long parentID,HashValue hash,String name,long size,long firstSeen,HashValue userID) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement addFile = c .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO files (folderID,tth,name,size,firstSeen,userID) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?) "); addFile.setLong(1, parentID); addFile.setBytes(2, hash.getRaw()); addFile.setString(3, name); addFile.setLong(4, size); addFile.setLong(5, firstSeen); addFile.setBytes(6, userID.getRaw()); try { addFile.execute(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { logger.warn("error file "+name+" parentID "+parentID+" "+sqle.toString(),sqle); } addFile.close(); } private FileList loadFileList(IUser user,Map<Long,FileListFolder> folders,Map<HashValue,Long> firstSeen) { FileList fl = new FileList(user); readLock.lock(); try { PreparedStatement loadFolders = c .prepareStatement("SELECT ID , name, parentID FROM folders WHERE userID = ? ORDER BY parentID ASC "); loadFolders.setBytes(1, user.getUserid().getRaw()); ResultSet rs = loadFolders.executeQuery(); while ( { String name = rs.getString("name"); long id = rs.getLong("ID"); long parentID = rs.getLong("parentID"); if (parentID == ROOT) { folders.put(id, fl.getRoot()); } else { try { FileListFolder parent = folders.get(parentID); FileListFolder child = new FileListFolder(parent, name); folders.put(id, child); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { logger.debug("name: "+name,npe); } } } rs.close(); PreparedStatement loadFiles = c .prepareStatement("SELECT name , tth , size , folderID , firstSeen FROM files WHERE userID = ? ");//folderID, tth , name, size, firstSeen FROM files INNER JOIN folder ON folderID = ID WHERE userID = ? "); loadFiles.setBytes(1, user.getUserid().getRaw()); ResultSet rs2 = loadFiles.executeQuery(); while ( { String name = rs2.getString("name"); HashValue hash = HashValue.createHash(rs2.getBytes("tth")); long size = rs2.getLong("size"); long folderID = rs2.getLong("folderID"); long seen = rs2.getLong("firstSeen"); FileListFolder parent = folders.get(folderID); new FileListFile(parent, name, size, hash); firstSeen.put(hash, seen); } rs2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn(e,e); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } return fl; } public FileList loadFileList(IUser user) { HashMap<Long,FileListFolder> folders = new HashMap<Long,FileListFolder>(); return loadFileList(user, folders,new HashMap<HashValue,Long>() ); } /** * @param user create the TTH distribution for the given use.. * */ public Map<Integer,Integer> createKnownTTHDistribution(IUser user) { HashMap<Integer,Integer> found = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); readLock.lock(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { PreparedStatement countFiles = c .prepareStatement( "SELECT amount , count(*) AS times FROM " +" (SELECT tth , count(*) AS amount FROM " + " (SELECT DISTINCT tth AS hash FROM files WHERE userID = ? AND size != 0 ) " + " INNER JOIN " + " (SELECT DISTINCT tth , userID FROM files) " + " ON hash = tth " + " GROUP BY tth )" + " GROUP BY amount " + " ORDER BY amount DESC" ); countFiles.setBytes(1, user.getUserid().getRaw()); ResultSet rs = countFiles.executeQuery(); while ( { Integer count = rs.getInt("amount"); Integer present = rs.getInt("times"); found.put(count, present); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("User distribution: "+user); logger.debug( GH.concat(found.entrySet(), "\n", "none")); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn(e,e); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug(String.format("Time needed create: %d ms", (end-start))); return found; } /** * * @param user - calculate connections for this user.. * @return a collection of users and how many files the given user shares with them */ public Map<IUser,Integer> createKnownUserConnections(IUser user) { HashMap<IUser,Integer> found = new HashMap<IUser,Integer>(); readLock.lock(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { PreparedStatement countFiles = c .prepareStatement( "SELECT userID, nick, cid, amount FROM " + " users " + " INNER JOIN " + "(SELECT userID AS uid, count(*) AS amount FROM " + "(SELECT DISTINCT tth AS hash FROM files WHERE userID = ? AND size != 0 ) " + " INNER JOIN " + "(SELECT DISTINCT tth AS hash2, userID FROM files) " + " ON hash = hash2 " + " GROUP BY userID )" + " ON users.userID = uid " + " ORDER BY amount DESC" ); countFiles.setBytes(1, user.getUserid().getRaw()); ResultSet rs = countFiles.executeQuery(); while ( { int count = rs.getInt("amount"); HashValue userID = HashValue.createHash(rs.getBytes("userID")); String nick = rs.getString("nick"); byte[] possiblyCID = rs.getBytes("cid"); if (HashValue.isHash(possiblyCID)) { HashValue cid = HashValue.createHash(possiblyCID); } logger.debug("Connection: "+nick+" "+count); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn(e,e); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug(String.format("Time needed create: %d ms", (end-start))); return found; } private Distributions calculateDistributions(FileList fl) { Distributions dist = new Distributions(); for (IFileListItem item: fl) { String name = item.getName().toLowerCase(); for (char c:name.toCharArray()) { GH.incrementMappedCounter(dist.letters, c, 1); } for (String s: name.split("\\W")) { String word = s.trim(); GH.incrementMappedCounter(dist.words, word, 1); } long blockSize = (item.getSize() / 4096) *4096; GH.incrementMappedCounter(dist.sizes, blockSize, 1); } return dist; } private static TreeMap<Integer,Integer> createZipf(Collection<Integer> frequencies) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(frequencies); Collections.sort(list,Collections.reverseOrder()); TreeMap<Integer,Integer> zipf = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { zipf.put(i, list.get(i)); } return zipf; } private static class Distributions { private final Map<Character,Integer> letters = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); private final Map<String,Integer> words = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private final Map<Long,Integer> sizes = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); } }