package; import fj.F; import fj.F2; import fj.F3; import fj.P; import fj.P2; import fj.Unit; import static fj.Function.compose; /** * Type-safe heterogeneous lists. * * @param <A> The specific type of the list, as a subtype of HList */ public abstract class HList<A extends HList<A>> { HList() { } /** * Extends (cons) this list by prepending the given element, returning a new list. * * @param e an element to prepend to this list. * @return a new heterogeneous list, consisting of the given element prepended to this list. */ public abstract <E> HCons<E, A> extend(E e); public abstract <E> Apply<Unit, P2<E, A>, HCons<E, A>> extender(); /** * Returns the empty list. * * @return the empty list. */ public static HNil nil() { return HNil.nil; } /** * Returns a heterogeneous list consisting of an element and another list. * * @param e an element to put in a list. * @param l the rest of the list. * @return a heterogeneous list consisting of an element and another list. */ public static <E, L extends HList<L>> HCons<E, L> cons(final E e, final L l) { return new HCons<>(e, l); } /** * Returns a heterogeneous list consisting of a single element. * * @param e an element to put in a list * @return a heterogeneous list consisting of a single element. */ public static <E> HCons<E, HNil> single(final E e) { return cons(e, nil()); } /** * The concatenation of two heterogeneous lists. * * @param <A> The type of the first list. * @param <B> The type of the second list. * @param <C> The type of the combined list. */ public static final class HAppend<A, B, C> { private final F2<A, B, C> append; private HAppend(final F2<A, B, C> f) { append = f; } /** * Append a given heterogeneous list to another. * * @param a a heterogeneous list to be appended to. * @param b a heterogeneous list to append to another. * @return a new heterogeneous list consisting of the second argument appended to the first. */ public C append(final A a, final B b) { return append.f(a, b); } /** * Returns a method for concatenating lists to the empty list. * * @return a method for concatenating lists to the empty list. */ public static <L extends HList<L>> HAppend<HNil, L, L> append() { return new HAppend<>((hNil, l) -> l); } /** * Returns a method for appending lists to a nonempty heterogeneous list. * * @param h a method for appending lists to the tail of the given nonempty list. * @return a method for appending lists to a nonempty heterogeneous list. */ public static <X, A extends HList<A>, B, C extends HList<C>, H extends HAppend<A, B, C>> HAppend<HCons<X, A>, B, HCons<X, C>> append(final H h) { return new HAppend<>((c, l) -> cons(c.head(), h.append(c.tail(), l))); } } /** * Type-level function application operators. * * @param <F$> The type of the function to apply. * @param <A> The domain of the function. * @param <R> The function's codomain. */ public abstract static class Apply<F$, A, R> { public abstract R apply(F$ f, A a); /** * Function application operator. * * @return an operator that applies a given function to a given argument. */ public static <X, Y> Apply<F<X, Y>, X, Y> f() { return new Apply<F<X, Y>, X, Y>() { public Y apply(final F<X, Y> f, final X x) { return f.f(x); } }; } /** * Identity operator * * @return An operator that returns its second argument no matter which function is being applied. */ public static <X> Apply<Unit, X, X> id() { return new Apply<Unit, X, X>() { public X apply(final Unit f, final X x) { return x; } }; } /** * A function application operator for function composition. * * @param <X> The domain. * @param <Y> The type through which to compose. * @param <Z> The codomain. * @return an operator that composes functions. */ public static <X, Y, Z> Apply<Unit, P2<F<X, Y>, F<Y, Z>>, F<X, Z>> comp() { return new Apply<Unit, P2<F<X, Y>, F<Y, Z>>, F<X, Z>>() { public F<X, Z> apply(final Unit f, final P2<F<X, Y>, F<Y, Z>> fs) { return compose(fs._2(), fs._1()); } }; } /** * An operator for the construction of heterogeneous lists. * * @return an operator that constructs heterogeneous lists. */ public static <E, L extends HList<L>> Apply<Unit, P2<E, L>, HCons<E, L>> cons() { return new Apply<Unit, P2<E, L>, HCons<E, L>>() { public HCons<E, L> apply(final Unit f, final P2<E, L> p) { return HList.cons(p._1(), p._2()); } }; } /** * A function application operator for concatenating heterogeneous lists. * * @param <A> The type of the list to which to append. * @param <B> The type of the list to append. * @param <C> The type of the concatenated list. * @return an operator that concatenates heterogeneous lists. */ public static <A, B, C> Apply<HAppend<A, B, C>, P2<A, B>, C> append() { return new Apply<HAppend<A, B, C>, P2<A, B>, C>() { public C apply(final HAppend<A, B, C> f, final P2<A, B> p) { return f.append(p._1(), p._2()); } }; } } /** * The catamorphism over heterogeneous lists. * * @param <G> The type of the function with which to fold. * @param <V> The type of the value to be substituted for the empty list. * @param <L> The type of the heterogeneous list to be folded. * @param <R> The return type of the fold. */ public static final class HFoldr<G, V, L, R> { private final F3<G, V, L, R> foldRight; private HFoldr(final F3<G, V, L, R> foldRight) { this.foldRight = foldRight; } /** * A fold instance for the empty list. * * @param <G> The type of the function with which to fold. * @param <V> The type of value that this fold returns. * @return a fold instance for the empty list. */ public static <G, V> HFoldr<G, V, HNil, V> hFoldr() { return new HFoldr<>((f, v, hNil) -> v); } /** * A fold instance for a non-empty heterogeneous list * * @param p An operator that applies a function on the head of the list and the fold of its tail. * @param h A fold instance for the tail of the list. * @param <E> The type of the head of the list. * @param <G> The type of function to apply to the head of the list and the fold of its tail. * @param <V> The type of value to substitute for the empty list. * @param <L> The type of the tail of the list. * @param <R> The type of the fold of the tail of the list. * @param <RR> The return type of the fold. * @param <H> The type of the fold instance for the tail of the list. * @param <PP> The type of the given function application operator. * @return A fold instance for a non-empty heterogeneous list. */ public static <E, G, V, L extends HList<L>, R, RR, H extends HFoldr<G, V, L, R>, PP extends Apply<G, P2<E, R>, RR>> HFoldr<G, V, HCons<E, L>, RR> hFoldr(final PP p, final H h) { return new HFoldr<>((f, v, c) -> p.apply(f, P.p(c.head(), h.foldRight(f, v, c.tail())))); } /** * Folds a non-empty heterogeneous list. * * @param f A function with which to fold. * @param v The value to substitute for the empty list. * @param l The heterogeneous list to be folded. * @return a value obtained by folding the given list with the given function. */ public R foldRight(final G f, final V v, final L l) { return foldRight.f(f, v, l); } } /** * The nonempty list */ public static final class HCons<E, L extends HList<L>> extends HList<HCons<E, L>> { private final E e; private final L l; HCons(final E e, final L l) { this.e = e; this.l = l; } public E head() { return e; } public L tail() { return l; } public <X> Apply<Unit, P2<X, HCons<E, L>>, HCons<X, HCons<E, L>>> extender() { return Apply.cons(); } public <X> HCons<X, HCons<E, L>> extend(final X e) { return cons(e, this); } } /** * The empty list */ public static final class HNil extends HList<HNil> { private static final HNil nil = new HNil(); private HNil() { } public <E> HCons<E, HNil> extend(final E e) { return cons(e, this); } public <E> Apply<Unit, P2<E, HNil>, HCons<E, HNil>> extender() { return Apply.cons(); } } }