package; import fj.F; import fj.P1; import fj.Unit; import fj.function.TryEffect0; import fj.function.Effect0; import fj.function.Effect1; import fj.Try; import fj.TryEffect; import fj.Effect; import fj.function.Try0; import fj.function.Try1; import; import static fj.Unit.unit; import static; import static; /** * Functions that convert between data structure types. * * @version %build.number% */ public final class Conversions { private Conversions() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // BEGIN List -> /** * A function that converts lists to arrays. * * @return A function that converts lists to arrays. */ public static <A> F<List<A>, Array<A>> List_Array() { return List::toArray; } /** * A function that converts lists to streams. * * @return A function that converts lists to streams. */ public static <A> F<List<A>, Stream<A>> List_Stream() { return List::toStream; } /** * A function that converts lists to options. * * @return A function that converts lists to options. */ public static <A> F<List<A>, Option<A>> List_Option() { return List::headOption; } /** * A function that converts lists to eithers. * * @return A function that converts lists to eithers. */ public static <A, B> F<P1<A>, F<List<B>, Either<A, B>>> List_Either() { return a -> bs -> bs.toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts lists to strings. */ public static final F<List<Character>, String> List_String = List::asString; /** * A function that converts lists to string buffers. */ public static final F<List<Character>, StringBuffer> List_StringBuffer = cs -> new StringBuffer(asString(cs)); /** * A function that converts lists to string builders. */ public static final F<List<Character>, StringBuilder> List_StringBuilder = cs -> new StringBuilder(asString(cs)); // END List -> // BEGIN Array -> /** * A function that converts arrays to lists. * * @return A function that converts arrays to lists. */ public static <A> F<Array<A>, List<A>> Array_List() { return Array::toList; } /** * A function that converts arrays to streams. * * @return A function that converts arrays to streams. */ public static <A> F<Array<A>, Stream<A>> Array_Stream() { return Array::toStream; } /** * A function that converts arrays to options. * * @return A function that converts arrays to options. */ public static <A> F<Array<A>, Option<A>> Array_Option() { return Array::toOption; } /** * A function that converts arrays to eithers. * * @return A function that converts arrays to eithers. */ public static <A, B> F<P1<A>, F<Array<B>, Either<A, B>>> Array_Either() { return a -> bs -> bs.toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts arrays to strings. */ public static final F<Array<Character>, String> Array_String = cs -> { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(cs.length()); cs.foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb.toString(); }; /** * A function that converts arrays to string buffers. */ public static final F<Array<Character>, StringBuffer> Array_StringBuffer = cs -> { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(cs.length()); cs.foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb; }; /** * A function that converts arrays to string builders. */ public static final F<Array<Character>, StringBuilder> Array_StringBuilder = cs -> { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(cs.length()); cs.foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb; }; // END Array -> // BEGIN Stream -> /** * A function that converts streams to lists. * * @return A function that converts streams to lists. */ public static <A> F<Stream<A>, List<A>> Stream_List() { return Stream::toList; } /** * A function that converts streams to arrays. * * @return A function that converts streams to arrays. */ public static <A> F<Stream<A>, Array<A>> Stream_Array() { return Stream::toArray; } /** * A function that converts streams to options. * * @return A function that converts streams to options. */ public static <A> F<Stream<A>, Option<A>> Stream_Option() { return Stream::toOption; } /** * A function that converts streams to eithers. * * @return A function that converts streams to eithers. */ public static <A, B> F<P1<A>, F<Stream<B>, Either<A, B>>> Stream_Either() { return a -> bs -> bs.toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts streams to strings. */ public static final F<Stream<Character>, String> Stream_String = cs -> { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); cs.foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb.toString(); }; /** * A function that converts streams to string buffers. */ public static final F<Stream<Character>, StringBuffer> Stream_StringBuffer = cs -> { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); cs.foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb; }; /** * A function that converts streams to string builders. */ public static final F<Stream<Character>, StringBuilder> Stream_StringBuilder = cs -> { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); cs.foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb; }; // END Stream -> // BEGIN Option -> /** * A function that converts options to lists. * * @return A function that converts options to lists. */ public static <A> F<Option<A>, List<A>> Option_List() { return Option::toList; } /** * A function that converts options to arrays. * * @return A function that converts options to arrays. */ public static <A> F<Option<A>, Array<A>> Option_Array() { return Option::toArray; } /** * A function that converts options to streams. * * @return A function that converts options to streams. */ public static <A> F<Option<A>, Stream<A>> Option_Stream() { return Option::toStream; } /** * A function that converts options to eithers. * * @return A function that converts options to eithers. */ public static <A, B> F<P1<A>, F<Option<B>, Either<A, B>>> Option_Either() { return a -> o -> o.toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts options to strings. */ public static final F<Option<Character>, String> Option_String = o -> asString(o.toList()); /** * A function that converts options to string buffers. */ public static final F<Option<Character>, StringBuffer> Option_StringBuffer = o -> new StringBuffer(asString(o.toList())); /** * A function that converts options to string builders. */ public static final F<Option<Character>, StringBuilder> Option_StringBuilder = o -> new StringBuilder(asString(o.toList())); // END Option -> // BEGIN Effect public static F<Effect0, P1<Unit>> Effect0_P1() { return Conversions::Effect0_P1; } public static P1<Unit> Effect0_P1(Effect0 e) { return Effect.f(e); } public static <A> F<A, Unit> Effect1_F(Effect1<A> e) { return Effect.f(e); } public static <A> F<Effect1<A>, F<A, Unit>> Effect1_F() { return Conversions::Effect1_F; } public static IO<Unit> Effect_IO(Effect0 e) { return () ->{ e.f(); return unit(); }; } public static F<Effect0, IO<Unit>> Effect_IO() { return Conversions::Effect_IO; } public static SafeIO<Unit> Effect_SafeIO(Effect0 e) { return () -> { e.f(); return unit(); }; } public static F<Effect0, SafeIO<Unit>> Effect_SafeIO() { return Conversions::Effect_SafeIO; } // END Effect // BEGIN Either -> /** * A function that converts eithers to lists. * * @return A function that converts eithers to lists. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, List<A>> Either_ListA() { return e -> e.left().toList(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to lists. * * @return A function that converts eithers to lists. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, List<B>> Either_ListB() { return e -> e.right().toList(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to arrays. * * @return A function that converts eithers to arrays. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Array<A>> Either_ArrayA() { return e -> e.left().toArray(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to arrays. * * @return A function that converts eithers to arrays. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Array<B>> Either_ArrayB() { return e -> e.right().toArray(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to streams. * * @return A function that converts eithers to streams. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Stream<A>> Either_StreamA() { return e -> e.left().toStream(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to streams. * * @return A function that converts eithers to streams. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Stream<B>> Either_StreamB() { return e -> e.right().toStream(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to options. * * @return A function that converts eithers to options. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Option<A>> Either_OptionA() { return e -> e.left().toOption(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to options. * * @return A function that converts eithers to options. */ public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Option<B>> Either_OptionB() { return e -> e.right().toOption(); } /** * A function that converts eithers to strings. * * @return A function that converts eithers to strings. */ public static <B> F<Either<Character, B>, String> Either_StringA() { return e -> asString(e.left().toList()); } /** * A function that converts eithers to strings. * * @return A function that converts eithers to strings. */ public static <A> F<Either<A, Character>, String> Either_StringB() { return e -> asString(e.right().toList()); } /** * A function that converts eithers to string buffers. * * @return A function that converts eithers to string buffers. */ public static <B> F<Either<Character, B>, StringBuffer> Either_StringBufferA() { return e -> new StringBuffer(asString(e.left().toList())); } /** * A function that converts eithers to string buffers. * * @return A function that converts eithers to string buffers. */ public static <A> F<Either<A, Character>, StringBuffer> Either_StringBufferB() { return e -> new StringBuffer(asString(e.right().toList())); } /** * A function that converts eithers to string builders. * * @return A function that converts eithers to string builders. */ public static <B> F<Either<Character, B>, StringBuilder> Either_StringBuilderA() { return e -> new StringBuilder(asString(e.left().toList())); } /** * A function that converts eithers to string builders. * * @return A function that converts eithers to string builders. */ public static <A> F<Either<A, Character>, StringBuilder> Either_StringBuilderB() { return e -> new StringBuilder(asString(e.right().toList())); } // END Either -> // BEGIN F public static <A> SafeIO<A> F_SafeIO(F<Unit, A> f) { return () -> f.f(unit()); } public static <A> F<F<Unit, A>, SafeIO<A>> F_SafeIO() { return Conversions::F_SafeIO; } // END F // BEGIN String -> /** * A function that converts strings to lists. */ public static final F<String, List<Character>> String_List = List::fromString; /** * A function that converts strings to arrays. */ public static final F<String, Array<Character>> String_Array = s -> fromString(s).toArray(); /** * A function that converts strings to options. */ public static final F<String, Option<Character>> String_Option = s -> fromString(s).headOption(); /** * A function that converts string to eithers. * * @return A function that converts string to eithers. */ public static <A> F<P1<A>, F<String, Either<A, Character>>> String_Either() { return a -> s -> fromString(s).toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts strings to streams. */ public static final F<String, Stream<Character>> String_Stream = s -> fromString(s).toStream(); /** * A function that converts strings to string buffers. */ public static final F<String, StringBuffer> String_StringBuffer = StringBuffer::new; /** * A function that converts strings to string builders. */ public static final F<String, StringBuilder> String_StringBuilder = StringBuilder::new; // END String -> // BEGIN StringBuffer -> /** * A function that converts string buffers to lists. */ public static final F<StringBuffer, List<Character>> StringBuffer_List = s -> fromString(s.toString()); /** * A function that converts string buffers to arrays. */ public static final F<StringBuffer, Array<Character>> StringBuffer_Array = s -> fromString(s.toString()).toArray(); /** * A function that converts string buffers to streams. */ public static final F<StringBuffer, Stream<Character>> StringBuffer_Stream = s -> fromString(s.toString()).toStream(); /** * A function that converts string buffers to options. */ public static final F<StringBuffer, Option<Character>> StringBuffer_Option = s -> fromString(s.toString()).headOption(); /** * A function that converts string buffers to eithers. * * @return A function that converts string buffers to eithers. */ public static <A> F<P1<A>, F<StringBuffer, Either<A, Character>>> StringBuffer_Either() { return a -> s -> fromString(s.toString()).toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts string buffers to strings. */ public static final F<StringBuffer, String> StringBuffer_String = StringBuffer::toString; /** * A function that converts string buffers to string builders. */ public static final F<StringBuffer, StringBuilder> StringBuffer_StringBuilder = StringBuilder::new; // END StringBuffer -> // BEGIN StringBuilder -> /** * A function that converts string builders to lists. */ public static final F<StringBuilder, List<Character>> StringBuilder_List = s -> fromString(s.toString()); /** * A function that converts string builders to arrays. */ public static final F<StringBuilder, Array<Character>> StringBuilder_Array = s -> fromString(s.toString()).toArray(); /** * A function that converts string builders to streams. */ public static final F<StringBuilder, Stream<Character>> StringBuilder_Stream = s -> fromString(s.toString()).toStream(); /** * A function that converts string builders to options. */ public static final F<StringBuilder, Option<Character>> StringBuilder_Option = s -> fromString(s.toString()).headOption(); /** * A function that converts string builders to eithers. * * @return A function that converts string builders to eithers. */ public static <A> F<P1<A>, F<StringBuilder, Either<A, Character>>> StringBuilder_Either() { return a -> s -> fromString(s.toString()).toEither(a); } /** * A function that converts string builders to strings. */ public static final F<StringBuilder, String> StringBuilder_String = StringBuilder::toString; /** * A function that converts string builders to string buffers. */ public static final F<StringBuilder, StringBuffer> StringBuilder_StringBuffer = StringBuffer::new; // END StringBuilder -> // BEGIN Try public static <A, B, Z extends Exception> SafeIO<Validation<Z, A>> Try_SafeIO(Try0<A, Z> t) { return F_SafeIO(u -> Try.f(t)._1()); } public static <A, B, Z extends Exception> F<Try0<A, Z>, SafeIO<Validation<Z, A>>> Try_SafeIO() { return Conversions::Try_SafeIO; } public static <A, B, Z extends IOException> IO<A> Try_IO(Try0<A, Z> t) { return t::f; } public static <A, B, Z extends IOException> F<Try0<A, Z>, IO<A>> Try_IO() { return Conversions::Try_IO; } public static <A, B, Z extends IOException> F<A, Validation<Z, B>> Try_F(Try1<A, B, Z> t) { return Try.f(t); } public static <A, B, Z extends IOException> F<Try1<A, B, Z>, F<A, Validation<Z, B>>> Try_F() { return Conversions::Try_F; } // END Try // BEGIN TryEffect public static <E extends Exception> P1<Validation<E, Unit>> TryEffect_P(final TryEffect0<E> t) { return TryEffect.f(t); } // END TryEffect }