package uc.files.filelist; import helpers.GH; import helpers.ISearchMap; import helpers.PreferenceChangedAdapter; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import uc.DCClient; import uc.FavHub; import uc.IUser; import uc.InfoChange; import uc.LanguageKeys; import uc.PI; import uc.FavFolders.SharedDir; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import uc.crypto.IHashEngine; import uc.crypto.InterleaveHashes; import uc.crypto.IHashEngine.IHashedFileListener; import uc.database.HashedFile; import uc.database.IDatabase; import uc.files.filelist.FileListMapping.FileFilter; import uc.user.User; /** * * special FileList with facility for searching * @author Quicksilver * */ public class OwnFileList implements IOwnFileList { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(); private static final int REFRESH_CHECK_MINUTES = 5; private final DCClient dcc; private volatile ISearchMap<IFileListItem> filelistmap = new InvertedIndex<IFileListItem>(new FileListMapping()); private final TextIndexer pdfIndex; private ScheduledFuture<?> refresher; private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Condition fileListInitialized = lock.newCondition(); private boolean initialized = false; private final List<TopFolder> topFolders = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<TopFolder>(); /** * maps shared dirs to whether they were online the last time... * -> dirs that suddenly become unavailable must be cleared from the FileFist */ private final Map<SharedDir,Boolean> lastOnlineDirs = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<SharedDir,Boolean>()); private final User filelistSelf; /** * our own FileList */ private volatile FileList fileList; private TmpSharedTopFolder hiddenTop; private final IDatabase database; private final IHashEngine hashEngine; /** * if set to true the FileList is being refreshed -> no new refresh is started.. */ private final Semaphore refresh = new Semaphore(1,false); /** * variable to store if the FileList in ram is the same as the one * on the HDD * or lately if some adding failed.. * */ private volatile boolean filelistNeedsRefresh = false; private final PreferenceChangedAdapter pca; public OwnFileList(User self,IDatabase database,IHashEngine hashEngine,DCClient dcclient) { this.database = database; this.hashEngine = hashEngine; dcc = dcclient; this.filelistSelf = self; fileList = new FileList(self); //specialHidden = new FileList(self); hiddenTop = new TmpSharedTopFolder(fileList); TextIndexer pdfI = null; try { pdfI = new TextIndexer(); } catch(IOException e) { logger.warn(e,e); } pdfIndex = pdfI; pca = new PreferenceChangedAdapter(PI.get(),PI.sharedDirs2) { @Override public void preferenceChanged(String preference, String oldValue,String newValue) { dcc.getSchedulerDir().schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { refresh(false); } } , 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } }; } /** * * * @return true if the SharedDirs changed since last call of this method */ private boolean checkSharedDirs() { Map<SharedDir,Boolean> dirs = new HashMap<SharedDir,Boolean>(); for (TopFolder dir: topFolders) { for (SharedDir sd:dir.sharedDirs) { dirs.put(sd, sd.isOnline()); } } if (dirs.equals(lastOnlineDirs)) { return false; } else { lastOnlineDirs.clear(); lastOnlineDirs.putAll(dirs); return true; } } /** * simply loads the dirs that are to be shared.. * */ private void loadSharedDirs(List<TopFolder> topLevelFolders,FileList fileList) { List<SharedDir> loadeddirs = dcc.getFavFolders().getSharedDirs(); //add new dirs for (SharedDir dir: loadeddirs ) { TopFolder present = null; for (TopFolder tf:topLevelFolders) { if (tf.getName().equals(dir.getName())) { present = tf; break; } } if ( present == null) { TopFolder f = new TopFolder(fileList, dir); topLevelFolders.add(f); } else { present.sharedDirs.add(dir); } } } /** * called on creating for faster */ public void start() { refresh(true); //updates the FileList every 60 Minutes or every 5 Minutes if hashing.. refresher = dcc.getSchedulerDir().scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable(){ int counter = 0; public void run() { if (++counter * REFRESH_CHECK_MINUTES >= PI.getInt(PI.filelistRefreshInterval) || filelistNeedsRefresh || checkSharedDirs()) { refresh(false); counter = 0; } } }, REFRESH_CHECK_MINUTES , REFRESH_CHECK_MINUTES , TimeUnit.MINUTES); dcc.notifyChangedInfo(InfoChange.Sharesize); lock.lock(); try { initialized = true; fileListInitialized.signalAll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (PI.getBoolean(PI.fullTextSearch)) { pdfIndex.init(this); } pca.reregister(); } public void stop() { PI.put(PI.lastFilelistSize, getSharesize()); PI.put(PI.lastNumberOfFiles, getNumberOfFiles()); if (pdfIndex != null) { pdfIndex.stop(); } if (refresher != null) { refresher.cancel(false); } pca.dispose(); } /** * * @param wait - if the method should block until the refresh is done */ public void refresh(boolean wait) { RefreshJob rj = new RefreshJob(); rj.schedule(); if (wait) { try { rj.join(); } catch(InterruptedException is) {} } } /** * refreshes the FileList * goes recursively through all shared dirs.. * and checks if hashes are up to date... or if the file needs to be hashed */ private void refresh(IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (refresh.tryAcquire()) { logger.debug(LanguageKeys.StartedRefreshingTheFilelist); try { FileList newFilelist = new FileList(filelistSelf); newFilelist.setGenerator(DCClient.LONGVERSION); newFilelist.setCID(filelistSelf.getCID()); //if for example less files are shared this will help that no useless files are hashed hashEngine.clearFileJobs(); List<TopFolder> topLevelFolders = new ArrayList<TopFolder>(); loadSharedDirs(topLevelFolders,newFilelist); monitor.beginTask(LanguageKeys.StartedRefreshingTheFilelist,topLevelFolders.size() +1); ISearchMap<IFileListItem> filelistmap = new InvertedIndex<IFileListItem>(new FileListMapping()); buildFilelist(newFilelist,topLevelFolders,filelistmap,monitor); TmpSharedTopFolder newHiddenTop = hiddenTop.copyTo(newFilelist); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } if (!newFilelist.deepEquals(fileList)) { replaceFilelist(newFilelist,topLevelFolders,filelistmap,newHiddenTop);"actually replaced Filelist!"); } monitor.worked(1); filelistNeedsRefresh = false; dcc.logEvent( LanguageKeys.FinishedFilelistRefresh ); } finally { monitor.done(); refresh.release(); } checkSharedDirs(); //finally updating the SharedDirs.. } else { dcc.logEvent( LanguageKeys.FilelistRefreshAlreadyInProgress); } } private void replaceFilelist(FileList currentFilelist,List<TopFolder> topLevelFolders,ISearchMap<IFileListItem> filelistmap,TmpSharedTopFolder newHiddenTop) { this.filelistmap = filelistmap; User self = (User)fileList.getUsr(); hiddenTop = newHiddenTop; //the files added by hand won't be in the list.. if they are not copied.. self.setFilelistDescriptor(new FileListDescriptor(self,currentFilelist)); self.setShared(currentFilelist.getSharesize()); topFolders.clear(); topFolders.addAll(topLevelFolders); FileList oldFilelist = fileList; fileList = currentFilelist; if (oldFilelist.getSharesize() != fileList.getSharesize()||oldFilelist.getNumberOfFiles() != fileList.getNumberOfFiles()) { //equals for hub.. dcc.notifyChangedInfo(InfoChange.Sharesize); } } private void buildFilelist(FileList newFilelist,List<TopFolder> topLevelFolders,ISearchMap<IFileListItem> filelistmap,IProgressMonitor monitor) { Map<File,HashedFile> hashedFiles = dcc.getDatabase().getAllHashedFiles(); logger.debug("in refreshing own filelist: found "+hashedFiles.size()+" hashed files"); Pattern exclude = Pattern.compile(PI.get(PI.excludedFiles)); Pattern include = Pattern.compile(PI.get(PI.includeFiles)); //recursively go through all shared dirs.. for (TopFolder folder : topLevelFolders) { for (SharedDir dir:folder.getSharedDirs()) { if (dir.getDirectory().isDirectory()) { long contained = rekBuildFilelist(dir.getDirectory() , folder , newFilelist , PI.getBoolean(PI.shareHiddenFiles) , hashedFiles,exclude,include,filelistmap); dir.setLastShared(contained); } } // for (SharedDir dir:folder.getSharedDirs()) { // dir.setLastShared( folder.getContainedSize()); // } monitor.worked(1); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } } } /** * goes recursively through the file system and checks if a file needs to be hashed.. * * @param folder - a folder on the HDD * @param listfolder - the corresponding FilelistFolder * @return contained size */ private long rekBuildFilelist(File file, FileListFolder listfolder, FileList current, boolean shareHidden, Map<File,HashedFile> hashedFiles, Pattern exclude,Pattern include,ISearchMap<IFileListItem> filelistmap) { logger.debug("refreshing folder: "+file); long contained = 0; for (File child : GH.getFiles(file, !shareHidden) ) { if (child.isDirectory()) { FileListFolder subfolder = new FileListFolder( listfolder , child.getName()); contained += rekBuildFilelist(child, subfolder,current,shareHidden,hashedFiles ,exclude, include,filelistmap); } else if (child.isFile() ) { Matcher inc = include.matcher(child.getName()); if (inc.find()) { Matcher exc = exclude.matcher(child.getName()); if (!exc.find()) { FileListFile ff = addFile(child,listfolder, hashedFiles,filelistmap,false); if (ff != null) { contained+= ff.getSize(); } } } } } return contained; } private FileListFile addFile(final File file, final FileListFolder parent, Map<File,HashedFile> hashedFiles,final ISearchMap<IFileListItem> filelistmap,boolean highPriority) { HashedFile hashedFile = hashedFiles.get(file); if (hashedFile == null || !hashedFile.isValid()) { logger.debug("found file needs hashing: "+(file ==null?"null":file.toString()) ); hashEngine.hashFile(file,false, new IHashedFileListener() { public void hashedFile(HashedFile hf, InterleaveHashes ilh) { database.addOrUpdateFile(hf, ilh); addFile(hf.getPath(),parent,Collections.singletonMap(hf.getPath(), hf),filelistmap,false); if (!filelistNeedsRefresh && parent.getFilelist() != fileList) { filelistNeedsRefresh = true; } } }); } else { //logger.debug("adding file to FileList:"+file); //we have a current hash.. so we can create the file with it HashValue tthRoot = hashedFile.getTTHRoot(); if (tthRoot != null) { FileListFile flf = new FileListFile(parent, file.getName(), file.length(), tthRoot); filelistmap.put( flf); return flf; } else if (Platform.inDevelopmentMode()) { logger.warn("tth is null "+file.getPath()); } } return null; } /** * * @param file top Folder o search for this file * @return matching TopFolder if found.. else null */ private SharedDir getTopdir(File file) { String filePath = file.getPath(); for (TopFolder dir: topFolders) { for (SharedDir sd:dir.sharedDirs) { String dirPath = sd.getDirectory().getPath()+File.separator; if (filePath.startsWith(dirPath)) { return sd; } } } return null; } private TopFolder getTopFolder(SharedDir sda) { for (TopFolder dir: topFolders) { for (SharedDir sd:dir.sharedDirs) { if (sd.equals(sda)) { return dir; } } } return null; } public void immediatelyAddFile(File file) { immediatelyAddFile(file,false,null,new AddedFile()); } public void immediatelyAddFile(File file,final boolean force,final IUser restrictForUser,final AddedFile callback) { //"immediately adding file: "+file); HashedFile hf = dcc.getDatabase().getHashedFile(file); SharedDir sd = getTopdir(file); TopFolder tf = getTopFolder(sd); if (hf == null || !hf.isValid()) { if (force || sd != null) { hashEngine.hashFile(file,true, new IHashedFileListener() { public void hashedFile(HashedFile hashedFile, InterleaveHashes ilh) { database.addOrUpdateFile(hashedFile, ilh); immediatelyAddFile(hashedFile.getPath(),force,restrictForUser,callback); } }); } return; } FileListFile addedFile =; if (addedFile instanceof SpecialFileListFile) { // if already present.. change permission ((SpecialFileListFile) addedFile).add(restrictForUser); } // if not present but matches some top folder.. if (addedFile == null && sd != null) { String dirPath = sd.getDirectory().getPath() + File.separator; String parentPath = file.getParentFile().getPath(); FileListFolder current = tf; if (parentPath.length() > dirPath.length()) { String[] pathLeft = parentPath.substring(dirPath.length()).split(Pattern.quote(File.separator)); for (String s:pathLeft) { FileListFolder next = current.getChildPerName(s); if (next == null) { next = new FileListFolder(current, s); } current = next; } } FileListFile present = current.getFilePerName(file.getName()); //due to concurrency could now be present... if (present == null) { addedFile = addFile(file,current,Collections.singletonMap(file, hf),filelistmap,true); } else { addedFile = present; } } boolean addedOutsideOfShare = false; if (addedFile == null && sd == null && force) { addedFile = new SpecialFileListFile(hf, hiddenTop,restrictForUser); addedOutsideOfShare = true; } if (addedFile != null) { callback.addedFile(addedFile, addedOutsideOfShare); } //logger.debug("Added file: "+file+" added? "+added); } public static class SearchParameter { public Set<String> keys; public Set<String> excludes; public long minsize,maxsize, equalsize; public Collection<String> fileendings; public int maxResults; public boolean onlyFolder; /** * restricts the search to directories available in the given hub */ public FavHub hub; public SearchParameter(Set<String> keys, Set<String> excludes, long minsize, long maxsize, long equalsize, Collection<String> fileendings, boolean onlyFolder) { super(); this.keys = keys; this.excludes = excludes; this.minsize = minsize; this.maxsize = maxsize; this.equalsize = equalsize; this.fileendings = fileendings; this.onlyFolder = onlyFolder; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList#search(java.util.Set, java.util.Set, long, long, long, java.util.Collection, int, boolean) */ public Set<IFileListItem> search(SearchParameter sp) { lock.lock(); try { if (!initialized) { return Collections.<IFileListItem>emptySet(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } /* if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { String s = ""; for (String part:keys) { s += part+","; } //logger.debug("Search("+s+","+sizerestricted+","+maxsize+","+size+","+""+","+maxResults); } */ //search for everything if (filelistmap == null) { return Collections.<IFileListItem>emptySet(); } FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter(sp.minsize,sp.maxsize, sp.equalsize,sp.fileendings,sp.onlyFolder); Set<IFileListItem> res =,sp.excludes,fileFilter); logger.debug("Found nr: "+res); if (sp.keys.size() == 1 ) { String searched = GH.getRandomElement(sp.keys); if (HashValue.isHash(searched) ) { FileListFile found = search(HashValue.createHash(searched)); if (found != null) { res.add(found); } } } if (pdfIndex.isCreated() && res.isEmpty() && TextIndexer.matchesSomeEnding(sp.fileendings)) { Set<HashValue> found =, sp.excludes,sp.fileendings); res = new HashSet<IFileListItem>(); //res might not support adding... empty.. for (HashValue h : found) { FileListFile found2 = search(h); if (found2 != null && fileFilter.filter(found2)) { res.add(found2); } } } //cut the set down to max size if needed if (res.size() > sp.maxResults) { Iterator<IFileListItem> it = res.iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && res.size() > sp.maxResults) {; it.remove(); } } return res; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList#search(uc.crypto.HashValue) */ public FileListFile search(HashValue tth) { lock.lock(); try { if (!initialized) { return null; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } FileListFile flf =; return flf; } @Override public FileListFile get(HashValue hash) { waitInitialize(); FileListFile flf =; return flf; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList#getFile(uc.crypto.HashValue) */ public File getFile(HashValue tth) { waitInitialize(); FileListFile f = get(tth); if (f != null) { return getFile(f); } else { return null; } } private void waitInitialize() { lock.lock(); try { while (!initialized) { fileListInitialized.awaitUninterruptibly(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList#getFile(uc.files.filelist.FileListFile) */ public File getFile(FileListFile file) { waitInitialize(); if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file may not be null"); } //determine level one folder FileListFolder cur = file.getParent(); while (cur != null && !(cur instanceof TopFolder)) { cur = cur.getParent(); } if (cur == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid FileListFile"); } return ((TopFolder)cur).getRealPath(file); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList#getSharesize() */ public long getSharesize() { lock.lock(); try { if (!initialized) { return PI.getLong(PI.lastFilelistSize); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return fileList.getSharesize(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList#getNumberOfFiles() */ public int getNumberOfFiles() { lock.lock(); try { if (!initialized) { return PI.getInt(PI.lastNumberOfFiles); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return fileList.getNumberOfFiles(); } // /** // * indicates that the FileList can currently not be used.. // * used for a faster startup.. // * // * @author Quicksilver // */ // public static class FilelistNotReadyException extends Exception { // private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // } class RefreshJob extends Job { public RefreshJob() { super(LanguageKeys.RefreshingFilelist); setPriority(Job.LONG); } @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { //before and after refresh GC is run as lots of long lived objects get free //that won't be garbage collected for quite a long time otherwise //(before to make space for refresh without enlarging heap //and afterwards to get rid of long lived objects) System.gc(); refresh(monitor); System.gc(); return Status.OK_STATUS; } } public FileList getFileList() { waitInitialize(); return fileList; } public static class TopFolder extends FileListFolder { protected final List<SharedDir> sharedDirs = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<SharedDir>(); public TopFolder(FileList f,SharedDir sd) { super(f.getRoot(), sd.getName()); this.sharedDirs.add(sd); } public List<SharedDir> getSharedDirs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(sharedDirs); } // public File getRealPath() { // return sharedDir.getDirectory(); // } public File getRealPath(FileListFile decendant) { String realpath = decendant.getPath(); String pathRelativeToLevelone = realpath.substring(realpath.indexOf(File.separatorChar)+1); for (SharedDir sd:sharedDirs) { File f = new File(sd.getDirectory(), pathRelativeToLevelone ); if (f.isFile()) { return f; } } return null; } } public class TmpSharedTopFolder extends TopFolder { private boolean notifyChanges= true; public TmpSharedTopFolder(FileList f) { super(f, new SharedDir("<temporarily shared files>",null)); } public TmpSharedTopFolder copyTo(FileList newFilelist) { TmpSharedTopFolder newFolder = new TmpSharedTopFolder(newFilelist); newFolder.notifyChanges = false; for (FileListFile file:getFiles()) { SpecialFileListFile sflf = (SpecialFileListFile)file; new SpecialFileListFile(sflf, newFolder); } newFolder.notifyChanges = true; return newFolder; } @Override void addChild(FileListFile a) { if (! (a instanceof SpecialFileListFile)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } super.addChild(a); if (notifyChanges) { dcc.notifyChangedInfo(InfoChange.SHARESIZE_MANUAL); } } @Override public boolean isOriginal() { return false; } // @Override // public SharedDir getSharedDir() { // throw new IllegalStateException(); // } // // @Override // public boolean isOnline() { // return true; // } // // @Override // public File getRealPath() { // throw new IllegalStateException(); // } /** * folder does not go to XML * @throws SAXException */ @Override public void writeToXML(TransformerHandler hd, AttributesImpl atts, boolean recursive, boolean isBase, boolean writeout) throws SAXException { super.writeToXML(hd, atts, recursive, isBase, writeout); } @Override public File getRealPath(FileListFile decendant) { if (decendant instanceof SpecialFileListFile) { return ((SpecialFileListFile)decendant).hf.getPath(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } } public static class SpecialFileListFile extends FileListFile { private static final Object synchRestriction = new Object(); private final HashedFile hf; private Set<IUser> restriction ; public SpecialFileListFile(SpecialFileListFile cc,TmpSharedTopFolder htf) { this(cc.hf,htf,null); synchronized(synchRestriction) { this.restriction = cc.restriction; } } public SpecialFileListFile(HashedFile hf,TmpSharedTopFolder htf,IUser restriction) { super(htf,hf.getPath().getName(),hf.getPath().length(),hf.getTTHRoot()); this.hf = hf; synchronized(synchRestriction) { if (restriction != null) { this.restriction = new HashSet<IUser>(); this.restriction.add(restriction); } else { restriction = null; } } } @Override public boolean automaticExtraSlot() { return true; } public void remove() { getParent().removeChild(this); } public void add(IUser restricted) { synchronized(synchRestriction) { if (restriction != null) { if (restricted == null) { restriction = null; } else { restriction.add(restricted); } } } } @Override public boolean mayDownload(IUser usr) { synchronized(synchRestriction) { return restriction == null || restriction.contains(usr); } } @Override public boolean isOriginal() { return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((hf == null) ? 0 : hf.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!super.equals(obj)) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; SpecialFileListFile other = (SpecialFileListFile) obj; if (hf == null) { if (other.hf != null) return false; } else if (!hf.equals(other.hf)) return false; return true; } } }