package; import fj.*; import fj.function.Effect1; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import static fj.P.p; import static; import static; /** * A mutable hash map providing O(1) lookup. * * @version %build.number% * @see java.util.HashMap */ public final class HashMap<K, V> implements Iterable<K> { private final class Key { final K k; Key(final K k) { this.k = k; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean equals(final Object o) { return o instanceof HashMap.Key && e.eq(k, ((Key) o).k); } public int hashCode() { return h.hash(k); } } /** * Returns an iterator for this map's keys. This method exists to permit the use in a <code>for</code>-each loop. * * @return A iterator for this map's keys. */ public Iterator<K> iterator() { return keys().iterator(); } private final java.util.HashMap<Key, V> m; private final Equal<K> e; private final Hash<K> h; /** * Construct a hash map with the given equality and hashing strategy. * * @param e The equality strategy. * @param h The hashing strategy. */ public HashMap(final Equal<K> e, final Hash<K> h) { m = new java.util.HashMap<>(); this.e = e; this.h = h; } public HashMap(java.util.Map<K, V> map, final Equal<K> e, final Hash<K> h) { this(e, h); for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) { set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Construct a hash map with the given equality and hashing strategy. * * @param e The equality strategy. * @param h The hashing strategy. * @param initialCapacity The initial capacity. */ public HashMap(final Equal<K> e, final Hash<K> h, final int initialCapacity) { m = new java.util.HashMap<>(initialCapacity); this.e = e; this.h = h; } public HashMap(java.util.Map<K, V> map) { this(map, Equal.anyEqual(), Hash.anyHash()); } /** * Construct a hash map with the given equality and hashing strategy. * * @param e The equality strategy. * @param h The hashing strategy. * @param initialCapacity The initial capacity. * @param loadFactor The load factor. */ public HashMap(final Equal<K> e, final Hash<K> h, final int initialCapacity, final float loadFactor) { m = new java.util.HashMap<>(initialCapacity, loadFactor); this.e = e; this.h = h; } /** * Construct a hash map that uses {@link Object#equals} and {@link Object#hashCode}. * * @return A new hash map that uses {@link Object#equals} and {@link Object#hashCode}. */ public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> hashMap() { return hashMap(Equal.anyEqual(), Hash.anyHash()); } /** * Construct a hash map. * * @return A new hash map. */ public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> hashMap(final Equal<K> e, final Hash<K> h) { return new HashMap<>(e, h); } /** * Compare two key values for equality using the underlying equality strategy. * * @param k1 One key value to compare. * @param k2 The other key value to compare. * @return <code>true</code> if the two key values are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean eq(final K k1, final K k2) { return e.eq(k1, k2); } /** * Compute the hash of the given key value using the underlying hashing strategy. * * @param k The key value to computer the hash of. * @return The hash of the given key value. */ public int hash(final K k) { return h.hash(k); } /** * Returns a potential value that the given key maps to. * * @param k The key to look up in the hash map. * @return A potential value for the given key. */ public Option<V> get(final K k) { return fromNull(m.get(new Key(k))); } /** * A curried version of {@link #get(Object)}. * * @return A curried version of {@link #get(Object)}. */ public F<K, Option<V>> get() { return this::get; } /** * Clear all entries from this hash map. */ public void clear() { m.clear(); } /** * Determines if the given key value exists in this hash map. * * @param k The key value to look for in this hash map. * @return <code>true</code> if this hash map contains the given key, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean contains(final K k) { return m.containsKey(new Key(k)); } /** * Returns all key entries in this hash map. * * @return All key entries in this hash map. */ public List<K> keys() { final List.Buffer<K> b = new List.Buffer<>(); for (final Key k : m.keySet()) { b.snoc(k.k); } return b.toList(); } /** * Returns all values in this hash map. * * @return All values in this hash map. */ public List<V> values() { return iterableList(m.values()); } /** * Determines if this hash map has any entries. * * @return <code>true</code> if this hash map has no entries, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return m.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the number of entries in this hash map. * * @return The number of entries in this hash map. */ public int size() { return m.size(); } /** * Inserts the given key and value association into the hash map. * * @param k The key to insert. * @param v The value to insert. */ public void set(final K k, final V v) { if (v != null) { m.put(new Key(k), v); } } /** * Deletes the entry in the hash map that corresponds to the given key. * * @param k The key to delete from this hash map. */ public void delete(final K k) { m.remove(new Key(k)); } /** * Deletes the entry in the hash map that corresponds to the given key and returns any associated value. * * @param k The key to delete from this hash map. * @return The value that was associated with the given key, if there was one. */ public Option<V> getDelete(final K k) { return fromNull(m.remove(new Key(k))); } public <A, B> HashMap<A, B> map(F<K, A> keyFunction, F<V, B> valueFunction, Equal<A> equal, Hash<A> hash) { final HashMap<A, B> hashMap = new HashMap<>(equal, hash); for (K key : keys()) { final A newKey = keyFunction.f(key); final B newValue = valueFunction.f(get(key).some()); hashMap.set(newKey, newValue); } return hashMap; } public <A, B> HashMap<A, B> map(F<K, A> keyFunction, F<V, B> valueFunction) { return map(keyFunction, valueFunction, Equal.anyEqual(), Hash.anyHash()); } public <A, B> HashMap<A, B> map(F<P2<K, V>, P2<A, B>> function, Equal<A> equal, Hash<A> hash) { return iterableHashMap(equal, hash, toStream().map(function)); } public <A, B> HashMap<A, B> map(F<P2<K, V>, P2<A, B>> function) { return iterableHashMap(toStream().map(function)); } public <A> HashMap<A, V> mapKeys(F<K, A> keyFunction, Equal<A> equal, Hash<A> hash) { return map(keyFunction, Function.identity(), equal, hash); } public <A> HashMap<A, V> mapKeys(F<K, A> function) { return mapKeys(function, Equal.anyEqual(), Hash.anyHash()); } public <B> HashMap<K, B> mapValues(F<V, B> function) { return map(Function.identity(), function, e, h); } public void foreachDoEffect(Effect1<P2<K, V>> effect) { toStream().foreachDoEffect(effect); } public void foreach(F<P2<K, V>, Unit> function) { toStream().foreach(function); } public List<P2<K, V>> toList() { return keys().map(k -> p(k, get(k).some())); } /** * Projects an immutable collection of this hash map. * * @return An immutable collection of this hash map. */ public Collection<P2<K, V>> toCollection() { return toList().toCollection(); } public Stream<P2<K, V>> toStream() { return toList().toStream(); } public Option<P2<K, V>> toOption() { return toList().headOption(); } public Array<P2<K, V>> toArray() { return toList().toArray(); } public java.util.Map<K, V> toMap() { final java.util.HashMap<K,V> result = new java.util.HashMap<>(); for (K key : keys()) { result.put(key, get(key).some()); } return result; } /** * Converts the Iterable to a HashMap * * @deprecated As of release 4.5, use {@link #iterableHashMap(Iterable)} */ @Deprecated public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> from(final Iterable<P2<K, V>> entries) { return iterableHashMap(entries); } public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> fromMap(java.util.Map<K, V> map) { return fromMap(Equal.anyEqual(), Hash.anyHash(), map); } public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> fromMap(Equal<K> eq, Hash<K> h, java.util.Map<K, V> map) { HashMap<K, V> m = hashMap(eq, h); for (Map.Entry<K, V> e: map.entrySet()) { m.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } return m; } /** * Converts the Iterable to a HashMap * * @deprecated As of release 4.5, use {@link #iterableHashMap} */ @Deprecated public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> from(final Iterable<P2<K, V>> entries, final Equal<K> equal, final Hash<K> hash) { return iterableHashMap(equal, hash, entries); } /** * Converts the Iterable to a HashMap */ public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> iterableHashMap(final Equal<K> equal, final Hash<K> hash, final Iterable<P2<K, V>> entries) { final HashMap<K, V> map = new HashMap<>(equal, hash); for (P2<K, V> entry : entries) { map.set(entry._1(), entry._2()); } return map; } /** * Converts the Iterable to a HashMap */ public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> iterableHashMap(final Iterable<P2<K, V>> entries) { return iterableHashMap(Equal.anyEqual(), Hash.anyHash(), entries); } /** * Converts the array to a HashMap */ @SafeVarargs public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> arrayHashMap(final P2<K, V>...entries) { return iterableHashMap(Array.array(entries)); } /** * Converts the array to a HashMap */ @SafeVarargs public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> arrayHashMap(final Equal<K> equal, final Hash<K> hash, final P2<K, V>...entries) { return iterableHashMap(equal, hash, Array.array(entries)); } /** * Converts the Iterator to a HashMap */ public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> iteratorHashMap(final Equal<K> equal, final Hash<K> hash, final Iterator<P2<K, V>> entries) { return iterableHashMap(equal, hash, () -> entries); } /** * Converts the Iterator to a HashMap */ public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> iteratorHashMap(final Iterator<P2<K, V>> entries) { return iterableHashMap(() -> entries); } }