package fj.control.parallel; import fj.*; import static fj.P.p; import static fj.Function.curry; import static fj.Function.identity; import static; import static fj.control.parallel.Callables.normalise; import static fj.control.parallel.Actor.queueActor; import; import; import; import static; import static; import; import fj.function.Effect1; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Represents a non-blocking future value. Products, functions, and actors, given to the methods on this class, * are executed concurrently, and the Promise serves as a handle on the result of the computation. Provides monadic * operations so that future computations can be combined * <p/> * Author: Runar */ public final class Promise<A> { private final Actor<P2<Either<P1<A>, Actor<A>>, Promise<A>>> actor; private final Strategy<Unit> s; private final CountDownLatch l = new CountDownLatch(1); private volatile Option<A> v = none(); private final Queue<Actor<A>> waiting = new LinkedList<>(); private Promise(final Strategy<Unit> s, final Actor<P2<Either<P1<A>, Actor<A>>, Promise<A>>> qa) { this.s = s; actor = qa; } private static <A> Promise<A> mkPromise(final Strategy<Unit> s) { final Actor<P2<Either<P1<A>, Actor<A>>, Promise<A>>> q = queueActor(s, new Effect1<P2<Either<P1<A>, Actor<A>>, Promise<A>>>() { public void f(final P2<Either<P1<A>, Actor<A>>, Promise<A>> p) { final Promise<A> snd = p._2(); final Queue<Actor<A>> as = snd.waiting; if (p._1().isLeft()) { final A a = p._1().left().value()._1(); snd.v = some(a); snd.l.countDown(); while (!as.isEmpty()) as.remove().act(a); } else if (snd.v.isNone()) as.add(p._1().right().value()); else p._1().right().value().act(snd.v.some()); } }); return new Promise<>(s, q); } /** * Promises to provide the value of the given 1-product, in the future. * Represents the unit function for promises. * * @param s The strategy with which to fulfil the promise. * @param a The 1-product to evaluate concurrently. * @return A promise representing the future result of evaluating the given 1-product. */ public static <A> Promise<A> promise(final Strategy<Unit> s, final P1<A> a) { final Promise<A> p = mkPromise(s);, p)); return p; } /** * Provides a first-class unit function for promises. * * @param s The strategy with which to fulfil promises. * @return A function that, given a 1-product, yields a promise of that product's value. */ public static <A> F<P1<A>, Promise<A>> promise(final Strategy<Unit> s) { return a -> promise(s, a); } /** * Provides a promise to call the given Callable in the future. * * @param s The strategy with which to fulfil the promise. * @param a The Callable to evaluate concurrently. * @return A promise of a new Callable that will return the result of calling the given Callable. */ public static <A> Promise<Callable<A>> promise(final Strategy<Unit> s, final Callable<A> a) { return promise(s, P.lazy(() -> normalise(a))); } /** * Transforms any function so that it returns a promise of a value instead of an actual value. * Represents the Kleisli arrow for the Promise monad. * * @param s The strategy with which to fulfil the promise. * @param f The function to turn into a promise-valued function. * @return The given function transformed into a function that returns a promise. */ public static <A, B> F<A, Promise<B>> promise(final Strategy<Unit> s, final F<A, B> f) { return a -> promise(s, P1.curry(f).f(a)); } /** * Promises to send a value to the given actor in the future. * * @param a An actor that will receive this Promise's value in the future. */ public void to(final Actor<A> a) { actor.act(p(Either.right(a), this)); } /** * Provides a promise to apply the given function to this promise's future value (covariant functor pattern). * * @param f The function to apply to this promise's future value. * @return A promise representing the future result of applying the given function to this promised value. */ public <B> Promise<B> fmap(final F<A, B> f) { return bind(promise(s, f)); } /** * Promotes any function to a transformation between promises (covariant functor pattern). * * @param f The function to promote to a transformation between promises. * @return That function lifted to a function on Promises. */ public static <A, B> F<Promise<A>, Promise<B>> fmap_(final F<A, B> f) { return a -> a.fmap(f); } /** * Turns a promise of a promise into just a promise. The join function for the Promise monad. * Promise to give it a Promise of an A, and it will promise you an A in return. * * @param p A promise of a promise. * @return The promised promise. */ public static <A> Promise<A> join(final Promise<Promise<A>> p) { final F<Promise<A>, Promise<A>> id = identity(); return p.bind(id); } /** * Turns a product of a promise into just a promise. Does not block on the product by calling it, * but creates a new promise with a final join. * * @param s The strategy with which to fulfil the promise. * @param p A product-1 of a promise to turn into just a promise. * @return The joined promise. */ public static <A> Promise<A> join(final Strategy<Unit> s, final P1<Promise<A>> p) { return join(promise(s, p)); } /** * Binds the given function over this promise, with a final join. * The bind function for the Promise monad. * * @param f The function to bind over this promise. * @return The result of applying the given function to this promised value. */ public <B> Promise<B> bind(final F<A, Promise<B>> f) { final Promise<B> r = mkPromise(s); final Actor<B> ab = actor(s, new Effect1<B>() { public void f(final B b) {, r)); } }); to(ab.promise().contramap(f)); return r; } /** * Performs function application within a promise (applicative functor pattern). * * @param pf The promised function to apply. * @return A new promise after applying the given promised function to this promise. */ public <B> Promise<B> apply(final Promise<F<A, B>> pf) { return pf.bind(this::fmap); } /** * Binds the given function to this promise and the given promise, with a final join. * * @param pb A promise with which to bind the given function. * @param f The function to apply to the given promised values. * @return A new promise after performing the map, then final join. */ public <B, C> Promise<C> bind(final Promise<B> pb, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) { return pb.apply(fmap(f)); } /** * Binds the given function to this promise and the given promise, with a final join. * * @param p A promise with which to bind the given function. * @param f The function to apply to the given promised values. * @return A new promise after performing the map, then final join. */ public <B, C> Promise<C> bind(final P1<Promise<B>> p, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) { return join(s, p).apply(fmap(f)); } /** * Promotes a function of arity-2 to a function on promises. * * @param f The function to promote. * @return A function of arity-2 promoted to map over promises. */ public static <A, B, C> F<Promise<A>, F<Promise<B>, Promise<C>>> liftM2(final F<A, F<B, C>> f) { return curry((ca, cb) -> ca.bind(cb, f)); } /** * Turns a List of promises into a single promise of a List. * * @param s The strategy with which to sequence the promises. * @param as The list of promises to transform. * @return A single promise for the given List. */ public static <A> Promise<List<A>> sequence(final Strategy<Unit> s, final List<Promise<A>> as) { return join(foldRight(s, liftM2(List.<A>cons()), promise(s, p(List.<A>nil()))).f(as)); } /** * First-class version of the sequence function through a List. * * @param s The strategy with which to sequence a given list of promises. * @return A function that turns a list of promises into a single promise of a list. */ public static <A> F<List<Promise<A>>, Promise<List<A>>> sequence(final Strategy<Unit> s) { return as -> sequence(s, as); } /** * Turns a Stream of promises into a single promise of a Stream. * * @param s The strategy with which to sequence the promises. * @param as The Stream of promises to transform. * @return A single promise for the given Stream. */ public static <A> Promise<Stream<A>> sequence(final Strategy<Unit> s, final Stream<Promise<A>> as) { return join(foldRightS(s, curry((Promise<A> o, P1<Promise<Stream<A>>> p) -> o.bind(a -> p._1().fmap(Stream.<A>cons_().f(a)))), promise(s, p(Stream.nil()))).f(as)); } /** * First-class version of the sequence function through a Stream. * * @param s The strategy with which to sequence a given Stream of promises. * @return A function that turns a list of promises into a single promise of a Stream.. */ public static <A> F<List<Promise<A>>, Promise<List<A>>> sequenceS(final Strategy<Unit> s) { return as -> sequence(s, as); } /** * Transforms a product of a promise to a promise of a product. * * @param s The strategy with which to traverse the promise. * @param p A product of a promise to traverse. * @return A promised product. */ public static <A> Promise<P1<A>> sequence(final Strategy<Unit> s, final P1<Promise<A>> p) { return join(promise(s, p)).fmap(P.p1()); } /** * Performs a right-fold reduction across a list in constant stack space. * * @param s The strategy with which to fold the list. * @param f The function to apply on each element of the list. * @param b The beginning value to start the application from. * @return The final result after the right-fold reduction. */ public static <A, B> F<List<A>, Promise<B>> foldRight(final Strategy<Unit> s, final F<A, F<B, B>> f, final B b) { return new F<List<A>, Promise<B>>() { public Promise<B> f(final List<A> as) { return as.isEmpty() ? promise(s, p(b)) : liftM2(f).f(promise(s, p(as.head()))).f( join(s, P1.curry(this).f(as.tail()))); } }; } /** * Performs a right-fold reduction across a Stream in constant stack space. * * @param s The strategy with which to fold the Stream. * @param f The function to apply on each element of the Stream. * @param b The beginning value to start the application from. * @return The final result after the right-fold reduction. */ public static <A, B> F<Stream<A>, Promise<B>> foldRightS(final Strategy<Unit> s, final F<A, F<P1<B>, B>> f, final B b) { return new F<Stream<A>, Promise<B>>() { public Promise<B> f(final Stream<A> as) { return as.isEmpty() ? promise(s, p(b)) : liftM2(f).f(promise(s, p(as.head()))).f( Promise.join(s, P.lazy(() -> f(as.tail()._1()).fmap(P.p1())))); } }; } /** * Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result. * * @return The promised value. */ public A claim() { try { l.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new Error(e); } return v.some(); } /** * Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result. * * @param timeout the maximum time to wait * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument * @return The promised value, or none if the timeout was reached. */ public Option<A> claim(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) { try { if (l.await(timeout, unit)) return v; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new Error(e); } return none(); } /** * Returns true if this promise has been fulfilled. * * @return true if this promise has been fulfilled. */ public boolean isFulfilled() { return v.isSome(); } /** * Binds the given function across a promise of this promise (Comonad pattern). * * @param f A function to apply within a new promise of this promise. * @return A new promise of the result of applying the given function to this promise. */ public <B> Promise<B> cobind(final F<Promise<A>, B> f) { return promise(s, P.lazy(() -> f.f(Promise.this))); } /** * Duplicates this promise to a promise of itself (Comonad pattern). * * @return a promise of this promise. */ public Promise<Promise<A>> cojoin() { final F<Promise<A>, Promise<A>> id = identity(); return cobind(id); } /** * Applies a stream of comonadic functions to this promise, returning a stream of values. * * @param fs A stream of functions to apply to this promise. * @return A stream of the results of applying the given stream of functions to this promise. */ public <B> Stream<B> sequenceW(final Stream<F<Promise<A>, B>> fs) { return fs.isEmpty() ? Stream.nil() : Stream.cons(fs.head().f(this), () -> sequenceW(fs.tail()._1())); } }