package uc.protocols; import helpers.GH; import helpers.PreferenceChangedAdapter; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import uc.PI; import uc.protocols.MultiStandardConnection.IUnblocking; /** * encapsulation for Socks5 protocol.. * * * @author Quicksilver * */ public class Socks { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(Level.DEBUG); private static Socks defaultSocks; private static final CopyOnWriteArraySet<UDPRelay> RELAYS = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<UDPRelay>(); static { updateSocks(); new PreferenceChangedAdapter(PI.get(),PI.socksProxyEnabled,PI.socksProxyHost,PI.socksProxyPassword,PI.socksProxyPort,PI.socksProxyUsername) { @Override public void preferenceChanged(String preference, String oldValue, String newValue) { updateSocks(); } }; } private synchronized static void updateSocks() { for (UDPRelay u:RELAYS) { u.close(); } boolean e = PI.getBoolean(PI.socksProxyEnabled) && !GH.isEmpty(PI.get(PI.socksProxyHost)); System.setProperty("socksProxyHost", e ? PI.get(PI.socksProxyHost): ""); System.setProperty("socksProxyPort", e ? PI.get(PI.socksProxyPort): ""); System.setProperty("", e? PI.get(PI.socksProxyUsername):""); System.setProperty("", e? PI.get(PI.socksProxyPassword):""); if (e) { InetSocketAddress proxy = new InetSocketAddress( PI.get(PI.socksProxyHost),PI.getInt(PI.socksProxyPort)); defaultSocks = new Socks(PI.get(PI.socksProxyUsername),PI.get(PI.socksProxyPassword),proxy); } else { defaultSocks = null; } } /** * * @return an instance of Socks as set in the jucy settings, * or null if using Socks is currently disabled.. */ public synchronized static Socks getDefaultSocks() { return defaultSocks; } public synchronized static boolean isEnabled() { return defaultSocks != null; } private static final byte NO_AUTH = 0x00, USERNAME_PW = 0x02; private final String username; private final String password; private final InetSocketAddress socksServerAddy; public Socks(String username,String password, InetSocketAddress socksServer) { this.username = username; this.password = password; this.socksServerAddy = socksServer; } /** * creates connection to a specified target address * * @param target - where we want that our data go to * @param socksServer - a connection to an existing Server * @return */ public void connect(SocketChannel unconnectedSocket,InetSocketAddress target) throws IOException { if (!unconnectedSocket.isBlocking()) { unconnectedSocket.configureBlocking(true); } connectAndAuth( unconnectedSocket ); InetAddress ia = target.getAddress(); request(unconnectedSocket,CMD.CONNECT,ia,target.getPort()); readResponse(unconnectedSocket,ia); //if we reach here... then all went well } public UDPRelay openUDPRelay() throws IOException { UDPRelay relay = new UDPRelay(); relay.connect(); return relay; } private void connectAndAuth(SocketChannel unconnectedSocket) throws IOException { unconnectedSocket.socket().setSoTimeout(5000); unconnectedSocket.connect(socksServerAddy); // byte[] b; int read; boolean pAuth = !GH.isNullOrEmpty(username) && !GH.isNullOrEmpty(password); ByteBuffer auth = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); auth.put((byte)0x05).put((byte)(pAuth?0x02:0x01)).put(NO_AUTH); if (pAuth) { // start hello auth.put(USERNAME_PW); } auth.flip(); unconnectedSocket.write(auth); ByteBuffer methodSelected = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); // new byte[2]; read =; if (read != 2) { throw new IOException(); } if (methodSelected.get(0) == 5) { switch(methodSelected.get(1)) { case NO_AUTH: break; case USERNAME_PW: /* * The client's authentication request is: * field 1: version number, 1 byte (must be 0x01) * field 2: username length, 1 byte * field 3: username * field 4: password length, 1 byte * field 5: password */ if (pAuth) { byte[] usr = username.getBytes(); byte[] pass= password.getBytes(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(usr.length+pass.length+3 ); buf.put((byte)0x01).put((byte)usr.length).put(usr).put((byte)pass.length).put(pass).flip(); unconnectedSocket.write(buf); ByteBuffer authSuccess = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); read =; if (read != 2 || authSuccess.get(1) != 0) { throw new IOException("Auth Failed! "+read+ " "+authSuccess.get(1)); } } else { throw new IOException("No Password Auth possible"); } break; default: throw new IOException("Authentication Failed: "+methodSelected.get(1)); } } } private void request(SocketChannel sc,CMD c,InetAddress ia, int port) throws IOException { boolean ipv4 = ia instanceof Inet4Address; //now open up the socket... byte[] head = new byte[]{5,c.getVal(),0, (byte)(ipv4? 1:6)}; ByteBuffer send = ByteBuffer.allocate(head.length+ ia.getAddress().length+2); send.put(head).put(ia.getAddress()).putShort((short)port).flip(); sc.write(send); } private InetSocketAddress readResponse(SocketChannel sc,InetAddress originalSentIA) throws IOException { ByteBuffer response = ByteBuffer.allocate(6+originalSentIA.getAddress().length); int read =; response.flip(); if (read != response.capacity()) { throw new IOException("unexpected length for response! "+read); } if (response.get(1) != 0x00) { //if not successful throw Error String error= ""; switch(response.get(1)) { case 1: error = "General SOCKS server failure"; break; case 2: error = "connection not allowed by ruleset"; break; case 3: error = "Network unreachable"; break; case 4: error = "Host unreachable"; break; case 5: error = "Connection refused"; break; case 6: error = "TTL expired"; break; case 7: error = "Command not supported"; break; case 8: error = "Address type not supported"; break; default: error = "Unknown: "+response.get(1); break; } throw new IOException("Error: "+error); } byte[] address = new byte[originalSentIA.getAddress().length]; response.position(4); response.get(address); InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(address); response.position(response.limit()-2); int port = response.getShort() & 0xffff; return new InetSocketAddress(ia,port); } private static enum CMD { CONNECT(1),BIND(2),UDP_ASC(3); CMD(int val) { this.val = (byte)val; } private final byte val; public byte getVal() { return val; } } public class UDPRelay implements IUnblocking { private InetSocketAddress udpServer; private SocketChannel connectionToSocks; private SelectionKey key; private DatagramChannel datagramChannel; private UDPRelay() {} /** * closes the tcp socket associated with the Socks server.. * so the UDP connection is finally closed.. */ public synchronized void close() { GH.close(connectionToSocks); if (key != null) { key.cancel(); } RELAYS.remove(this); } public synchronized void connect() throws IOException { connectionToSocks =; connectAndAuth( connectionToSocks ); InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{0,0,0,0}); request(connectionToSocks,CMD.UDP_ASC,ia ,0); udpServer = readResponse(connectionToSocks, ia); logger.debug("Socketaddy fo UDP Server of Socks: "+udpServer); connectionToSocks.configureBlocking(false); MultiStandardConnection.get().register(connectionToSocks, this, true); RELAYS.add(this); datagramChannel =; datagramChannel.socket().bind(null); //bind to random port... datagramChannel.configureBlocking(true); datagramChannel.connect(udpServer); } /** * sends the provided packet over the UDP relay server.. * * @param toSend - packet to send * @param target - where the packet should be targeted to.. */ public synchronized void send(byte[] toSend,InetSocketAddress target) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(toSend.length+6 + target.getAddress().getAddress().length); buf.putShort((short)0); //reserved buf.put((byte)0); //fragment number always zero byte[] address = target.getAddress().getAddress(); buf.put((byte) (address.length == 4 ? 0x01: 0x04) ); //address type buf.put( address ); //address buf.putShort((short)target.getPort()); // port buf.put(toSend); // data buf.flip(); sendPacket( buf , udpServer ); } private void sendPacket(ByteBuffer packet,InetSocketAddress target ){ if (0 < target.getPort() && target.getPort() <= 65535) { logger.debug("sending udp packet: "+target+ " "+ packet); try { int i = datagramChannel.send(packet, target); logger.debug("sent bytes: "+i); } catch(BindException be) { logger.debug("Packet could not be send: "+be,be); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.warn(ioe+" packet: "+target+" "+new String(packet.array()),ioe); } } } /** * disconnects should never happen -> may be * TODO reconnect on next UDP packet.. */ public void onDisconnect() throws IOException { throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** * read method -> not used... */ public void read() throws IOException { ByteBuffer readBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); int read =; if (read > 0) { readBytes.flip(); logger.debug("Read bytes from Socks: "+new String(readBytes.array())); } else { close(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.protocols.MultiStandardConnection.IUnblocking#setKey(java.nio.channels.SelectionKey) */ public synchronized void setKey(SelectionKey key) { this.key = key; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.protocols.MultiStandardConnection.IUnblocking#write() */ public void write() throws IOException { throw new IllegalStateException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.protocols.MultiStandardConnection.IUnblocking#connected() */ public void connected() { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }