package uc.protocols.hub; import helpers.GH; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import uc.protocols.AbstractADCCommand; import uc.protocols.IProtocolCommand; import uc.user.User; public abstract class AbstractADCHubCommand extends AbstractADCCommand implements IProtocolCommand<Hub> { /** * how many captures are used up in the prefix area.. */ public static final int HeaderCapt = 4; static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.make(); /** * pattern matching the prefix.. (no space) */ protected final String prefix = "^[BCDEFHIU]"+getPrefix(); // protected final Hub hub; /** * * @return a pattern for the header * uses 4 Capturing groups!! * SID is captured by one of these and easily accessible * via getOther(s)SID() and getOther() * */ protected String getHeader() { String pref = getPrefix(); String bHeader = "(?:B"+pref+" ("+SID+"))"; String cihHeader = "(?:[CIH]"+pref+"())"; String deHeader = "(?:[DE]"+pref+" ("+SID+") "+SID+")"; String fHeader = "(?:F"+pref+" ("+SID+") "+ADCTEXT+")"; return "^(?:"+bHeader+"|"+cihHeader+"|"+deHeader+"|"+fHeader+")"; } public int getOthersSID() { return SIDToInt(getOtherSID()); } public String getOtherSID() { for (int i =1; i <= 4; i++) { String s =; if ( s != null) { return s; } } return null; } public User getOther(Hub hub) { String sid = getOtherSID(); if (GH.isEmpty(sid)) { return null; } else { return hub.getUserBySID(SIDToInt(sid)); } } public AbstractADCHubCommand() { } public static int SIDToInt(String sid) { char a = sid.charAt(0); char b = sid.charAt(1); char c = sid.charAt(2); char d = sid.charAt(3); int sidInt = a + 256*b+ 256*256*c + 256*256*256*d; return sidInt; } public static String SIDToStr(int sid) { char a = (char) ( sid & 0xff); char b = (char) ( (sid & 0xff00)/256); char c = (char) ( (sid & 0xff0000)/(256*256)); char d = (char) ( (sid & 0xff000000)/(256*256*256)); String strSid = Character.toString(a)+Character.toString(b)+ Character.toString(c)+Character.toString(d); return strSid; } /** * creates a map from a space separated list of * attributes * * @param attributes - list with attributes * @return map keys are 2 chars long prefixes .. values are the letters after * the key without protocol replaces */ public static Map<Flag,String> getFlagMap(String attributes) { Map<Flag,String> flagValue = new HashMap<Flag,String>(); if (!GH.isNullOrEmpty(attributes)) { String[] splits = space.split(attributes); for (String s: splits) { if (s.length() >= 2) { Flag fls = Flag.parse(s.substring(0, 2)); String value = revReplaces(s.substring(2)); if (fls != null && fls.verify(value)) { flagValue.put(fls,value); } } } } return flagValue; } }