package; import fj.F; import static fj.Function.*; import static; import static; import fj.Function; import fj.Ord; import static fj.Ord.*; import fj.Ordering; import static fj.Ordering.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; /** * Abstracts over a type that may have a successor and/or predecessor value. This implies ordering for that type. A user * may construct an enumerator with an optimised version for <code>plus</code>, otherwise a default is implemented using * the given successor/predecessor implementations. * <p/> * For any enumerator e, the following laws must satisfy: * <ul> * <li>forall a. e.successor(a).forall(\t -> e.predecessor(t).forall(\z -> z == a))</li> * <li>forall a. e.predecessor(a).forall(\t -> e.successor(t).forall(\z -> z == a))</li> * <li>e.max().forall(\t -> e.successor(t).isNone)</li> * <li>e.min().forall(\t -> e.predecessor(t).isNone)</li> * <li>forall a n., 0) == Some(a)</li> * <li>forall a n | n > 0., n) ==, n - 1)</li> * <li>forall a n | n < 0., n) ==, n + 1)</li> * </ul> * * @version %build.number% */ public final class Enumerator<A> { private final F<A, Option<A>> successor; private final F<A, Option<A>> predecessor; private final Option<A> max; private final Option<A> min; private final Ord<A> order; private final F<A, F<Long, Option<A>>> plus; private Enumerator(final F<A, Option<A>> successor, final F<A, Option<A>> predecessor, final Option<A> max, final Option<A> min, final Ord<A> order, final F<A, F<Long, Option<A>>> plus) { this.successor = successor; this.predecessor = predecessor; this.max = max; this.min = min; this.order = order; = plus; } /** * Returns the potential successor of a value for this enumerator in curried form. * * @return The potential successor of a value for this enumerator in curried form. */ public F<A, Option<A>> successor() { return successor; } /** * Returns the potential successor of a value for this enumerator. * * @param a The value to return the successor of. * @return The potential successor of a value for this enumerator. */ public Option<A> successor(final A a) { return successor.f(a); } /** * Returns the potential predecessor of a value for this enumerator in curried form. * * @return The potential predecessor of a value for this enumerator in curried form. */ public F<A, Option<A>> predecessor() { return predecessor; } /** * Returns the potential predecessor of a value for this enumerator. * * @param a The value to return the predecessor of. * @return The potential predecessor of a value for this enumerator. */ public Option<A> predecessor(final A a) { return predecessor.f(a); } /** * Returns the maximum value for this enumerator if there is one. * * @return The maximum value for this enumerator if there is one. */ public Option<A> max() { return max; } /** * Returns the minimum value for this enumerator if there is one. * * @return The minimum value for this enumerator if there is one. */ public Option<A> min() { return min; } /** * Returns a function that moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. * * @return A function that moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. */ public F<A, F<Long, Option<A>>> plus() { return plus; } /** * Returns a function that moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. * * @param a The value to begin moving along from. * @return A function that moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. */ public F<Long, Option<A>> plus(final A a) { return plus.f(a); } /** * Returns a function that moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. * * @param l The number of times to move along the enumerator. * @return A function that moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. */ public F<A, Option<A>> plus(final long l) { return flip(plus).f(l); } /** * Moves a value along the enumerator a given number of times. * * @param a The value to begin moving along from. * @param l The number of times to move along the enumerator. * @return A potential value after having moved the given number of times. */ public Option<A> plus(final A a, final long l) { return plus.f(a).f(l); } /** * Returns the ordering for the enumerator. * * @return The ordering for the enumerator. */ public Ord<A> order() { return order; } /** * Invariant functor map over this enumerator. * * @param f The covariant map. * @param g The contra-variant map. * @return An enumerator after the given functions are applied. */ public <B> Enumerator<B> xmap(final F<A, B> f, final F<B, A> g) { final F<Option<A>, Option<B>> of = o ->; return enumerator(compose(compose(of, successor), g), compose(compose(of, predecessor), g),,, order.contramap(g), compose(compose(Function.<Long, Option<A>, Option<B>>compose().f(of), plus), g)); } /** * Returns a stream of the values from this enumerator, starting at the given value, counting up. * * @param a A value at which to begin the stream. * @return a stream of the values from this enumerator, starting at the given value, counting up. */ public Stream<A> toStream(final A a) { final F<A, A> id = identity(); return Stream.fromFunction(this, id, a); } /** * Create a new enumerator with the given minimum value. * * @param min A minimum value. * @return A new enumerator identical to this one, but with the given minimum value. */ public Enumerator<A> setMin(final Option<A> min) { return enumerator(successor, predecessor, max, min, order, plus); } /** * Create a new enumerator with the given maximum value. * * @param max A maximum value. * @return A new enumerator identical to this one, but with the given maximum value. */ public Enumerator<A> setMax(final Option<A> max) { return enumerator(successor, predecessor, max, min, order, plus); } /** * Construct an enumerator. ` * * @param successor The successor function. * @param predecessor The predecessor function. * @param max The potential maximum value. * @param min The potential minimum value. * @param order The ordering for the type. * @param plus The function to move the enumeration a given number of times. This may be supplied for a performance * enhancement for certain types. * @return An enumerator with the given values. */ public static <A> Enumerator<A> enumerator(final F<A, Option<A>> successor, final F<A, Option<A>> predecessor, final Option<A> max, final Option<A> min, final Ord<A> order, final F<A, F<Long, Option<A>>> plus) { return new Enumerator<>(successor, predecessor, max, min, order, plus); } /** * Construct an enumerator. The <code>plus</code> function is derived from the <code>successor</code> and * <code>predecessor</code>. * * @param successor The successor function. * @param predecessor The predecessor function. * @param max The potential maximum value. * @param min The potential minimum value. * @param order The ordering for the type. * @return An enumerator with the given values. */ public static <A> Enumerator<A> enumerator(final F<A, Option<A>> successor, final F<A, Option<A>> predecessor, final Option<A> max, final Option<A> min, final Ord<A> order) { return new Enumerator<>(successor, predecessor, max, min, order, curry((a, l) -> { if (l == 0L) return some(a); else if (l < 0L) { A aa = a; for (long x = l; x < 0; x++) { final Option<A> s = predecessor.f(aa); if (s.isNone()) return none(); else aa = s.some(); } return some(aa); } else { A aa = a; for (long x = l; x > 0; x--) { final Option<A> s = successor.f(aa); if (s.isNone()) return none(); else aa = s.some(); } return some(aa); } })); } /** * An enumerator for <code>boolean</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Boolean> booleanEnumerator = enumerator( b -> b ? Option.none() : some(true), b -> b ? some(false) : Option.none(), some(true), some(false), booleanOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>byte</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Byte> byteEnumerator = enumerator( b -> b == Byte.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some((byte) (b + 1)), b -> b == Byte.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some((byte) (b - 1)), some(Byte.MAX_VALUE), some(Byte.MIN_VALUE), byteOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>char</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Character> charEnumerator = enumerator( c -> c == Character.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some((char) (c + 1)), c -> c == Character.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some((char) (c - 1)), some(Character.MAX_VALUE), some(Character.MIN_VALUE), charOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>double</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Double> doubleEnumerator = enumerator( d -> d == Double.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(d + 1D), d -> d == Double.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(d - 1D), some(Double.MAX_VALUE), some(Double.MIN_VALUE), doubleOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>float</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Float> floatEnumerator = enumerator( f -> f == Float.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(f + 1F), f -> f == Float.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(f - 1F), some(Float.MAX_VALUE), some(Float.MIN_VALUE), floatOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>int</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Integer> intEnumerator = enumerator( i -> i == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(i + 1), i -> i == Integer.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(i - 1), some(Integer.MAX_VALUE), some(Integer.MIN_VALUE), intOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>BigInteger</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<BigInteger> bigintEnumerator = enumerator( i -> some(i.add(BigInteger.ONE)), i -> some(i.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)), Option.none(), Option.none(), bigintOrd, curry((i, l) -> some(i.add(BigInteger.valueOf(l)))) ); /** * An enumerator for <code>BigDecimal</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<BigDecimal> bigdecimalEnumerator = enumerator( i -> some(i.add(BigDecimal.ONE)), i -> some(i.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE)), Option.none(), Option.none(), bigdecimalOrd, curry((d, l) -> some(d.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(l)))) ); /** * An enumerator for <code>long</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Long> longEnumerator = enumerator( i -> i == Long.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(i + 1L), i -> i == Long.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some(i - 1L), some(Long.MAX_VALUE), some(Long.MIN_VALUE), longOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>short</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Short> shortEnumerator = enumerator( i -> i == Short.MAX_VALUE ? Option.none() : some((short) (i + 1)), i -> i == Short.MIN_VALUE ? Option.none() : some((short) (i - 1)), some(Short.MAX_VALUE), some(Short.MIN_VALUE), shortOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>Ordering</code>. */ public static final Enumerator<Ordering> orderingEnumerator = enumerator( o -> o == LT ? some(EQ) : o == EQ ? some(GT) : Option.none(), o -> o == GT ? some(EQ) : o == EQ ? some(LT) : Option.none(), some(GT), some(LT), orderingOrd ); /** * An enumerator for <code>Natural</code> */ public static final Enumerator<Natural> naturalEnumerator = enumerator( n -> some(n.succ()), Natural::pred, Option.none(), some(Natural.ZERO), naturalOrd, curry((n, l) -> some(n).apply( Natural.natural(l).map(curry((n1, n2) -> n1.add(n2))) ) ) ); }