package fj.test; import fj.F; import; import java.util.Random; import static; import static; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.lang.Math.min; /** * A random number generator. * * @version %build.number% */ public final class Rand { private final F<Option<Long>, F<Integer, F<Integer, Integer>>> f; private final F<Option<Long>, F<Double, F<Double, Double>>> g; // TODO Change to F<Long,Rand> when rand(f,g) is removed private final Option<F<Long, Rand>> optOnReseed; private Rand( F<Option<Long>, F<Integer, F<Integer, Integer>>> f, F<Option<Long>, F<Double, F<Double, Double>>> g, Option<F<Long, Rand>> optOnReseed) { this.f = f; this.g = g; this.optOnReseed = optOnReseed; } /** * Randomly chooses a value between the given range (inclusive). * * @param seed The seed to use for random generation. * @param from The minimum value to choose. * @param to The maximum value to choose. * @return A random value in the given range. */ public int choose(final long seed, final int from, final int to) { return f.f(some(seed)).f(from).f(to); } /** * Randomly chooses a value between the given range (inclusive). * * @param from The minimum value to choose. * @param to The maximum value to choose. * @return A random value in the given range. */ public int choose(final int from, final int to) { return f.f(Option.none()).f(from).f(to); } public long choose(final long from, final long to) { return g.f(Option.none()).f((double) from).f((double) to).longValue(); } /** * Randomly chooses a value between the given range (inclusive). * * @param seed The seed to use for random generation. * @param from The minimum value to choose. * @param to The maximum value to choose. * @return A random value in the given range. */ public double choose(final long seed, final double from, final double to) { return g.f(some(seed)).f(from).f(to); } /** * Randomly chooses a value between the given range (inclusive). * * @param from The minimum value to choose. * @param to The maximum value to choose. * @return A random value in the given range. */ public double choose(final double from, final double to) { return g.f(Option.none()).f(from).f(to); } /** * Gives this random generator a new seed. * * @param seed The seed of the new random generator. * @return A random generator with the given seed. */ public Rand reseed(long seed) { return optOnReseed.<Rand>option( () -> { throw new IllegalStateException("reseed() called on a Rand created with deprecated rand() method"); }, onReseed -> onReseed.f(seed)); } /** * Constructs a random generator from the given functions that supply a range to produce a * result. * <p> * Calling {@link #reseed(long)} on an instance returned from this method will * result in an exception being thrown. * * @deprecated As of release 4.6, use {@link #rand(F, F, F)}. * * @param f The integer random generator. * @param g The floating-point random generator. * @return A random generator from the given functions that supply a range to produce a result. */ // TODO Change Option<F<Long,Rand>> optOnReseed to F<Long,Road> onReseed when removing this method @Deprecated public static Rand rand( F<Option<Long>, F<Integer, F<Integer, Integer>>> f, F<Option<Long>, F<Double, F<Double, Double>>> g) { return new Rand(f, g, none()); } /** * Constructs a reseedable random generator from the given functions that supply a range to produce a * result. * * @param f The integer random generator. * @param g The floating-point random generator. * @param onReseed Function to create a reseeded Rand. * @return A random generator from the given functions that supply a range to produce a result. */ public static Rand rand( F<Option<Long>, F<Integer, F<Integer, Integer>>> f, F<Option<Long>, F<Double, F<Double, Double>>> g, F<Long, Rand> onReseed) { return new Rand(f, g, some(onReseed)); } /** * A standard random generator that uses {@link Random}. */ public static final Rand standard = createStandard(new Random()); private static Rand createStandard(Random defaultRandom) { return rand( optSeed -> from -> to -> standardChooseInt(optSeed.<Random>option(() -> defaultRandom, Random::new), from, to), optSeed -> from -> to -> standardChooseDbl(optSeed.<Random>option(() -> defaultRandom, Random::new), from, to), newSeed -> createStandard(new Random(newSeed))); } /* * Returns a uniformly distributed value between min(from,to) (inclusive) and max(from,to) (inclusive). */ private static int standardChooseInt(Random random, int from, int to) { int result; if (from != to) { int min = min(from, to); int max = max(from, to); long range = (1L + max) - min; long bound = Long.MAX_VALUE - (Long.MAX_VALUE % range); long r = random.nextLong() & Long.MAX_VALUE; while (r >= bound) { // Ensure uniformity r = random.nextLong() & Long.MAX_VALUE; } result = (int) ((r % range) + min); } else { result = from; } return result; } /* * Returns a uniformly distributed value between min(from,to) (inclusive) and max(from,to) (exclusive) * * In theory, this differs from the choose() contract, which specifies a closed interval. * In practice, the difference shouldn't matter. */ private static double standardChooseDbl(Random random, double from, double to) { double min = min(from, to); double max = max(from, to); return ((max - min) * random.nextDouble()) + min; } }