package uc.protocols.hub; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import uc.DCClient; import uc.IUser; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import; import; import uc.user.User; /** * * <h4 id="_res">5.3.7. RES</h4> <div class="literalblock"> <div class="content"> <pre><tt>RES</tt></pre> </div></div> <div class="para"><p>Contexts: F, T, C, U</p></div> <div class="para"><p>Search result, made up of fields syntactically and structurally similar to the INF ones. Clients must provide filename, session hash, size and token, but are encouraged to supply additional fields if available. Passive results should be limited to 5 and active to 10.</p></div> <div class="tableblock"> <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" frame="border" rules="all"> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td align="left"> FN </td> <td align="left"> Full filename including path in share </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> SI </td> <td align="left"> Size, in bytes </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> SL </td> <td align="left"> Slots currently available </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> TO </td> <td align="left"> Token </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <h4 id="_ctm">5.3.8. CTM</h4> <div class="literalblock"> <div class="content"> * */ public class RES extends AbstractADCHubCommand { private static RES UDPRES = new RES(true); public RES() { this(false); } private RES(boolean udp) { String passive = getHeader(); String active = "URES ("+CID+")"; setPattern((udp?active:passive) +" (.*)",true); } private void handle(Hub hub,String command,DCClient dcc) throws ProtocolException, IOException { List<IUser> users; Map<Flag,String> flags; if (hub != null) { IUser usr = hub.getUserBySID(getOthersSID()); if (usr != null) { users = Collections.singletonList(usr); } else { users = Collections.emptyList(); } flags = getFlagMap(; } else { HashValue cid = HashValue.createHash(; users = dcc.getUsersForCID(cid); flags = getFlagMap(; } //TR for tiger tree hash for (IUser usr:users) { if (flags.containsKey(Flag.FN)) { String path = flags.get(Flag.FN); path = path.replace('/', File.separatorChar); ISearchResult sr = null; String token = flags.get(Flag.TO); if (path.endsWith(File.separator)) { //folder long size = flags.containsKey(Flag.SI) ? Long.valueOf(flags.get(Flag.SI)): -1 ; int availableSlots = flags.containsKey(Flag.SL)?Integer.valueOf(flags.get(Flag.SL)): 0 ; sr = SearchResult.create(path, null, usr, size, availableSlots, usr.getSlots(), false,token); } else if (flags.containsKey(Flag.SI) && flags.containsKey(Flag.TR) ) { long size = Long.valueOf(flags.get(Flag.SI)); int availableSlots = flags.containsKey(Flag.SL)?Integer.valueOf(flags.get(Flag.SL)): 0 ; HashValue hash = HashValue.createHash(flags.get(Flag.TR)); sr = SearchResult.create(path,hash, usr, size, availableSlots, usr.getSlots(), true,token); } if (sr != null) { dcc.srReceived(sr); } } } } public void handle(Hub hub,String command) throws ProtocolException, IOException { handle(hub,command,hub.getDcc()); } public static String getUDPRESString(SearchResult sr, Hub hub) { return "URES "+hub.getSelf().getCID()+" "+getPartialRES(sr)+"\n"; } /** * sends SRs to a passive user back over the hubconnection.. * @param srs - the results of the search * @param target - the user that will receive the searchResults * @param hub - the hub that will transmit to the user.. */ public static void sendSR(Set<SearchResult> srs , User target, Hub hub) { for (SearchResult sr: srs) { hub.sendUnmodifiedRaw("DRES "+SIDToStr(hub.getSelf().getSid()) +" "+SIDToStr(target.getSid()) +" "+getPartialRES(sr)+"\n"); } } public static String getCRESString(SearchResult sr) { return "CRES "+getPartialRES(sr)+"\n"; } private static String getPartialRES(SearchResult sr) { String path=doReplaces(sr.getPath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/')); if (!path.startsWith("/")) { path = "/"+path; } String s = "FN"+ path + " SI"+sr.getSize() + " SL"+sr.getAvailabelSlots(); if (sr.getToken() != null) { s+= " TO"+doReplaces(sr.getToken()); } if (sr.isFile()) { s+= " TR"+sr.getTTHRoot(); } return s; } public static void receivedADCRES(InetSocketAddress from, CharSequence cs,DCClient dcc ) { int index; String cur = cs.toString(); while (-1 != (index = cur.indexOf('\n'))) { String command = cur.substring(0, index); cur = cur.substring(index+1); if (UDPRES.matches(command)) { try { UDPRES.handle(null,command,dcc); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.log(Platform.inDevelopmentMode()?Level.WARN:Level.DEBUG, ioe,ioe); } catch(RuntimeException re) { logger.warn(re, re); } } } } }