package uc.protocols.hub; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import uc.FavHub; /** * example: * * $ForceMove <newAddr>| * $To:<victimNick> From: <senderNick> $<<senderNick>> You are being re-directed to <newHub> because: <reasonMsg> * * $ForceMove * * @author Quicksilver * */ public class ForceMove extends AbstractNMDCHubProtocolCommand { public ForceMove() { setPattern(prefix+" ("+TEXT_NOSPACE+").*",true); } @Override public void handle(final Hub hub,String command) throws IOException { final FavHub address = new FavHub(; //schedule this ... so later coming reasons can be received.. hub.getDcc().getSchedulerDir().schedule( new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized(hub) { hub.redirectReceived(address); } } }, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } }