package eu.jucy.gui; import helpers.PreferenceChangedAdapter; import helpers.SizeEnum; import java.util.Comparator; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import eu.jucy.gui.UserColumns.Nick; import uc.IUser; import uc.crypto.HashValue; import uc.files.IDownloadable; import uc.files.IDownloadable.IDownloadableFile; import uc.files.IDownloadable.IDownloadableFolder; import uc.files.downloadqueue.DownloadQueue; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFile; import uc.files.filelist.FileListFolder; import uc.files.filelist.IOwnFileList; import; import uihelpers.IconManager; import uihelpers.SUIJob; import uihelpers.TableViewerAdministrator.ColumnDescriptor; public abstract class DownloadableColumn extends ColumnDescriptor<IDownloadable> { private static Color fileInDownloadCol; private static Color fileInShareCol; private static Color fileMultiUserCol; private static Color fileDefaultCol; private static void loadFontsAndColours() { fileInDownloadCol = GUIPI.getColor(GUIPI.fileInDownloadCol); fileInShareCol = GUIPI.getColor(GUIPI.fileInShareCol); fileMultiUserCol = GUIPI.getColor(GUIPI.fileMultiUserCol); fileDefaultCol = GUIPI.getColor(GUIPI.fileDefaultCol); } static { loadFontsAndColours(); new PreferenceChangedAdapter(GUIPI.get(), GUIPI.fileInDownloadCol,GUIPI.fileInShareCol,GUIPI.fileMultiUserCol,GUIPI.fileDefaultCol) { @Override public void preferenceChanged(String preference, String oldValue, String newValue) { new SUIJob() { @Override public void run() { loadFontsAndColours(); } }.scheduleIfNotRunning(500,getClass()); } }; } public static Color getDownloadableColor(IDownloadable x) { if (x.isFile()) { IDownloadableFile file = (IDownloadableFile)x; if (ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getDownloadQueue().containsDQE(file.getTTHRoot())) { return fileInDownloadCol; } if (ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getFilelist().getFile(file.getTTHRoot()) != null) { return fileInShareCol; } if (file.nrOfUsers() > 1) { return fileMultiUserCol; } } else if (x instanceof FileListFolder) { if (x.getUser().equals(ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getFilelistself())) { return fileInShareCol; } FileListFolder folder = (FileListFolder)x; IOwnFileList fileList = ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getFilelist(); DownloadQueue dq = ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.get().getDownloadQueue(); boolean inDownload = false; boolean completedDownload = false; for (FileListFile fileListFile : folder) { HashValue hash = fileListFile.getTTHRoot(); if (fileList.getFile(hash) != null) { completedDownload = true; } else if (dq.containsDQE(hash)) { inDownload = true; } else { return fileDefaultCol; } } if (inDownload) { return fileInDownloadCol; } else if (completedDownload) { return fileInShareCol; } else { return fileDefaultCol; } } return fileDefaultCol; } public DownloadableColumn(int defaultColumnSize, String columnName,int style) { super(defaultColumnSize, columnName, style); } @Override public Comparator<IDownloadable> getComparator() { return new Comparator<IDownloadable>() { private Comparator<IDownloadable> base = DownloadableColumn.super.getComparator(); public int compare(IDownloadable o1, IDownloadable o2) { int i=Boolean.valueOf(o1.isFile()).compareTo(o2.isFile()); if (i != 0) { return i; } else { return, o2); } } }; } @Override public Image getImage(IDownloadable downloadable) { return null; } @Override public String getText(IDownloadable x) { if (x.isFile()) { return getFileText((IDownloadableFile)x); } else { return getFolderText((IDownloadableFolder)x); } } abstract String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder); abstract String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file); /** * represents the name of the file * */ public static class FileColumn extends DownloadableColumn { public FileColumn() { super(200, Lang.FileCol,SWT.LEAD); } @Override public Image getImage(IDownloadable downloadable) { if (downloadable.isFile()) { return IconManager.get().getIcon(((IDownloadableFile)downloadable).getEnding()); } else { return IconManager.get().getFolderIcon(); } } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { return file.getName(); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { return folder.getName(); } @Override public Color getForeground(IDownloadable x) { return getDownloadableColor(x); } } public static class Type extends DownloadableColumn { public Type() { super(30, Lang.Type ,SWT.LEAD); } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { return file.getEnding(); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { return "Directory"; } @Override public Comparator<IDownloadable> getComparator() { return new Comparator<IDownloadable>() { @Override public int compare(IDownloadable o1, IDownloadable o2) { int i = getText(o1).compareTo(getText(o2)); if (i == 0) { i = o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } return i; } }; } } public static class Size extends DownloadableColumn { protected Size(int defaultColumnSize, String columnName, int style) { super(defaultColumnSize, columnName, style); } public Size() { super(100, Lang.Size, SWT.TRAIL); } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { return SizeEnum.getReadableSize(file.getSize()); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { if (folder instanceof FileListFolder) { return SizeEnum.getReadableSize(getSize(folder)); } return ""; } protected long getSize(IDownloadable file) { if (file.isFile()) { return ((IDownloadableFile)file).getSize(); } else if (file instanceof FileListFolder) { return ((FileListFolder)file).getSize(); } else { return 0; } } @Override public Comparator<IDownloadable> getComparator() { return new Comparator<IDownloadable>() { public int compare(IDownloadable o1, IDownloadable o2) { int i=Boolean.valueOf(o1.isFile()).compareTo(o2.isFile()); if (i != 0) { return i; } else { return Long.valueOf(getSize(o1)).compareTo(getSize(o2)); } } }; } } public static class ExactSize extends Size { public ExactSize() { super(120, Lang.ExactSize, SWT.TRAIL); } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { return SizeEnum.getExactSharesize(file.getSize()); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { if (folder instanceof FileListFolder) { return SizeEnum.getExactSharesize(getSize(folder)); } return ""; } } public static class TTHRoot extends DownloadableColumn { public TTHRoot() { super(200, Lang.TTHRoot, SWT.LEAD); } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { return file.getTTHRoot().toString(); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { return ""; } } public static class Path extends DownloadableColumn { public Path() { super(300, Lang.Path, SWT.LEAD); } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { return file.getOnlyPath(); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { return folder.getPath(); } } public static class UserWrapper extends DownloadableColumn { /** * creates a user column * @return */ public static UserWrapper createUserColumn() { return new UserWrapper(new Nick(),Lang.User); } private final ColumnDescriptor<IUser> desc; /** * wraps the UserColumn and replaces the name */ public UserWrapper(ColumnDescriptor<IUser> desc,String columnName) { super(desc.getDefaultColumnSize(),columnName,desc.getStyle()); this.desc = desc; } /** * wraps a UserColumn so it can be used with IDownloadable * @param desc the UserColumn to wrap */ public UserWrapper(ColumnDescriptor<IUser> desc) { super(desc.getDefaultColumnSize(),desc.getColumnName(),desc.getStyle()); this.desc = desc; } @Override String getFileText(IDownloadableFile file) { if (file.nrOfUsers() > 1) { return file.nrOfUsers()+" "+Lang.Users; } return desc.getText(file.getUser()); } @Override String getFolderText(IDownloadableFolder folder) { return desc.getText(folder.getUser()); } @Override public Comparator<IDownloadable> getComparator() { return new Comparator<IDownloadable>() { Comparator<IUser> comp = desc.getComparator(); public int compare(IDownloadable o1, IDownloadable o2) { if (o1.nrOfUsers() > 1 || o2.nrOfUsers() > 1) { return -Integer.valueOf(o1.nrOfUsers()).compareTo(o2.nrOfUsers()); } else { return, o2.getUser()); } } }; } @Override public Image getImage(IDownloadable downloadable) { return desc.getImage(downloadable.getUser()); } } public static class SlotsSearchColumn extends ColumnDescriptor<IDownloadable> { public SlotsSearchColumn() { super(30, Lang.Slots, SWT.LEAD); } public Image getImage(IDownloadable x) { return null; } @Override public Comparator<IDownloadable> getComparator() { return new Comparator<IDownloadable>() { public int compare(IDownloadable s1, IDownloadable s2) { ISearchResult o1 = (ISearchResult)s1, o2 = (ISearchResult)s2; return Float.valueOf((float)o1.getAvailabelSlots()/o1.getTotalSlots()) .compareTo((float)o2.getAvailabelSlots()/o2.getTotalSlots()); } }; } @Override public String getText(IDownloadable s1) { ISearchResult sr = (ISearchResult)s1; return sr.getAvailabelSlots()+"/"+sr.getTotalSlots(); } } }