package eu.jucy.gui.transferview; import; import java.util.Comparator; import logger.LoggerFactory; import helpers.SizeEnum; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin; import eu.jucy.gui.Application; import eu.jucy.gui.GuiHelpers; import eu.jucy.gui.IImageKeys; import eu.jucy.gui.Lang; import uc.IUser; import uc.files.transfer.FileTransferInformation; import uc.files.transfer.IFileTransfer; import uc.protocols.client.ClientProtocolStateMachine; import uc.protocols.client.ClientProtocol; import uihelpers.TableViewerAdministrator.ColumnDescriptor; public abstract class TransferColumns extends ColumnDescriptor<Object> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(); public TransferColumns(int defaultColumnSize, String columnName, int style) { super(defaultColumnSize, columnName, style); } @Override public String getText(Object o) { if (o instanceof ClientProtocol) { ClientProtocol cp = (ClientProtocol)o; IFileTransfer ft = cp.getFileTransfer(); IUser other = cp.getUser(); return getText(cp,ft,other); } if (o instanceof ClientProtocolStateMachine ) { ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm = (ClientProtocolStateMachine)o; return getText(ccspm, ccspm.getUser(), ccspm.getLastDownload()); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** * retrieves text for a Connection protocol item * * @param cp - the Protocol itself * @param ft - the FileTransfer may be null if not already started * @param other - the user never null * @return a String for the Column */ protected abstract String getText(ClientProtocol cp,IFileTransfer ft, IUser other); protected abstract String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm, IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last); public static class UserColumn extends TransferColumns { public static final Image ENC_ICON = AbstractUIPlugin.imageDescriptorFromPlugin( Application.PLUGIN_ID, IImageKeys.ENCRYPTED).createImage(), ENCKEYP_ICON = AbstractUIPlugin.imageDescriptorFromPlugin( Application.PLUGIN_ID, IImageKeys.ENCRYPTEDKEYP).createImage(), UPLOAD_ICON = AbstractUIPlugin.imageDescriptorFromPlugin( Application.PLUGIN_ID, IImageKeys.UPLOAD_ICON).createImage(), UPLOAD_ENC_ICON = GuiHelpers.addCornerIcon(UPLOAD_ICON,ENC_ICON) , UPLOAD_KEYP_ICON = GuiHelpers.addCornerIcon(UPLOAD_ICON, ENCKEYP_ICON), DOWNLOAD_ICON = AbstractUIPlugin.imageDescriptorFromPlugin( Application.PLUGIN_ID, IImageKeys.DOWNLOAD_ICON).createImage(), DOWNLOAD_ENC_ICON = GuiHelpers.addCornerIcon(DOWNLOAD_ICON ,ENC_ICON), DOWNLOAD_KEYP_ICON = GuiHelpers.addCornerIcon(DOWNLOAD_ICON ,ENCKEYP_ICON) ; private static final Image[] ALL = new Image[]{null,ENC_ICON,ENCKEYP_ICON, UPLOAD_ICON,UPLOAD_ENC_ICON,UPLOAD_KEYP_ICON, DOWNLOAD_ICON,DOWNLOAD_ENC_ICON,DOWNLOAD_KEYP_ICON}; //AbstractUIPlugin.imageDescriptorFromPlugin( // Application.PLUGIN_ID, IImageKeys.DOWNLOAD_ENC_ICON).createImage(); public UserColumn() { super(120, Lang.User, SWT.LEAD); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return other != null ? other.getNick(): cp.getOtherip().getHostAddress(); } @Override public Image getImage(Object o) { if (o instanceof ClientProtocol) { ClientProtocol cp = (ClientProtocol)o; IFileTransfer ft = cp.getFileTransfer(); int i = (cp.isEncrypted()?1:0) + (cp.isFingerPrintUsed()?1:0); i += ft == null? 0: (ft.isUpload()?3:6 ); return ALL[i]; // // if (ft == null) { // return cp.isEncrypted()? (cp.isFingerPrintUsed()?ENCKEYP_ICON:ENC_ICON): null; // } else if (ft.isUpload()){ // if (cp.isEncrypted()) { // return cp.isFingerPrintUsed() ? UPLOAD_KEYP_ICON:UPLOAD_ENC_ICON ; // } else { // return UPLOAD_ICON; // } // } else { // if (cp.isEncrypted()) { // return cp.isFingerPrintUsed() ? DOWNLOAD_KEYP_ICON: DOWNLOAD_ENC_ICON ; // } else { // return DOWNLOAD_ICON; // } // } } else { return DOWNLOAD_ICON; } } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm, IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { return usr.getNick(); } } public static class HubColumn extends TransferColumns { public HubColumn() { super(100, Lang.Hub, SWT.LEAD); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return other != null && other.getHub()!= null ? other.getHub().getName(): ""; } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm,IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { return getText(null, null, usr); } } /** * more or less just a place holder .. -> a widget is added * to each table item to draw the bar.. * @author Quicksilver * */ public static class StatusColumn extends TransferColumns { public StatusColumn() { super(250, Lang.Status, SWT.LEAD); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return ""; //nothing as the StatusString is painted.. } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm,IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { return "";//nothing as the DownloadString is painted.. } @Override public Comparator<Object> getComparator() { return getComp(false); } @Override public Comparator<Object> getReverseComparator() { return getComp(true); } private Comparator<Object> getComp(final boolean reverse) { return new Comparator<Object>() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { if (o1 instanceof ClientProtocol && o2 instanceof ClientProtocol) { IFileTransfer ft1 = ((ClientProtocol)o1).getFileTransfer(); IFileTransfer ft2 = ((ClientProtocol)o2).getFileTransfer(); if (ft1 != null && ft2 != null) { int comp = (reverse?-1:1) * Boolean.valueOf(ft1.isUpload()).compareTo(ft2.isUpload()); if (comp == 0) { comp = ft1.getOther().getNick().compareTo(ft2.getOther().getNick()); //compare nick so sorting is stable.. } return comp ; } else { return -Boolean.valueOf(ft1 != null).compareTo(ft2 != null); } } if (o1 instanceof ClientProtocol) { logger.debug("comparing 1 Filetransfers"+o1.getClass()+" "+o2.getClass()); return -1; } if (o2 instanceof ClientProtocol) { logger.debug("comparing 1 Filetransfers"+o1.getClass()+" "+o2.getClass()); return 1; } logger.debug("comparing "+o1.getClass()+" "+o2.getClass()); return 0; } }; } } public static class TimeLeftColumn extends TransferColumns { public TimeLeftColumn() { super(60, Lang.TimeLeft, SWT.TRAIL); } @Override public String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return ft != null ? SizeEnum.timeEstimation( ft.getTimeRemaining() ): ""; } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm,IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { return ""; } } public static class SpeedColumn extends TransferColumns { public SpeedColumn() { super(70, Lang.Speed, SWT.TRAIL); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return ft != null ? SizeEnum.toSpeedString(1000,ft.getSpeed() ): ""; } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm,IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { return ""; } } public static class FilenameColumn extends TransferColumns { public FilenameColumn() { super(180, Lang.Filename, SWT.LEAD); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return ft != null ? ft.getNameOfTransferred(): ""; // Filename } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm,IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { if (last != null) { return last.getNameOfTransferred(); } else { return ""; } } } public static class SizeColumn extends TransferColumns { public SizeColumn() { super(70, Lang.Size, SWT.TRAIL); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { return ft != null ? SizeEnum.getReadableSize(ft.getFileInterval().length()): ""; } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm, IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { if (last != null) { return SizeEnum.getReadableSize(last.getLength()); } else { return ""; } } } public static class IPColumn extends TransferColumns { public IPColumn() { super(100, Lang.IP, SWT.LEAD); } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocol cp, IFileTransfer ft, IUser other) { InetAddress ia =cp.getOtherip(); return ia != null? ia.getHostAddress(): "" ; } @Override protected String getText(ClientProtocolStateMachine ccspm, IUser usr, FileTransferInformation last) { InetAddress ia = usr.getIp(); return ia != null? ia.getHostAddress(): "" ; } } }