package helpers; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public enum SizeEnum { B(0), KiB(1), MiB(2), GiB(3), TiB(4), PiB(5); public static final String INF; private static final DecimalFormat TWO_DECIMALS; private static final DecimalFormat EXACT_SIZE; static { String os = System.getProperty(""); boolean oldOS = false; if (os.contains("2000") || os.contains("XP") || os.contains("2003")) { oldOS = true; } INF = oldOS? "inf": "\u221E"; TWO_DECIMALS = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); EXACT_SIZE = new DecimalFormat("######,###"); } SizeEnum( int powerof1024){ mult= (long)Math.pow(1024, powerof1024); } private final long mult; public long getInBytes(long nr){ return mult * nr; } private static final SizeEnum[] endings = new SizeEnum[]{B,KiB,MiB,GiB,TiB,PiB}; public static String getReadableSize(long value){ if (value < 1024) { return value +" "+B; } double size = value; for (int i=0;i < endings.length; i++) { if (size < 1000) { return TWO_DECIMALS.format(size)+" "+endings[i]; } size /= 1024d; } return INF; } public static String getShortSize(long value){ // if (value < 1024) { // return value +""+B; // } // long a = value*100/1024; for (int i=0;i < endings.length; i++) { if (value < 1024) { return value +""+ endings[i].name().charAt(0); } value/=1024; } return INF; } public static String getRoundedSize(long value) { // if (value < 1024) { // return value +""+B; // } // long a = value*100/1024; for (int i=0;i < endings.length; i++) { if (value < 1024) { return value +" "+ endings[i].name(); } value/=1024; } return INF; } /** * gets an SizeEnum for the largest size that can be * used to store the bytes. * * @param bytesize * @return */ public static SizeEnum getLargestEnumMatchingByteSize(long bytesize) { SizeEnum highest = B; if (bytesize <= 0) { return B; } for (SizeEnum se: endings) { if (bytesize % se.mult == 0 ) { highest = se; } } return highest; } public long getSize(long bytesize) { return bytesize / mult ; } public static String getExactSharesize(long value) { // if (value == 0) { // return "0 "+B; // } return EXACT_SIZE.format(value)+" "+B; // String erg=" "+B; // long next = value; // int i; // while (next >= 1000){ // i = (int)(next % 1000); // erg = "."+(i < 100 ? (i<10?"00":"0"):"") +i+erg; // next /= 1000; // } // erg = next+erg; // // return erg; } /** * Compute speed(MiB/s from Bytes and milliseconds.. * @param timeduration milliseconds that should be converted * @param size - the size in total * @return a string with size/time ending */ public static String toSpeedString(long timeduration , long size) { if (timeduration == 0) { return "0 B/s"; } else { return SizeEnum.getReadableSize( (size*1000) / timeduration )+"/s"; } } /** * size in KiB/MiB/s given speed in Byte/s */ public static String toShortSpeedString(long speed) { return SizeEnum.getRoundedSize(speed)+"/s"; } /** * Speedstring in Bits/s or KiBits/s * @param speed the speed in bytes/s * @return */ public static String toSpeedString(long speed) { return SizeEnum.getReadableSize(speed*8)+"its/s"; } /** * * @param seconds what amount of seconds should be changed to durationstring * @return a String representation of the given seconds */ public static String toDurationString(long seconds){ if (seconds == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return INF;//"∞"; } return String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", seconds/3600,(seconds %3600)/60,seconds%60); // int minutes= (int)((seconds %3600)/60); // int secs = (int)(seconds %60); // return (seconds /3600) + ":"+ (minutes < 10?"0"+minutes : minutes) +":"+ (secs < 10?"0"+secs : secs); } public static String timeEstimation(long size,long speed) { if (speed == 0) { return timeEstimation(Long.MAX_VALUE); } else { return timeEstimation(size / speed); } } public static String timeEstimation(long seconds) { if (seconds == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return INF; } if (seconds < 60) { return seconds +"s"; } if ( seconds < 300) { return (seconds /60)+"m "+(seconds%60)+"s"; } long minutes = seconds /60; if (minutes < 60) { return minutes +"m"; } if (minutes < 300) { return (minutes /60) +"h "+(minutes%60)+"m"; } return (minutes/60)+"h"; } }