package uc.files.downloadqueue; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * DQE folder is made for creating a file system like * Structure a for all the DQEs * * @author Quicksilver */ public class DownloadQueueFolder { private final Map<String,DownloadQueueFolder> childsFold = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,DownloadQueueFolder>()); private final Map<String,AbstractDownloadQueueEntry> childdqe = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,AbstractDownloadQueueEntry>()); private final DownloadQueueFolder parent; private final String name; public DownloadQueueFolder(DownloadQueueFolder parent, String name){ this.parent = parent; = name; if (parent != null) { parent.add(this); } } public DownloadQueueFolder getFolder(String name){ return childsFold.get(name); } public AbstractDownloadQueueEntry getDQE(String name){ return childdqe.get(name); } public Object[] getChildren() { ArrayList<Object> children = new ArrayList<Object>(); synchronized(childsFold){ children.addAll(childsFold.values()); } synchronized(childdqe){ children.addAll(childdqe.values()); } return children.toArray(); } /** * recursively calculates all AbstractDownloadQueueEntrys * in this folder.. * @return all entries contained by this or any child folder */ public List<AbstractDownloadQueueEntry> getAllDQEChildren() { List<AbstractDownloadQueueEntry> adq = new ArrayList<AbstractDownloadQueueEntry>(); synchronized(childsFold) { for (DownloadQueueFolder dqf:childsFold.values()) { adq.addAll(dqf.getAllDQEChildren()); } } synchronized(childdqe) { adq.addAll(childdqe.values()); } return adq; } public void add(DownloadQueueFolder child){ childsFold.put( , child ); } public void add(AbstractDownloadQueueEntry child) { childdqe.put( child.getFileName() ,child); } public String getName() { return name; } public DownloadQueueFolder getParent() { return parent; } /** * * @return true if this has exactly one * Folder as child buit no files */ public boolean oneFolderChildNothingElse() { return childsFold.size() == 1 && childdqe.isEmpty(); } public void removeFromDQE(String what) { childdqe.remove(what); } public void removeFromFolder(String what) { childsFold.remove(what); } public boolean hasChildFolders() { return !childsFold.isEmpty(); } public File getPath() { if (parent != null) { File parentPath = parent.getPath(); return parentPath == null ? new File(name) : new File(parentPath,name); } else { return null; } } /** * * @return not just the path of this item * though the path that would be shown in the GUI.. */ public File getShownPath() { File path = getPath(); DownloadQueueFolder current = this; while (current.oneFolderChildNothingElse()) { current = (DownloadQueueFolder)current.childsFold.values().toArray()[0]; path = new File(path,; } return path; } }