package; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import uc.IUser; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import uc.files.AbstractDownloadable.AbstractDownloadableFile; import uc.files.IDownloadable.IDownloadableFile; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFile; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFolder; import uc.user.User; /** * a representative type for Search results.. is created from search info on UDP and the user * * important path must use for separation... * @author Quicksilver * */ public class SearchResult extends AbstractDownloadableFile implements ISearchResult,IDownloadableFile { private final String path; private final HashValue tthRoot; private final IUser usr; //the one that has sent/sends the sr private final long size; private final int availabelSlots; private final int totalSlots; private final String token; public String getToken() { return token; } /** * determines if the SR is a folder or a file * true means file */ private final boolean file; /** * Search result for a received command.. * * @param path - a path with filename separated by * @param tthRoot - the roothash of the file null if its a directory.. * @param usr - the user that sent / sends the searchresult (the other if received and ourselfes if we send) * @param size - the reported size of the file * @param availabelslots - how many slots the user reports to have open * @param totalslots - how many slots the user has in total * @param boolean file true if a file false if a */ public static ISearchResult create(String path,HashValue tthRoot, IUser usr,long size,int availabelslots,int totalslots, boolean file,String token) { SearchResult sr = new SearchResult(path,tthRoot, usr,size,availabelslots,totalslots, file, token); if (file) { return sr; } else { return new FolderSearchResult(sr); } } /** * Search result for a received command.. * * @param path - a path with filename separated by * @param tthRoot - the roothash of the file null if its a directory.. * @param usr - the user that sent / sends the searchresult (the other if received and ourselfes if we send) * @param size - the reported size of the file * @param availabelslots - how many slots the user reports to have open * @param totalslots - how many slots the user has in total * @param boolean file true if a file false if a */ private SearchResult(String path,HashValue tthRoot, IUser usr,long size,int availabelslots,int totalslots, boolean file,String token) { this.path = path; this.tthRoot = tthRoot; this.usr = usr; this.size = size; this.availabelSlots=availabelslots; this.totalSlots = totalslots; this.file = file; this.token = token; Assert.isTrue(file? tthRoot != null : true ); } /** * constructor for outgoing search results.. * creates a searchresult for creation as * @param file * @param self * @param availabelslots * @param totalslots */ public SearchResult(FileListFile file,IUser self,int availabelslots,int totalslots,String token) { this(file.getPath(),file.getTTHRoot(),self,file.getSize(),availabelslots, totalslots,true, token); } /** * constructor for outgoing search results.. * * @param folder * @param self * @param availabelslots * @param totalslots */ public SearchResult(FileListFolder folder,User self,int availabelslots,int totalslots,String token) { this(folder.getPath(),null,self, folder.getSize(),availabelslots,totalslots,false,token); } /** * @return the availabelSlots */ public int getAvailabelSlots() { return availabelSlots; } /** * @return the path */ public String getPath() { return path; } /** * @return the size */ public long getSize() { return size; } /** * @return the totalSlots */ public int getTotalSlots() { return totalSlots; } /** * @return the tthRoot */ public HashValue getTTHRoot() { return tthRoot; } /** * @return the usr */ public IUser getUser() { return usr; } public static class FolderSearchResult extends AbstractDownloadableFolder implements ISearchResult, IDownloadableFolder { private final SearchResult sr; public FolderSearchResult(SearchResult sr) { = sr; } @Override public String getPath() { return sr.getPath(); } @Override public HashValue getTTHRoot() throws UnsupportedOperationException { return sr.getTTHRoot(); } @Override public IUser getUser() { return sr.getUser(); } public int getAvailabelSlots() { return sr.getAvailabelSlots(); } public int getTotalSlots() { return sr.getTotalSlots(); } public String getToken() { return sr.getToken(); } } public static interface ISearchResultListener { void received(ISearchResult sr); } public boolean isFile() { return file; } }