package eu.jucy.gui.texteditor; import helpers.GH; import helpers.SizeEnum; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import eu.jucy.gui.ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor; import eu.jucy.gui.GUIPI; import eu.jucy.gui.GuiAppender; import eu.jucy.gui.GuiHelpers; import eu.jucy.gui.Lang; import; import uc.DCClient; import uc.FavHub; import uc.IUser; import uc.PI; import uc.IUser.PMResult; import uc.protocols.hub.Hub; /** * Interprets commands given from CommandLine * * @author Quicksilver * */ public class CommandInterpreter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(); private static final Map<String,Command> mapping = new HashMap<String,Command>(); static { for (Command com: Command.values()) { mapping.put(, com); } } private final Hub he; private final UCTextEditor editor; private final IUser usr; public CommandInterpreter(Hub he, UCTextEditor editor) { this.he = he; this.editor = editor; usr = null; } public CommandInterpreter(IUser usr, UCTextEditor editor) { he = (Hub)usr.getHub(); this.editor = editor; this.usr = usr; } public boolean isCommand(String line) { if (!line.startsWith("/")) { logger.debug("message starts not with /"); return false; } int i = line.indexOf(' '); if (i == -1) { i = line.length(); } String command = line.substring(1, i); command = command.toUpperCase(); Command com = mapping.get(command); logger.debug("command found"+com+ " string searched: "+command+" length: "+mapping.size()); return com != null; } public void executeCommand(String line) { int i = line.indexOf(' '); if (i == -1) { i = line.length(); } String command = line.substring(1, i); command = command.toUpperCase(); Command com = mapping.get(command); com.execute(line, he,usr, editor); } private static enum Command { AWAY,BACK,DF,UC,JUCY,REFRESH,ME,PM,SEARCH,SLOTS,TOPIC,REBUILD,PRUNEHASHES,JOIN,CLEAR,TS,CLOSE,GETLIST,FAVORITES,FAV,PASS,HELP,SHOWJOINS,SHOWFAVJOINS,SHOWCHATTERJOINS,FILELISTTEST; Command() {} public void execute(String line,final Hub hub,final IUser usr, final UCTextEditor editor) { DCClient dcc = ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get(); switch(this) { case DF: dcc.executeDir(new Runnable() { public void run() { String df = "Filesystem - used / available / used % \n"; for (File f : File.listRoots()) { long total = f.getTotalSpace(); if (total > 0) { long usable = f.getUsableSpace(); df += String.format("\n\t%-30s \t - \t %-15s %15s %15s" , f.getPath() , SizeEnum.getReadableSize(total-usable) , SizeEnum.getReadableSize(usable) , GuiHelpers.toPercentString(total-usable, total)); } } editor.statusMessage(df, 0); } }); break; case JUCY: case UC: List<String> phrases = Arrays.asList( "I don't even know what to say. \nThis client is so simple yet so feature complete. -- Todi", //said as fun when still thinking the client didn't exist and was a April Fools joke "I know my client is secure against\nbuffer overflows. What about yours?", "My client is LG-Proof®. What about yours?", "Actually, I agree with Todi. Great work qs!\n-- Nev", "Leave out all the rest! -- Linkin Park", "My client loads old PMs from the log \nwhen opening a PM window. \nWhat about yours?", "Downloading the same file from multiple users?\nSure you can do that!\nBut my client does not need 1000 segments for that!", "Jucy is short form for\n\"Jucy-is ultimately certainly yaddayadda-no-dc++-mod-whatsoever\"\nOr something like that!", "Ever started a PM to one user\nand sent it to another?\nNot with Jucy!", "Shakesp...-what? Nope never heard of it..." ); final String s = String.format("\n%s\n<%s> %s",GH.getRandomElement(phrases),DCClient.LONGVERSION,DCClient.URL); if (usr != null) { dcc.executeDir(new Runnable() { public void run() { PMResult pmres = usr.sendPM(s, false, true); if (pmres == PMResult.STORED) { editor.storedPM(usr,s, false); } } }); } else { hub.sendMM(s,false); } break; case CLEAR: editor.clear(); break; case CLOSE: editor.dispose(); break; case ME: int i = line.indexOf(' '); if (i != -1) { final String send = line.substring(i+1); if (!GH.isEmpty(send)) { if (usr != null) { dcc.executeDir(new Runnable() { public void run() { PMResult pmres = usr.sendPM(send, true, true); if (pmres == PMResult.STORED) { editor.storedPM(usr,send, true); } } }); } else { hub.sendMM(send, true); } } } break; case FAV: case FAVORITES: if (usr != null) { if (!usr.isFavUser()) { usr.setFavUser(true); } } else if (!hub.getFavHub().isFavHub(dcc.getFavHubs())) { FavHub fh = hub.getFavHub(); fh.setHubname(hub.getHubname()); fh.setDescription(hub.getTopic()); fh.addToFavHubs(dcc.getFavHubs()); editor.statusMessage(Lang.HubAddedToFavorites,0 ); } else { editor.statusMessage(Lang.HubIsAlreadyFavorite,0); } break; case GETLIST: String nick = getFirstWord(line); IUser user = hub.getUserByNick(nick); if (user != null) { user.downloadFilelist(); break; } break; case JOIN: String addy = getFirstWord(line); FavHub fh1 = new FavHub(addy); if (fh1.isValid()) { fh1.connect(dcc); } else { logger.log(GuiAppender.GUI,Lang.InvalidAddress); } break; case PM: String receiverNick = getFirstWord(line); IUser usrByNick = hub.getUserByNick(receiverNick); String[] splits = line.split(Pattern.quote(" "),3); if (usrByNick != null && splits.length == 3) { PMResult pmres = usrByNick.sendPM(splits[2],false,true); if (pmres == PMResult.STORED) { editor.storedPM(usrByNick,splits[2], false); } } break; case TOPIC: editor.statusMessage(hub.getTopic(),0); break; case REBUILD: dcc.rebuildFilelist(); break; case PRUNEHASHES: dcc.executeDir(new Runnable() { public void run() { int i = hub.getDcc().pruneHashes(); editor.statusMessage(String.format( Lang.DeletedUnusedHashes, i), 0); } }); break; case REFRESH: dcc.refreshFilelist(); break; case TS: GUIPI.put(GUIPI.timeStamps,!GUIPI.getBoolean(GUIPI.timeStamps)); break; case SLOTS: String number = getFirstWord(line); if (number.matches("\\d+")) { int num = Integer.parseInt(number); if (num > 0) { PI.put(PI.slots,num ); } } break; case SEARCH: // /SEARCH <string> String search = getAllAfterCommand(line).trim(); OpenSearchEditorHandler.openSearchEditor(editor.getSite().getWorkbenchWindow(), search); break; case SHOWJOINS: FavHub fh = hub.getFavHub(); fh.setShowJoins(!fh.isShowJoins()); editor.statusMessage(Lang.ShowJoins+": "+(fh.isShowJoins()? Lang.Yes:Lang.No),0); dcc.getFavHubs().store(); break; case SHOWFAVJOINS: FavHub fhs = hub.getFavHub(); fhs.setShowFavJoins(!fhs.isShowFavJoins()); editor.statusMessage(Lang.ShowFavJoins+": "+(fhs.isShowFavJoins()? Lang.Yes:Lang.No),0);//"Show Favjoins: "+fhs.isShowFavJoins(),0); dcc.getFavHubs().store(); break; case SHOWCHATTERJOINS: FavHub favHub = hub.getFavHub(); favHub.setShowRecentChatterJoins(!favHub.isShowRecentChatterJoins()); editor.statusMessage(Lang.ShowChatterJoins+": "+ (favHub.isShowRecentChatterJoins()? Lang.Yes:Lang.No),0);//"Show Chatterjoins: "+favHub.isShowRecentChatterJoins(),0); dcc.getFavHubs().store(); break; case PASS: String passwd = getFirstWord(line).trim(); if (!GH.isEmpty(passwd)) { hub.sendPassword(passwd); } break; case AWAY: String awaymsg = getAllAfterCommand(line); if (GH.isEmpty(awaymsg.trim())) { dcc.setAway(true); } else { dcc.setAway(awaymsg); } break; case BACK: dcc.setAway(false); break; case FILELISTTEST: byte[] b = dcc.getOwnFileList().writeFileList(getFirstWord(line).trim(), false,false); try { String(b,"utf-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case HELP: editor.statusMessage( "/away <msg>, /me <msg>, /back, /refresh, /slots #, /uc, /rebuild" + ", /topic, /pruneHashes, /join <hub-ip>, /clear, /ts, /close, /fav" + ", /pm <nick> [message], /getList <nick>, /showjoins, /showfavjoins" + ", /showchatterjoins, /df",0); break; } } /** * first word.. null if not found * @param command where to SEARCH for * @return the first word (/command firstWord rest) */ private static String getFirstWord(String command) { String[] splits = command.split(Pattern.quote(" "),3); if (splits.length >=2 ) { return splits[1]; } return ""; } private static String getAllAfterCommand(String command) { String[] splits = command.split(Pattern.quote(" "),2); if (splits.length == 2) { return splits[1]; } return ""; } } }