package uc.protocols.hub; import helpers.GH; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import uc.DCClient; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import; import; import uc.protocols.DCProtocol; import uc.user.User; /** * @ sr - a string containing (from dcppWiki): * $SR <source_nick> <result> <free_slots>/<total_slots><0x05><hub_name> (<hub_ip:listening_port>) //[<0x05><target_nick>] last part stripped away from hub * where: <result> is one of the following: * <file_name><0x05><file_size> for file results * <directory> for directory results * * ex: * $SR User1 mypathmotd.txt<0x05>437 3/4<0x05>Testhub ( * * * <result> is one of the following: * <file_name><0x05><file_size> for file results * <directory> for directory results * The <0x05> characters used above for deliminators are the 5th character in the ASCII character set. * Sent by a client when a match to a $Search is found. * If the $Search was a passive one, the $SR is returned via the hub connection (TCP). In this case, <0x05><target_nick> must be included on the end of the $SR. The hub must strip the deliminator and <target_nick> before sending the $SR to <target_nick>. If the search was active, it is sent to the IP address and port specified in the $Search via UDP. * The port for the hub only needs to specified if its listening port is not the default (411). * On UNIX the path delimiter / must be converted to \ for compatibility. * DC++ will send a maximum of 5 search results to passive users and 10 to active users. (we will do the same) * For files containing TTH, the <hub_name> parameter is replaced with TTH:<base32_encoded_tth_hash> (ref: TTH_Hash) * $SR <source_nick> <result> <free_slots>/<total_slots><0x05><hub_name> (<hub_ip:listening_port>)[<0x05><target_nick>]| * * $SR User1 mypathmotd.txt<0x05>437 3/4<0x05>TTH:J7HKCPIH..3W (<0x05>User2| * * *Malformed Command received: $SR schlumpf 1_Daten\Malvorlagen\Windowcolor - Vorlagen\Scan10017.png62253 1/3TTH:L7G5FXZNSYDE3TVFLQHP6ISIIUT6PT2WX4CBUCQ ( * */ public class SR extends AbstractNMDCHubProtocolCommand { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(); private static final Pattern pipesplit = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("|")); /** * used in search results as separator * this is the RegExp string for detection */ private static final String CHARFIVE = "\\x05"; /** * the same as char for sending */ private static final char FIVESEP = (char) 0x05; /* * * DEBUG Line:159 * Malformed Command received: $SR [daiz]coldshouldermulder G:_\Documentaries\ 2/4TTH:FNY6UH5AOERHL4GEJQBLEY7WXBNLNJFCYA2UBWI ( DEBUG Line:159 Malformed Command received: $SR [daiz]coldshouldermulder G:_\Documentaries\ 2/4TTH:UI36H4BSPDUZ4PNVJU4ZHQGRZQCVRVDI6AS4FZQ ( */ /** * pattern that matches a SR that represents a directory */ private static final Pattern directorySR; /**pattern that matches a SR that represents a file * */ private static final Pattern fileSR; static { String prefix = "^\\Q$SR\\E"; String filename = "(?:.{1,255})"; String slots = "(\\d{1,5})/(\\d{1,5})"; directorySR = Pattern.compile(prefix + " ("+NMDCNICK+") ("+filename+") "+slots+CHARFIVE+"(?:.*) \\("+IPv4+":"+PORT+"\\)"); fileSR = Pattern.compile(prefix +" ("+NMDCNICK+") ("+filename+")"+CHARFIVE+"("+FILESIZE+")"+" "+slots+CHARFIVE+"TTH:("+TTH+") \\("+IPv4+":"+PORT+"\\)"); } public SR() { String filename = "(?:.{1,255})"; String result = filename+"(?:"+CHARFIVE+FILESIZE+")?"; String hubname = "(?:TTH\\:"+TTH+"|(?:.*))"; String slots = "(\\d{1,5})/(\\d{1,5})"; setPattern(prefix + " "+NMDCNICK+" "+result+" "+slots+CHARFIVE+hubname+" \\("+IPv4+":"+PORT+"\\)",true); } private static void receivedSR(Hub hub,String command) { Matcher sr; String path; if ((sr = fileSR.matcher(command)).matches()) { path = transformPath(; User other = hub.getUserByNick(; if (other != null) { // file ISearchResult searchResult = SearchResult.create( path, //filename HashValue.createHash(, other, Long.parseLong(, //file size Integer.parseInt(, //slots current Integer.parseInt(, //slots max true,null); hub.getDcc().srReceived(searchResult); } } else if ( (sr = directorySR.matcher(command)).matches()) { path = transformPath(; User other = hub.getUserByNick(; if (other != null) { //directory.. ISearchResult searchResult = SearchResult.create( path, //filename null, other, -1, //file size Integer.parseInt(, //slots current Integer.parseInt(, //slots max false,null); hub.getDcc().srReceived(searchResult); } } else { logger.debug("invalid sr string: "+command); } } @Override public void handle(Hub hub,String command) throws IOException { receivedSR(hub,command); } private static String transformPath(String sent) { return GH.replaceInvalidFilpath(sent.replace('\\', File.separatorChar)) ; } public static void main(String[] args) { String fileSR = "$SR guywithfile lazgapo\\ashda\\strangefile.bmp" +((char)0x05)+"4587 2/4"+((char)0x05) +"TTH:4CLZLU7TCB6C4YTHN7JNOIA7F7VQVJV5762AYJA ("; Matcher m = SR.fileSR.matcher(fileSR); boolean matches = m.matches(); System.out.println(matches); if (matches) { for (int i=0 ; i <= 6;i++) System.out.println(; } } /** * creates the part of the SR string that is needed by active and by passive results * @param sr - the file/folder that was found * @param hub - the hub in which the search appeared */ private static String getPartialSRString(SearchResult sr,Hub hub) { String result = sr.getPath().replace(File.separatorChar,'\\'); //replace File separaters here with NMDC separater if (sr.isFile()) { result += FIVESEP ; result += sr.getSize(); } else { //if its a folder cut away last file sep result = result.substring(0, result.length()-1); } //partial sr string: $SR °^(AAA)Schnueffeltv2^° Musik\DJ Quicksilver - Bellissima.mp33708421 1/1TTH:YUMEHYMQI4XYDLS4YFAGH3ID2RMSWL44CU5HWXA ( InetSocketAddress isa = hub.getHubIPAndPort(); String srpart = "$SR " + sr.getUser().getNick() + " " + result + " " + sr.getAvailabelSlots() +"/" + sr.getTotalSlots() + FIVESEP + (sr.isFile()? "TTH:"+sr.getTTHRoot() : hub.getName()) + " " //TTH of the file else + "("+isa.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":"+isa.getPort() +")" ; //Hub name + ip:port logger.debug("partial sr string: "+srpart); return srpart; } public static String getUDPSrString(SearchResult sr, Hub hub) { return getPartialSRString(sr,hub)+ "|"; } /** * sends SRs to a passive user back over the hubconnection.. * @param srs - the results of the search * @param target - the user that will receive the searchResults * @param hub - the hub that will transmit to the user.. */ public static void sendSR(Set<SearchResult> srs , User target, Hub hub) { // String command = ""; StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(); if (target != null) { for (SearchResult sr: srs) { command.append(getPartialSRString(sr,hub)); command.append(FIVESEP); command.append( target.getNick()); command.append( '|'); } } if (command.length() > 0) { // send the command if it is not empty.. hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw(command.toString()); } } /** * * - a string containing (from dcppWiki): * $SR <source_nick> <result> <free_slots>/<total_slots><0x05><hub_name> (<hub_ip:listening_port>) //[<0x05><target_nick>] last part stripped away from hub * where: <result> is one of the following: * <file_name><0x05><file_size> for file results * <directory> for directory results * * ex: * $SR User1 mypathmotd.txt<0x05>437 3/4<0x05>Testhub ( * * * <result> is one of the following: * <file_name><0x05><file_size> for file results * <directory> for directory results * The <0x05> characters used above for deliminators are the 5th character in the ASCII character set. * Sent by a client when a match to a $Search is found. * If the $Search was a passive one, the $SR is returned via the hub connection (TCP). In this case, <0x05><target_nick> must be included on the end of the $SR. The hub must strip the deliminator and <target_nick> before sending the $SR to <target_nick>. If the search was active, it is sent to the IP address and port specified in the $Search via UDP. * The port for the hub only needs to specified if its listening port is not the default (411). * On UNIX the path delimiter / must be converted to \ for compatibility. * DC++ will send a maximum of 5 search results to passive users and 10 to active users. (we will do the same) * For files containing TTH, the <hub_name> parameter is replaced with TTH:<base32_encoded_tth_hash> (ref: TTH_Hash) * ** * splits the packet in searchResult strings * then retrieves nick and hubip from the packet * and forwards the searchresult string then to * the matching hub * * @param from - socket of the sender * @param cs - CharSsequence containing the packet */ public static void receivedNMDCSR(InetSocketAddress from, CharSequence cs ,ByteBuffer originalpacket,DCClient dcc) { for (String sr: pipesplit.split(cs)) { logger.debug("received sr via udp: "+sr); try { int secondspace = sr.indexOf(' ', 5); int braceOpen = sr.lastIndexOf('('); if (sr.startsWith("$SR ") && -1 != secondspace && secondspace < braceOpen ) { String nick = sr.substring(4, secondspace ); String hubip = sr.substring(braceOpen ,sr.length()-1); Hub hub = dcc.hubForNickAndIP(nick,hubip); if (hub != null) { if (hub.getCharset().equals(DCProtocol.NMDC_CHARSET) || originalpacket == null ) { receivedSR(hub, sr); // hub.searchResultReceived(sr); } else { receivedNMDCSR(from, hub.getCharset().decode(originalpacket) , null,dcc); } } } } catch(RuntimeException re) { logger.debug("Bad input in Searchresult: "+re+" "+cs); } } } }