package; import fj.F; import fj.P2; import fj.Unit; import fj.control.Trampoline; import static fj.P.lazy; import static fj.P.p; import static fj.control.Trampoline.suspend; import static; /** * Created by MarkPerry on 7/07/2014. */ public final class State<S, A> { public static <S, A> State<S, A> unit(F<S, P2<S, A>> runF) { return new State<>(s -> Trampoline.pure(runF.f(s))); } public static <S> State<S, S> init() { return unit(s -> dup(s)); } public static <S> State<S, S> units(F<S, S> f) { return unit(s -> dup(f.f(s))); } private static <S> P2<S, S> dup(S s) { return p(s, s); } public static <S, A> State<S, A> constant(A a) { return unit(s -> p(s, a)); } public static <S, A> State<S, A> gets(F<S, A> f) { return unit(s -> p(s, f.f(s))); } public static <S> State<S, Unit> put(S s) { return unit(ignoredS -> p(s, Unit.unit())); } public static <S> State<S, Unit> modify(F<S, S> f) { return unit(s -> p(f.f(s), Unit.unit())); } public static <S, A, B> State<S, B> flatMap(State<S, A> ts, F<A, State<S, B>> f) { return ts.flatMap(f); } /** * Evaluate each action in the sequence from left to right, and collect the results. */ public static <S, A> State<S, List<A>> sequence(List<State<S, A>> list) { return list .foldLeft( (acc, ts) -> acc.flatMap(as -> -> cons(a, as))), State.<S, List<A>>constant(List.nil())) .map(as -> as.reverse()); } /** * Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right * and collect the results. */ public static <S, A, B> State<S, List<B>> traverse(List<A> list, F<A, State<S, B>> f) { return list .foldLeft( (acc, a) -> acc.flatMap(bs -> f.f(a).map(b -> cons(b, bs))), State.<S, List<B>>constant(List.nil())) .map(bs -> bs.reverse()); } private static <S, A> State<S, A> suspended(F<S, Trampoline<P2<S, A>>> runF) { return new State<>(s -> suspend(lazy(() -> runF.f(s)))); } private final F<S, Trampoline<P2<S, A>>> runF; private State(F<S, Trampoline<P2<S, A>>> runF) { this.runF = runF; } public P2<S, A> run(S s) { return runF.f(s).run(); } public A eval(S s) { return run(s)._2(); } public S exec(S s) { return run(s)._1(); } public State<S, S> gets() { return mapState(result -> p(result._1(), result._1())); } public <B> State<S, B> map(F<A, B> f) { return mapState(result -> p(result._1(), f.f(result._2()))); } public <B> State<S, B> mapState(F<P2<S, A>, P2<S, B>> f) { return suspended(s -> runF.f(s).map(result -> f.f(result))); } public State<S, A> withs(F<S, S> f) { return suspended(s -> runF.f(f.f(s))); } public <B> State<S, B> flatMap(F<A, State<S, B>> f) { return suspended(s -> runF.f(s).bind(result -> Trampoline.pure(f.f(result._2()).run(result._1())))); } }