package eu.jucy.gui.itemhandler; import helpers.GH; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil; import eu.jucy.gui.ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor; import eu.jucy.gui.GuiHelpers; import eu.jucy.gui.ReplaceLine; import eu.jucy.gui.filelist.FilelistHandler; import eu.jucy.gui.texteditor.pmeditor.PMEditor; import eu.jucy.gui.texteditor.pmeditor.PMEditorInput; import uc.Command; import uc.DCClient; import uc.IHasUser; import uc.IHub; import uc.IUser; import uc.IHasUser.IMultiUser; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import uc.files.IDownloadable; import uc.files.downloadqueue.AbstractDownloadFinished; import uc.files.downloadqueue.DownloadQueue; import uc.protocols.SendContext; import uc.protocols.hub.INFField; public abstract class UserHandlers extends AbstractHandler { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(Level.DEBUG); public static final String USER_BY_ID = "USER_BY_ID"; public static final String BY_ID_POSTFIX = "BYUSERID"; protected UserHandlers() {} public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { String userID = event.getParameter(USER_BY_ID); if (userID != null) { HashValue user = HashValue.createHash(userID); IUser usr = ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getPopulation().get(user); if (usr != null) { doWithUsers(Collections.singletonList(usr),event); } } else { List<IUser> users = filter(HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event)); doWithUsers(users, event); } return null; } /** * @return all hubs the user is in (at most one except self.. then all) * if no hub then null is returned (not the empty set) * if self is in no hub -> empty collection is returned */ public static Collection<? extends IHub> getHubFromUser(IUser usr) { IUser filelistSelf = ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getFilelistself(); if (filelistSelf.equals(usr)) { return ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getHubs().values(); } else if (usr.getHub() != null) { return Collections.singleton(usr.getHub()); } else { return null; } } public static void filterHubs(ISelection sel,Set<IHub> hubsExist,Set<IHub> hubsAllAreIn) { boolean first = true; for (IUser usr: filter(sel)) { Collection<? extends IHub> hubs = getHubFromUser(usr); if (hubs != null) { hubsExist.addAll(hubs); if (first) { first = false; hubsAllAreIn.addAll(hubs); } else { hubsAllAreIn.retainAll(hubs); } } // if (usr.getHub() != null) { // hubsExist.add(usr.getHub()); // hubsAllAreIn.retainAll(Collections.singleton(usr.getHub())); // } // if (filelistSelf.equals(usr)) { // hubs.clear(); // hubs.addAll(ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getHubs().values()); //"FilelistSelf found"); // return hubs; // } } } /** * filters from a userselection every user.. * no user is taken twice! * * @param sel - a selection of IHasUser/IMultiUserObjects * @return set of all users */ public static List<IUser> filter(ISelection sel) { List<IUser> users = new ArrayList<IUser>(); if (sel instanceof IStructuredSelection) { IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection)sel; Object[] items = selection.toArray(); for (Object item: items) { if (item instanceof IMultiUser) { for (IUser u: ((IMultiUser)item).getIterable()) { if (!users.contains(u)) { users.add(u); } } } else if (item instanceof IHasUser) { IUser u = ((IHasUser)item).getUser(); if (!users.contains(u)) { users.add(u); } } } } return users; } protected void doWithUsers(List<IUser> users,ExecutionEvent event) { for (IUser user: users) { doWithUser(user,event); } } protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) {} public static class GetFilelistHandler extends UserHandlers { public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.getfilelist"; protected void doWithUser(final IUser usr,final ExecutionEvent event) { if (usr.getShared()> 0 || usr.getNumberOfSharedFiles() > 0) { final IDownloadable id = getDownloadableForUsr(usr, HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event)); usr.downloadFilelist().addDoAfterDownload(new AbstractDownloadFinished() { public void finishedDownload(File f) { FilelistHandler.openFilelist(usr,id,HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event)); } }); } } private static IDownloadable getDownloadableForUsr(IUser usr,ISelection selection) { if (selection instanceof StructuredSelection) { for (Object o: ((StructuredSelection)selection).toArray()) { if (o instanceof IDownloadable) { IDownloadable id = (IDownloadable)o; for (IUser dl: id.getIterable()) { if (dl.equals(usr)) { return id; } } } } } return null; } } public static class BrowseFilelistHandler extends UserHandlers { public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.browsefilelist"; protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { FilelistHandler.openFilelist(usr,HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event)); } } public static class MatchQueueHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.MatchQueue public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.matchqueue"; protected void doWithUser(final IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { if (usr.getShared() > 0 || usr.getNumberOfSharedFiles() > 0) { final DownloadQueue dq = ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getDownloadQueue(); usr.downloadFilelist().addDoAfterDownload( new AbstractDownloadFinished() { public void finishedDownload(File f) { dq.match(usr.getFilelistDescriptor().getFilelist()); } }); } } } public static class SendPMHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.SendPrivateMessage public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.sendpm"; // public static final String PARM_COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.sendpmBYUSERID"; protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { if (usr.getHub() != null) { PMEditor.openPMEditor(new PMEditorInput(usr)); } } } public static class AddToFavouritesHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.AddToFavorites public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.addtofavourites"; protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { usr.setFavUser(true); } } public static class RemoveFromFavouritesHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.RemoveFromFavorites public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.removefromfavourites"; @Override protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { usr.setFavUser(false); } } public static class GrantExtraSlotHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.GrantExtraSlot public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.grantextraslot"; protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { usr.increaseAutograntSlot(1000L*60*60*6);//grant a slot for quarter of a day } } public static class RevokeSlotHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.GrantExtraSlot public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.revokeextraslot"; protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { usr.revokeSlot(); } } public static class RemoveUserFromQueueHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.RemoveUserFromDQ public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.removeuserfromqueue"; // public static final String PARM_COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.removeuserfromqueueBYUSERID"; protected void doWithUser(final IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event) { DCClient.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { usr.removeFromDownloadQueue(); } }); } } public static class CopyNickToClipboardHandler extends UserHandlers { //Lang.CopyNickToClipboard public static final String COMMAND_ID = "eu.jucy.gui.copynicktoclipboard"; public static final String USE_INF = "USE_INF"; protected void doWithUser(IUser usr,ExecutionEvent event){ String infname = event.getParameter(USE_INF); if (infname == null) { infname =; } logger.debug("INF: "+infname); INFField inf = INFField.parse(infname); logger.debug("INFF: "+inf); String s = inf.getProperty(usr); logger.debug("s: "+s); if (!GH.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { GuiHelpers.copyTextToClipboard(s); } } } public static class UserCommandHandler extends UserHandlers { @Override protected void doWithUsers(List<IUser> users,ExecutionEvent event) { Command com = Command.createFromString(event.getParameter(UCContributionItem.COMMAND)); String command = com.getCommand(); Map<String,String> reps = ReplaceLine.get().replaceLines(command); if (!GH.isNullOrEmpty(command) && reps != null) { for (IUser usr:users) { IHub hub = usr.getHub(); if (com.matches(hub)) { hub.sendRaw(command, new SendContext(usr,reps)); } } } } } }